/1 ORONO WEEKLY TIES, THUERSDAY, JULY 6th, 1967 Heath unit (Continuedl from page 2) b wee reoredduring thie year. Tol ofthese were chiildsen. AI- thouýig'h six of thie ca, -es were adt- ive, none was required to enter saniturium. In conjunrc4ion with the mass sur vey, persons over school age wei(e offered a tesîttfor diabetes. As Pa resuit, 42 Jnew casesý and 15 pruumtiecaseîj were found, and placedi under the supervsion of 'leir farnhly docto. As of Dec. 31, 1966, Il inursing homs, ith294 beds, were oper- min ti thehealth uniit area. A total of 100 inspections were miade. duvted, 242,, or 4.4 per cent - mdi- cated a hearltng loss. Time vpent by the public health nuirses in.crease'd. The number of families visited also increaged. The visits made to provide nurs-' ing care decreased slightly. Pre-natal classes were conduct- ed in four main centres, with in- struction being provided for 146. 0f t he ,5,505 hearing tests con- Thé public health inspection ctaff conducteil a survey in th~ Village of Orono to determine the need for a municipal sewage system. The need for municipal sewage systems, in Newcastle, Millbrookand Hastings is becom- ing more obvious, -the report raid, due to the population growth. It was noted that only 41 of the 168 singleroom schools in ex- istence in 1953 are now in 'mie. It was also reportedt izing plants werei the two counties number operating creaved to eight. that 18 pasteur- in operation i in 1945. Tlii in 1966 de- Meat inspection was anothier phase of the health unit work. înspected, and of these 117 aar- During 1966, 10,905 animais wereL- casses and 187 portions were con)- demned. MAPLE LEAF or BURNS SKfNLESS SHORT SHANK, READY TO EAT SMOKE D WHOLE M APLE L E A F SWIFTS SMOKE READY-TOEAT( PICNIC SHO6ULDERîlb. Orono, Ontarlo