ORONO WEEKLY TIMlES, TN.UKSDAY, JULY 13th, 1961 OROuNO WEEKLY TIMES (-At4Orzed as Second Clasa mail, Post Office Depaitnent, Publâshed every '1bursday at the ofi>ice oi publicatcW, Main Stre&tý Pâone 109, Orono, Cnario Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager A Good Week For those who took part in the -Centennial celebra- tions in Orono last week it could ie. termied nothing other than successful. Many highiglits couid be mentioneil but the degree dues somewhat vary with the individlual. Visitors Io Grono had the opportunity of meeting aid friends who were out in support of at ieast on e of the events. Many didn't miîss a nighit and joined ini the spirit of the celebrations for the entire week. For -themi the week wag tremendous and joyous for they had cauglit the spirit of the Centenniai celebration. A word of appreciation must be expressed to al ~tlise who gave of their talent and time tu, make the past week a memarabie one. Flash In The P-an'? Dr. Morton Shuiman had better have a lot of evi- idence up his *,sleeve to prove his accusalianq, if he is nt ta, wînd up as Ontario's chief iaughing stock. The former Metropolitan Toronto coroner, who resigned in a fiýurry of indignation a few months aga, claiming that the Ontario government was suppressin*g embarrassing, investigations whieh 'shouid have ýbeen -undertaken in the public înterest, lias 110W abandoned the hearingeý of the royal commission set up ta invesýtîgate lis charges. As4 repa'rted in the Toronto press, Dr. Shulman has been toying witli the investigation, ciaiming lie must have a iawyer but neglecting ito hire anc in the two months he lias had tu, do so, and generally making a foal of himseif. When lis resignatian and lis accusations first burst upon the public, it appeared iikeiy there wasa great deai, if not of chicanery, ai ieast of admiration sllih, that Dr. Shtilman's stand miglit help* the pubic ta, correct, It now appears ýevery ýday less 'likely that lie has anything worthwhule ta contribute. When lie resigned in sucli fiery fashion, there were rumblings ta the effect.that his accusations would rock the Robarts gavernment ta its ,faundations. Uniess lie is withholdJing lhis inforimation -now su, that he can uIse it when the-election is calied, ilt wouid appear that anything lie lias ta say would hardiy endanger the job of a junior civil servant, ]et alonte a cabinet iniister. .Not every disgruntled office-hoider .has a ruyal comi- mission iappainted ta in.vestigate lis accusations when le, resigils from li is paost. Dr. Shulman has anexceptionai 'Op- purtunity to du something important for the welfare ai *the people of Ontario, if lie reaily lias tlie evidence lie pays lie lias, If lie lasn't, lie would be better sulent, because in that case lie will have been praved to have been "ful of sound and fury, signifying nothing." -The Port Hope Guide Initiative Needed During the past year Orono Hydro lias been strippcd uf its staff and same service tu a point where at tlie pres- ent ice il aperates on an emergency service anly. Sucli a situation can not continue too long before tlie system begins to mil back bath in service and capabillty in giving service. The staff lias been reduced from a linesman, man- ager and office lielp ta a part-time manager and office help. Undrer this condition improvement can liardly be a fact for -Oronu Hydro, but rallier une of deterioration. It is known that il is not the easiest ta lire campet- ent staff but the Commission must, exercise initative ta sece that hydro in the înterest of service in Orano is proper- ly istaffed. They have lad a full six monîli periad ta, obtain management and upon advertîsing did have aver teti appli- cations. The lack of dispatch in handling tlie applications couud have lost lliem a goad manager. An autstanding man is certainly interested in the canduct and initiative af lis employer. There lias been no effort made in hiring a lunes- man. Within the year .