Otto.wu Report Russei C.lloney, M.P., Durhamu Two Conttees on which I serve have been in the newg this week. Firstly, ithe Minisiber of Jugtice, The Honourable Pierre Elliott Trudeau announced that lie would recommend legislation to the government which would maike it. compulsory fer a driver to submnit to a breathalizer test to determine the alcohol contentý of bis blood, when requested toi do so by a law enforcemenit offic- er. The legisiation wiIl p.robably, albni establish a new offence vin- der the Criminal Code.. The new offence would declare that it is unlawful to operate a motor veh- icle il the alcoholic content of the blond is above a certain ýstated level. The matter of the increasingi deat'h and injuLry on our high- ways wasn the subjeet -of a lengthy study in 1966 and the early part of 1967 by the Legal and Justice Committee of the Hpuse of Com- rIons. One aspect of this ýstudy was automobile safety and an- other aspect was tbat of the crinking driver. 1 entered on that Coîmmittee .tudy. believing that it would bc an4 unjustifiable infringement on the civil rights of the individual to force hlm to ;submit to, a blood test, or ýto find hlm guilty of an offenc e. unlessq the prosecution could establish a causal relation ship betLween the amount 'of al- cohol consýumed and an impair- ment in the driving ability. After hearing the iengthy ev- idence, as were my colleagues,j thet the increasing number of Canadians killed and maimed by drinking drivers wag suclh that it overrode the objections of an in- fringement of civil liberties. The Committee so recommended and as the Minister of Justice indi- cated this week, the report wiill shortly become law. The second Committee to- re- ceive attention this week wa5 the Special Joint Senate andi House of Commons Committee on Divorceý Reform. This Committee sat forý over a year and heard briefý from almost il religious denom-! mnations in'Canada and intere stei groups such as ýthe Canadian Med- ical Association, the Canadian Bar Association and many othçrs4. The Committee Report, wbich the Prime Minister indicated would ho deait with by Parlia- ment later ithis year makes ,)weeping chdnges ýto liberate our divorce laws. You have already read the details and I need not repeat them here. The mendations are based on the un- animous evidence to the Com- mittee. T he only difference in the evi- denee was a matter of degree. No opposeti divorce reform. Some would have liberalizeti the law more than others. Strong, powerful briefs arguing the case for very liberalized divorce laws were reviewed from the United Churc'h of Canada andi the Angli- can Church. The brief from the Roman Catholie Church la effeet ,aid that it would confine its jur isdiction to spiritual matter n would not interfere in secular af- thTv f other faiths ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIKURSDAY, JULY 6th, 1967 CENTENNIAL SELLABRATI11ýl.e VALUES AT TRýEi S ORONO, ONTARIO Dt,,jn't Miss Tlhis Once In JLY PHONE 983-5207 100 Years Sale McCLARY-EASY REFRIGERATOR 2d>,99,95 14 Cubic foot Regular $449.50) LAWN CHAIR $6.99 Regular $9.99 Tumbler Set 29c 3 piece, regular 69c. ELECTRIC Fence Battery $3,95 Regular $5.75 Value ALUMINUM Bakewa re 29c eu, 15 Varieties 6 Posiion CAMP COT .. $9.98 SLEEPING BAG $9 PLASTIC PAILS .49c PAINT ROLLER SET 99c CENTENNIAL PAINT'SALE EXTERIOR PRIMER EXTERIOR GLOSS EXTERIOR LATEX. $6.59 Pgai Reg. $8.50O Value SILEX AUTOMATIC ûTSTER Regular $17.00 TV TABLEi SET $9, 99 RZegular $1ý3.95 Regular $115.35 THE AL.L NEW Hditchi.nnhi Superba VariCycle convertible-portable dishwasher Model KDÉ-55 M Portable now; converts quickly to a buit-in M Front-ioading convenienco a Big, versatile capacity takes everything M 'z thick maple top a Guide Bar and large casiers for easy mobility aNew 4-Way Wash-no hand S:rinsing' MNew Flo-Thru Drying gets S dishes bone dry *â Automatic Rinse Agent Dispenser *É Automatic Power.Cord Reel a 4 push b4tton cycles featuring'SaniCycle IDonvi be switched from the best. A factôry representative from KITCHENAID will be in attendaince Friday evening and Satiirday A5K FOR FREE DEMONSTRATION No Obligation SATURDAY ONLY 'HOO VER Washer-Spin Dryer $175.00 Regular 229.95 ALUMINUM Combination Doors $24.95 Regular $29.50 Electroh,.me Air Conditioner $175.00 Cools; 300 square feet, 18" Lawn B-iy Regular $85.00 y 4 D AWS PRIZES,