ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TH'URSDAY, JULY 1àth, 1967 (Coatinued from page 1) the new bolIer installation at the Orono, Sehool was not accepted as tihe vork bas neît been completeil The,, management committee i.9 to-meet Ibis Monday te deterarine the location of students 10 the varions schoolq Ibis September. gth Conces sion, R-R 2 Orono, at noon on Sunday. The hinges of the site door bad been broken. with a torcli and pryed open. A 10-incb' chisel, a cutting torcb and two tanks were also found. A 1958 Cbev Station wagon was found in the same area lagt week by police wbo. beleivç it was used f0 haul the safe away. 1SENIOR WEST DURHAM DAIRV 4-H CALF CLUB .8IJA UJ4LU ;slllU1 mifiiiirjM The property and finance coin- our Senior 4-H Dairy Caif Club mittee are to visit the 5(4oOL5lfli met at the home of Mr. Carlos connection with painitng. and William Tamblyn on Wednes- day,, July 6th. Two classes of Considration is bein.g given dairy colis were judgec4* purcbasing tables and chairs' to Mr. 0. Dalrymple, Aigricultural furniisli four classrooms, of which representative, and Mr. T. R. two would be in Orono and one Suitherland, assistant repkresenta- in the temporary roomi at Lock- tive, assisted the club leaders in harts. taking reason.- Mr. Wm. Tamblyn Mr. Francis Jose and Mr. Kari The new chairs and tables wîîî l{eeringa are the leaders. - allow giouping for group study. Mr. Daîrymple showed pictures It was pointed out that they do to ithe club on haying procedures. cost more with a *et being worth The three lubg separated for around $22.00. business. Brian Krnèx, president of the senior club called the Tii serzýaryisto rovde hemeeting to order. Elizabeth Kel- Ba( 7T h he crear i proiethre Iogg, gecretary touk the roll cali ord hthe fi na ixmncialpftuhe and, read the minutes. foar ah st o a osionbsof. he Mr. Paul Winslow thanked the yearas oonas pssile.Tamblyns for receiving them so Mrs'Balo . haiedthe met-kindly at their farm. The next Mrs.Barow haird te met-meeting will be at 'the Hoîstein; ing in the absence of the chair- Twilight meeting, on July 1&1h man, Mr. L. Greenwood. at the home of Mr. C. Nichols. $$$ $ $ $ $ $$$$ ATTENTION FARMERSJ WIIY IPAY MORE? - __ON PREM-1UMý, QUALITY' SFARM TANKS and PUMPS AVAILABLE -e SCALL COLLECT _ WIIITBY 668-3341 DX OIL 0CMý p A NY UNITED --HURCH Oron, Pasteral Charge Minister Bey, B. E. Long SUNDAY, JULY l6th,, 1967 Orono- Sunday School at 10:00. Morning Service at 1115 Kirby- Moridng Service at 9:4î Sunday Sehee at 11:00 Leskard-- Sunday sahol at 9:46 ~e i' le vii w 1ewere! ýCO 0ATTEND 12TEHI A ý. Awm'ha-; , Grade VIII, IN OSHTAWA ç î.honoui ýna S10=lis Xl oreth an 80 ILolges av! 35 u. îg, coyC.ae 1, 1sýbands marched Jo the I2US n &a L O1 J;iJ parjade ]last aturday j- b . . o iner ,oi -Oerow oe. ýct o kw.An e;Unrated -iS crowd o 10,000 wao ouo hard tu Q: ~ ~ ' eviiednO oandi at- e- .fepaae terdSI11 J e e 'Fa becue z thewh aae Oromo Park. W. W. Brady, chaisman ut 'w- ents, said tbis wa the firý Or- Mr.'.and sien SNa-iofci Uc ange Parade taged in -jsv~ borne ar e xisoi7g éti rc a ( iice 1961.. île added fut n in Orona and atanc>d Ce <e" 1981 parade exceeded tLii - week in Orono. in size. KenalNes ~ iCAMBER, MEETING LOCAL NEWS Ken'dul New T.ie,, OronoChamber of Com- merce beld their regular month- Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Black Mr. Wayne Oaks, Private lst jiy meeting at th-e New Dutcb 0v- and family attended the funeral class, of Fort Campbell, Kentucky en Re3taurant on Mozsnday even-e h atr ahr r ife Ws viîiting Mr. andý Mrs. Keith 119ýiU xtn en p:;c_3ï. Ea:zon z,_ Norwood on Wednes- Wood, Mr., and Mrs. Wm.