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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Jul 1967, p. 1

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B yMrs. D n 3,6 'CeteAn Activ O. e Cenennalcelebrations in Or- .o centinued on Thursday ýeven- ingý of la 't week when two hun- dred and fifty attended the Old L7ime Friddiler's contest and West- ern show at the Orono Arena. The evening was sponsored by the, Orono Chamber of Commerce as part of the week of Cantan- niaý elebrations in Orono. Mr.Tm Seymourof CHEX ra- dio was theLW master of ceramonie& for th eavening when seven old timie iddlers compted for' the top money. Fiftean fiddlers had entered the contest howevar only cýeven showad up on Thursday last. Mr. Michael Kirkton of Bow- manvilia was judged the best of the grot.p with Mr. Lynal Gervais of Lindsay in second place and Mrs. William Bunting of Oto0no in third place. Following the corn test w estern mu sie wafý pros ided by a, lioup from the Ontaiio County Boys. Total .ize money of $100,0 waj awarded to the winners and expanses for 'the show exceeded ievenue by some,, $57.00J çtates MHarvey Panrt-, president 'of IlOrono Chamber of Commerce CENTE NNIAL BALL Friday evening the Orono Am- abur Athletic A',ociatdonspon- -o ed a Centennial Bail hald in ih Orono, Afeia. Between one hundred and fifty and one' hun- d1ci and seveinty-five wer a pre-, ~to enjoy round and square dancing. A gond number, over thirty, came dressad in apparel of form- er years adding' considerahiy to the success of the evening. This was eEpecially true during the judging of the costume5o when congenial Sterling Mathar, mas- ter of' ceremonieg and good re- placementç4 for Bert Parks, burst forth with song and words of en- couragement. Added. to this was the ýsoft background music pro- vided by, the nire-ielce dance bandi. Glamour and dignity of tha past was cartainly on parade for thieý part of the evening. Music for the evening was do- nated hy'a group of nine and by Mrs. Dr. A. F. McKenzie and Mrs, William Bunting for tha squlare dances. The group of nine werea Mrs. Robert Stephenson, Wayne -Couvier, Carlos Tambïlyni, Car- ma n Cornitsh, James Loviery, Law Deweil and Rick DeweIl of Bowmariviiie, Dick Morton and Pvoy Forrester. Tha Athietic Association çex- pects to clear over $200.00 on this ventura which leý to be applied a- gainst the eost of the artificial ica costs. SHOPPER'S MALL A carnival atmosphera axisted on the Main Street of Orono Sat- urday morning and afiternoion when the Orono marchants group- ed together to hold aà Shopper's 1'4I'., Nearly aIl marchantnlï,i Oyono participated ýin the Mail wit'i those'outside of tiha busineffl area moving into the area for the day. For the occasion, the main street was clo&ed -off fromn Park Street to Centre Street and busi- (Continuad page 6) Co-li"1 f Clarke Sets New Policies It ail happanad on the Orono SStet last. Saturclay when busnesmentook their wareo.- out jon the streat for isalae. Old-timae VOUE30, NUMBER 27ý Ak SfeKepn 0f Rgse A dalagabion of Messes. Robert Chater and Jim Butcklay attended tire Clarke Townshsip Area Sehool Boaàrd maeting on Monday nigirt requesting that a Ragistry Book takan from the Laskard school ha raturnad to tha community. The book was on dispiay at Cana- wood ishop and thay statad was deteriorating due to handling. It is among othar items on dispiay of period school items. Aftar some discuss ion it was decîdad that tha book would ha stored wth other such items in the vault et tira Orono school. The book, lt was ýstated con- tains history of the Laskard pub- lic sehool dting hack over one (Continued on page 4) costumas wara'the ordar of the day. Shown above is Mrs. Wm. Armstrong getting anothar, sala blankaýt while Mrs. l{arry Mercer ORONlO WEEKLY TIMES-,sTUSDY Reeve Roy Fostar is shown with Mr. S. B. Rutherford following the unveiling of a map outlining in her l9th cer.tu'-v drais,ý is do- ing busines~ s Win. Arm- strong Jr. at irs outdoor countar It was fun day for everyone. JULY :::th, 1967 the new, park iand and nature area along the Orono stream. The unveiling took place iast Wednes- At thle racant Townshiip of Clarke council meeting council passad a resolution appointing Mr. Heanry DeWith accountant for the corporation with dutias to commence as of August 1st, '67 Mr. DaWith wîll be accountant both for the Road Dapartmant and the Ganerai ýdepartmant and is to habe responsible to, the clerk- 4e'asurer and road . ouperLjten-, dent. H1e is to davote haif -a day each day to both departmants. A furthar resolution was pas- c4ed in which council set forth that the clerk-ttreasurar