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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Jul 1967, p. 1

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BaflIey, Mms D Jan 3, 67 9-ear-OIdSt rO TI Nine-year-old Nancy Ann Dick- -Inson. won, the heaurts of oves- fous- hundred who were in at- ,,endance at the Centenniai Tal- ent night heid Tuesday night. Without an* exception everyone wa thriilecl to her playing of the Hammond organ on four, dif- ferent occasions on the program.' Her ability amazeci the audience whist her musical numbiers, al weii known, were a deiignt and thrÉili to hear. Not -oniy was gh e cute in ber chld'hood but she pos- VO(-LUME 30, NUMBER Z6 sessed a recognizabie talent and becaine the favourite of the show. The Talent Night was the big kick-off for the week of Ceniten- niai celebrations in Osono and its success was' exps-essed by a most receptive audience during a varied progs-am of song, dance and 9pecial acts. The, program lasted f or a full three hours but no one left which rmust attest to the sucees_, of the show. The prelude to the show was psovided by Mrs. G. Bs-own play- ing lier shythimic Honki-Tonk pi- ano. Other special attractionHs not incompetition were the Accourgt- acords, a female foursome vocal group, providing songs in close harmony, a deliglit to hear, as well as a modemn touch by a gr oup of young musicians known as "The Jades of Destiny." , The talent show itself, although prominent with country and west- ern msecdid 'have a good vasiety of numbers ln dancing, baton twirling, mouth organ numbers, IV ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, .IULY th, 1967 comedy aot and yodelling. This aiong with Ithe special attractions provided a fuil night of entertain- ment. Fifteen different acts were in competition and were as follows: 1. Boys Trio, D. Fors-ester, J. Partner, L. Gifford. 2. Piano Accordion Solo, N. AI- lin. 3. Country and Western, Wilna MacCauley, accompaitied by Faye Adamîý1, 4. Dance Routine, Susan Stark, Patsy Murphy.ý 5. Country and Western vocal, J. Bothwell. 6. Country and Western inEiru- A Knock merital, J. Bothwell, M. Kirkton, P. Bothiwell. 7. Mouth Os-gan Medley, A. (Jake) Jakemnan. à. Country and Western, Betty Lous Gilbank and. Faye Adane 9. Country and Western solo, H-. Badour. 10. ('omedy Monologue, Mrsg. R. Murpliy. 11. Funny Fiddle-, P., MeCor- mick.. 12. Baton Routine, Patsy Blake 13. Duet, Mary Green and Bill DX ,kins on. 14. Dance Routine, Cathy, Bn- stow and Candy Malcolm .1 15. Yodelling, Elaîne Mercer. Out Interes? In Books lInc7reases The Clar-ke Public Libras-y Board met on Monday evening 'when they reeeived the Librari- an's report in whici t was stated that boan of books in June' of 1967, 932, iad surpassed the 1966 fig- lure of 791.* Placed onoicder were book5 costing in an amounit of $500.00. ftus amount $40.00 is for papes- bakboorks which are to be tried ,or sorne cases in-the Libasy. Ms. Robinson wio recently at- tcnded a Library conference lin Belleville. reposted that under certain cireumstanees it was aeetmecl desirabie to purchase paperback books. 0f sixteen that had been donated to the Carke iÀbras-y ail were now out on loan. The Board approved tie, pur- e,-hase of fusther book shelves to .accommnodate the new additions to the Libs-asy. It was ais-oopps-oved by the'Board that notice cards wili fist be sent, out to reader& wvbo have overdue books. Cards are ýto lie sent eout when books as-e ten day o ves-due. ,A display of, libras-y books is te, be set up for this coming Sat- widay for the Shopper's' Mail. The di'ýplay is to be manned and book mirsks are to he hand.ed out to those intcs-ested. It will also be possible to take, out a member- ahip at thebootli and obtafi, othcr information. pertaining to the Clar-ke Library. Considerption, is to be given by the Board to set up a page systemn of higi schooi and urper public sechool stuclents to assist with ithe work at the libras-y during peak periods of rcading. The pages wouid file books durîng tiese pevik seading perfiods and dueing the open hours of the iibras-y., Ms-e. Robinson also informed the Board that it liad been proposed at tice recent conference that Li- brary Boards place discawrded books up for sale for a small amount of money, 10 centsj. Not Over Yet .More To Corne It continuej toniglit, Friday, Saturday and Sunday... So far the activities have been beyonci expectation. The talent night on Tuesday night was marked with successq as was the Beef Bar B-Q on Wed- neday nigh't when over 700 were feed at the park. Thursday Night Oid Time Fiddier's~ Contest and Western Show, Arena. Friday Night Centenniai Bail, Asena. Saturday. Shopper's Mail. Antique Fis-e Englue parade. Sur-day A:ým Display, Band Concert at 2:00. Church Service at 3:0 0 at the Orono Park., Trap Shooting con tes~t at Or- ono Fieli and Hutnt range at Enterprise stas-tin*g 9:00 a.m. Miss Nancy Ana Dickinson i& sliown above playing the Ham,~ moaýd organ on which s-ha tlisilled, her audience Tuesday evening at, thc Os-ono Rink. Master of ces-e- monies Stirling Mather is shown, in tic backgs-ounld. 