-Hîoy, The treasurer reported a bank day Mr. and Mrs. Len Iloy and bis balance of $7à2.00 prior 10o pa y- grandfather, Mr. James Hoy for Îr, il.s aItne July meetingl Miss Judy Stobar-t,, formerly of ten days. which totalled some $143.31. Newcastle, England, is visiting it was pointed (oIlt tat tise wîth Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton, Conraulaîos t M. ad hopper's Mail had more than prior to taking up residence in Mrs.Ralb Geenood on he ais for itself with a er-nall bal- l'Toronto. Missi Stobart 'is the bît fasýn uyShabohraruce existing- aýaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack frbrir fan, uly stbna bouthe On motion a letter of thanks is Stoba-t of Newcasstle, England- 8mLai Hosp1.al, ToronLo, taking to be sent to Mr. Sterling Mather Mr. and Mrs. Winston Bvirford treatnment for, a couple o 1f weeks. and a -complimentary membes-- and daughter Christine of Peter-1 -1p for ni wok during thse borcughi viited wilb Mr. and Mrss Tenlades'oftheKenýalWo-Centennial week in Orono. Much Robert Black and family on Sun-! Ten adis o theKenal o ,of the success cao be attributed day. mens Institute went, camping t0 te bis enthusiagm. Lake -Cbemong on Tuesilay and' Mr. Partner, president of the There is need of more memberL Wednesday of Ibis week.Ch be, utidteouc e for the summer band classes. At of thie Old Time Fiddler's contes present ~îshaeiictdty stating ithat the event ran in the intended ta taking lessons in red by same $5700. playing a musical instrument. In- Montbly prize winners of $5.. structions by Mr. A. Darch. Con- we Mr. BruceTennant and Mvrs. tact elîber Carman Cornisb, Wm. -e n Velm Armsrong.Allia. or Roy Forrester w i th in To nhi etig~ maAmtrn.the next few dy.Aut cet (Continued from'page 4) d FIND SAFE IN ir. Goodwin witb his Senior mnent' $26,060.24 and the Orono'LESKARI> AREAj Sunday Schaol class along, witb Poliice Trustees $2,036.32. A safe found in a ditc Suayil Mr. and i Mrs. .Bac n fam is beleived ta be the one stolen iBly andMr and MilPtrs. Winsth Rodclosîng procedlure wag, last week from Live Bail Com- Bufr1n ailPtroog star~d or ertan prtins o a anywbic cotaied $,45 ~ pent Sunday at the Black's sum- sta,:t(1týorýerainparion, o .a pny hic. cntaned$1,50 n mer cottage ai Pigeon Lake. number- of roads in the Townsbip American currency and ab~outi being inî the following areas; lots $300 in payroll money. Congratulations te Miss Jean, U andî, Con. 1; lots 14 and 15,1 Tweaty-one :empty pay envel- Webb, Newcatle R.R. 2, and Mr- Con!-. 5; lots 6 and 7, Coni. 6; and opes we ee found in the isafe whicb Claude Ilarn ess,, Port Hope, on at lots 34,35 and 30, 31 and 6, 7 was discovered 200 yards from their marriage Saturday afiter- in Con, 2 and a portion in tie 9th the place wbýere a ýstolen station noon at the Orono United Church and 101hi concession of the Town- wagon was found. Pupis of Mrc. M. Hl. Staples, sbip. Oscar Skelding, 74, an- Orono who were successful in the rcn area farmer, found the saf e la a Piano and Tbeory examinations1 ditcb. on the gouth, side of the !Of the1 Royal Con servatory of Mrs. Gladys Gambey and Mrs.1 bargans and vi4ting friends at Gordon Watson are, above ln their 1 the Shopper's Maîl last Saturday old-time costumes viewîng the ýaiternoon. SUMMLEeR CLEAJIrANCIý,E Ladies' Dresses' 25 percent Reduction in the Pflce of any !of the balance of our Ladies', Spring and'Summer Dresses. AnroforLadiÎes' Hats Amrof urLadies' Summer Ilats'at 1/3 OFF the Regular prîce. Ladies' Ha,---ndbags 25 percent OFF'the Regular Pr7,ice of any of our Sunimer Handbags. A RMkoo...oà-..o.ooeooae3ooooo.OGeoo.f 1 lt was a big da - for this, group jEnjoying ýt e festivitieq areMr-. at the Mail dre'.sýed in best one and Mrs. Jack Mercer ýand M. - could afford a few years ago ev- and Mrs- lHarvey Partnler. en, t mustaches and sidebun5s.