shah pre- pare astimates of ail proposed expendtures and revenue and presant sýamc to council at the ba- g iiinniof aach ycar.1He is ais-o toý aivise ccýimnhlbegin- nigSeptmer5X 196, ýoftue tinaciaicondtionof the oror ationand hah ake uch recom- mandatins. ashe daems ,dasirable to enisura a;,dequate ant! continu- ing fin,-ancialýcontrol over currant spanding. .Anothar rasolution of council sets forth that the Road Suparin- tendent of, the- Corporation of the Township of Clarke shahl carry out tha management and admin!F'Itration in accordance with the entire conteùts of "A Guide for Town-,Pip Road Super- intendants." Tha, guide was, pre- parad for municipalities in 1961. Council through rasolution ap- proved the addition of, Somar- ville street to their raquast to the Depart ment of Highwaýyç4 to' have the fifth lina of Clarke dasignat- ad a Davaiopmant road. Thnis ac- tion, was requestad by tha Orono Police Trustees at a praviou& meeting. Mr. E. R. Woodyard met with >Council rapresanting the Orono Police Truisteas at which tîme ha spo ka on a dabantura issue of $25,000.00 for the Orono Hydiro along with ammandmaents to the garbage pick-up by-law. Ha also Graduate Miss Susan C. Quinton, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Quin- ton, Orono succaýssfully* gradua- ted recantiy from the Ontario Sehool of Nursing,, Toronto. yequasted the Township ito etb lish a gata at the westerly , eAm of, the township proparty south LOf the Orono Fair grounds., Requasts for road work an d road drainage from' Messrs. Da- ial Sioan and E. R. Lovekin were referred to the Road and Bridge committee., Accounts ware paid in the fol-, iowing amounts, Genaral $17,719. Welfare $1278.78; Road depant- Continued page 5 ISA Board Approves nlSc lPlans The Ciarke _Township School Board gave approval Monday av- ,ening at ýtheir July meeting on the plans for the Kandal School additin of two cassrcoms, a gen- eral purpose room with stage. The addition has gainad the nýeassýary approvai from the On- tarto Municipal Board and wil now haý sent to the Departmant of Education for thir approval. The motion for the approval wsas made by Mr. Lowery and Mr. J. Stutt. The Board is now iaying plans for thse opening of two further classrooms this Septambar. One elassroom will ha failitatad by the reopening of the Starkvilie school u'ntil such time as theaad- dition is completed in Kandal and- at this itime the ciassroom will ba movd t Kenda. A ýscond rDoom-r is plannied to ho opaned inth general1 purpose roomr atLo- hart schooi on a termporary basis until the new school in Kirby l& compheted. .grrangements ere now baing plannaýd for dividfing the ganarai purposa room and for ito ýfiýnishings. This chass- room wiii ha moved 10 Kirby when the schooi is completed. Mr. Allan Gibson iras baan hired aJ principal of 'the naw Ki rby school. The Board is to mieet with the archîtact -ovar thea plans' of the Kirby sehool on AugusIt 9th. THREE TEACHERS NEEDED There is a nead by the Board of thrae teachens, a principal for the Newto.nvilie sehool, a taacher for botir Kendai and the Ki'-by sehools. The vacancy for the Kir- by school -rasulted when Mr. U]p tendered bis resignation byf lat- ter to the Board on Monday night On the placement of teachers in the sechools Mr. Turansky sta- ted tiret thea Board was trying or shouid ha trying t balance off the teaching tef f in tire sehools between akparianced teechars and new teachers. Mrs. Barlow elso said tisat the Board irad to co-op- arabe with the principals of tire orhoois who would ha running the ýschoois. The discussion came fo.rtil whan lt was ,ilated biat one taacher did not wish bo move to ano>thar sahool. It wes pointad oU.t thet this was a dacision of the Board. Mrs. Merley's isalary was up- pead to ha in lina with Mn',. Wan- n-tcott'i for beaching music,$2, paýr ciassroom par yaar. A motion wes passed 'agkîng tirat the fancing et the naw Kirby school ýsite ha compietad within 14 deys, If not the contract 15, to ha canceiiad.' An agreement of guerantaa from Mr. Partner re (CentIned on Page 5) Awerds ard prizas wera pre- sented -to winnars of tira Clarke Cantannial cýompatition in art and drawing h- ast Firady aftarnoon in the Town.ship Hall. Aboya are the winnaas, hottom i tor, Chrisý Jorganison, Ev eane Brown, Gary- Cavanaughb, Jan-et HoIstaga, Judyî Wast, Brian Black, to row, Reeve Foster, Mrs. T. Fairbrother, Dawn Berry, Carol Lovekin, Kar- an Lowary, Miss K. Stewart and Mr. H. E. Milison. Absent were John Cathicart, Lenio.ýa Richard- son, Brian ree odand Ken Hutton. Ne Park 'fiCally pene

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