320 Taking Swimoming Lassonfs At Orono Pool The OranaLt~.VC - rk n-q ->bip mn iann cCom itteehmçhafhplp,. h Annou ce of activity on Monday morning' with ýthe swimming' pool being the centre of activity. It was opening day for tic annual swim- --king classes sponsorei, by the ronlo Swimming Club. Tire hunhdred and twenty chilIs-en have' been enroieled in the classes which will rua each morniag dur-- .rtg the moath of July. tic. noon bous- until almost 2:00 oklock. The -largest ens-olmeait is ln the tadpole or non-sximmer,9 group. Classes are open for tad- pole s, beginners, juniors., inter- mediates, seniors and also for a number jtaking their bronze bar. Ms-rs. Shirley Rcyaoldî- of Ham p- ton is in charge of' the instrue- Giasess begin at 8.30 in the tions being asssisted by a numbes- vanced junior aýwimmers. This pi ogs-am in Orono contin- ues to be most po.,ular during the month of July and chidren from the wliole aTea as weii as* fs-om point-q such as Bowmanvjlle take past in the progs-am. Many are 'startir g at the cge of ths-ee and four yecrs. Tests are ield. at the en d of the course undes- the jusisdiction of -the Red Cros&. CentnniI Sh IWiners Prizes will, be psesented on Friday aftcmnoon, July 7th at 2:30 p.m. la the Townah4ip of Clarke Office to the prize winaers in thie CIanke Township Public ScliooI Competition luinDrawin-g, Poster antI Essay. Winnerg. Thc following as-e the winnes-s: ESSAY- Ist, Evelene Br-own, Orono; 2nd, Bsian Greenwood, Kendai; 3rd, Dawn Bers-yý Leskard; 4th, Carol Lovekia, Lockart. Ilonous-able Mention: Clisi Jorgenson andI Lenora Richard- son of Lockhart andI Karen Low- es-y of Kis-by School., POSTE R: Grades 4, 5, 6- lst, Gary Kavanaugli, KIs-by; 2nd, Bsian Black, Os-ono; 3rd, Johnny Cathcas-t, Kendal. DRAWING:" Grades- 1, 2, 3- icI, Janet HIostege, Newton- ville; 2nd, Ken Hutton, Orono; 3rd, Judy West, Os-ono. Theprize winning posters and dkiawings as-e ehfibitetid lathe former Antique Siop Window. The other enîries may also be Baindsrnen Wanted The Os-ono Band as-e again con- sidesing holding summner class- e for beginning bandsmen, both boys os- girls. Anyone wishing to join the summer ciass as-e now asked to contact either Messr&. Cafrman Cosnish, Boy Fors-ester' os- William Aluin as goon as pop- sible. As it aI least itakes ten to make a clasts feasible the holding of the class will depentI on the erl ment. Ms-. A. Dardh will inss-ucîtich class and mogt instruments as-e available for playing. If you as-e intes-ested la playing a musical instrument in the Jun- ior Band il la now lime to enrol. seen liese except for a few wiich are bieing tssed ito publicize events. Essays are on display in the Clas-ke Townohip Library. Tap pacrsWin At Talent Show W*in-ner,,a at tic TueŽsaay ~ C Malcolm on tie r't L im McCauiey of Osono, Tlnt show as-e shown following se-e tic top winnes-a4 wilh theis- soni i mdi.Slin thîe presentalion of awards. ,lance routine, icti of tic Janet-, srMC, is ishown la ils sts-p- Ccithy Bistowl, on the icft ard vil area. Second place w7-inne-IcIvIt sadtraw liat. A committee of judges 'from Petes-borough radio station gave top honous-s to a duo dance team who during their act ex- presiseci enithiue4asm i and show- manship. This becamne most not- ioabie ii tiey cili911-ted itheis- audience with the eves- popular Charleston. The duo team was Misses Catliy Brsiaow and Candy Malcolm of tic Janetville as-ea. Ia second place Misfý Wilma Mc- Cauiey of Orono, was chosen for her vocal solo. -Miss MacCauley was accompanied by Ms-. Faye Ad- ams on the gulas-. Tic winning contestants s-e- ceived the!irs- cee awards fs-om the master' of ces-emonies for lie ev- ening, Ms-. S. Maties-. Mr. Mather who promoted the event on behaîf of tic ýOrono Ath- letic Association wae well pleas- ed willi tic evening antI wilth tie audience wio were ln attendance at lhe -show. Proceeds from tic show will ass'lstinl helping to pay off the debt incurs-etI by tic installation of tic artifielal ice in tic Orono asena. Talent Show Awarcl Winners

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