île Commission las drapped the rentai 'hot water scleme even in the face of campetilion irom gas and even thaugli it is a self-supporting sdlieme lt was initiated tai cut down expenses. This, lowever,' con- ;ilicts wth a further palicy started by the Commission ta instal ail new and changed bause services ýta undergraund. A paiicy of cast ta the system with no increase in revenue. The thinking behind these two policies is in opposite dir- ections. The Commission lias a!so been reluclant. ta pravide funds for capital expansion and imprax ement and iast year stated lIerc wouid be no debentures. Tîcre mlanager, Mr- E. Dent,, pointed out that it wQuld be necessary ta issue furîther debentures and it was not until late May ai this a ~council 'are: Morrow Parkt (a) To make education a na- tional prîority. (b) Enable the Minister9 ai Education ta carry out thieir re- Resuits sponsibilities for interprovinciai co-operalion in thc fields of cdu- Gerad Rbinon ooka frstcational planning and develop- p lacRfiish on Salurda niitment, exclange ai re9eardl inla thae Peterborougli traeswnie 1at formatian, educational television thePetrbooug raes henheleadher exdliange and economie drove Stepping Bihla the fifth studies relating ta education. race ai thc nigît. The win paid il sanîiatdthtteon $14.90. 1I c i e or ally eabuie Stepping Bill is owned by M.cat a me engof thye Msters ine Broak!5 of Uxbridge. 'aR eginaing Sfpte mer. e i Ia other races Jack Williams RCgnaas i Sete'mylu Idutr drove the Guest harse Liz Sang Paaas is Fl nkndsra ta a sixtl place finisli. Junior Pr Wes fiishd ievnthwit Bal- The purdlinse ai thc former est ina isliednsevnl withoBail-RCAF station at Centralia by tlie 1erna ickan ginoun hoseOntanlu Government introduces ielî West finished fii Il witl for tle firsî ltime la, Canada a Minar B, a horse owned hy J. VIY la' iadustria park. Moore ai Peterborougli. The Park situated 25 miles In the seventli race Gerald nrl of London on tle fringe af Robinson place third witl King Onlteio's main industrial corri- ai Diamndnds, owned by Griliben, dor will pravide: Uxbridge. ()sm COjb ihapy Fred Lycett's Royal Duke fia- r(a),cae CtI jobs wtinapaf i9lcd faurtli in thc cightll race rail,00e0.000.praioaia witl A. Downes driving. ' (b)80 bidig0o00.os ie Gerald Robinson finished îourtî b8 ulig a aiu ie with Famaus Pick la 1heîle int ranging from 7 main buildings Jack illims wtl R~ppyMafcai ome 40,000. square feet ta in- placed fourîli in île finnial ad dustnial and office areas ai 10000( fast4est race aif lic ige t gin squarefu el or iess. 2:10 over the slow Peterboroughi aval. 11 Report, by AlexCautes M.P.P. There have been a number ai signficant developments since adjournment of the Ontarlo Leg-, isâature, develupments bath ia- side and outside Queen'is Park, an([ developmlemts ilat will make an Important imipact on the g r owý, thi and future pattern of Ontarloý saciety. iCanadfian Counei1 of Education - Miisters On June 2th, the Ministers ai Educvation. of tIc Provinces, aI tîcýir meeting !i Toronto, agrecd tu the principle of establishing a Canadian Council ai Minîsters of Education isubjecit ta ratifica- tion by tlie Provincial Govern- ments. The meeting fallowed an attempt by five ministers ta meet witli Federal Manpawer Minister Jean Marchand to dislcuss probiems re- lated tu the new Federal Provin- cial Agreements an manpawer be- j ng prapased, by Ottawa. Tlie- - fusai of Mn. Marcliand mad the Ministers realize that suame form of interprovincial urganizatian was needed. ta make education a national priority. The main, objectives of the Tv Phl owles, - &Son 983-5144 RADIO REPAIR TOWER INSTALLATION JACK I RICÂRD 99 King St., E. BOWMMS VILLE When Btuying or Seling 'caîl WILF HAWK VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Members ai Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board. (c) A large residential area coasis4îng ai some 365 liuusing units availabie ta industry for Ptheir, employees on a rentai ba- (d) Tîree lard surface rua- ways, wlerc thc 'f ly la' execulive can tâxi tu, the door ai anyone of thc major iiduistrial buildings. cResi Home Regulations, On June 2511, Dr. James Band, Deputy Minister ai Social and 1Family Services, announced pro- ,vincial aid designed ta encourage ýmuaicipalites ta enter fic eNur- ýl1sng Home 'Field. Under tle pragram îlheprovin- cial govcrnment will pa y 50%ýt ai thecocst ai construction and 70% ai operating costs for rest home built by the municipalities. The legisiatian is particulariy dcstgned to accommodate senior citizens la need of nursing care at reasonabie cast and is9flot ia amy way an action an îleý part af guvernmen't.ta dispiace private- nursing homes. Another regulation ýunder theý legislation specifies, Ilhat tlose la nursing homes are ta le ailowed at least $15.00 per munilh fromn their pension or welfare cheques for packet maney. We seli NEILSON'S FAMOUS ICE CREAM, GLEN RAE DAIRY PRODUCTS An assortment of Soft Drinks, Cigarettes, Tobaccos, Chocolate Bars, Penny Candy Open Evenings tilt 9 Except Wednesdays Bo uquet Prestige WEDDINC STATIONEFRY * INVITATIONS * REPLY CA1IDS *THIANK-YOU NOTES, *SERVIETTES *MATCHES *PLACE CARDS Orono eklylie Plone 983-5301 Orono r e s