ORIONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUIIX, JULY3th, 1967, rnmmH, ADjrLI C encrai ýl. 1INSURANCE SEE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST, ORONO Phonie 9n356Y32 Res. 983-5142 JACK REID Orono's Liceused Auctio neer and Valuatoi Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates PHONE oRONO 983-5914 momeinntsad Fam ily M morials Our quality and service leaves nothig to be desired Aàk the person who bought from us, a neig-hbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GlAiNITE- COMPANT 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE -jLargest LDisp1ay in Southera Ontario" and Cycle Orono Phone 988-5343 MeCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS ,CHAIN SAWS liepalrs to ailakes oef Lawu Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Eugines OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY PUMPING OUT sEPTIC TANKS WHITE WASRING STABLES Bert TomnpIilS > Phone 786-2552 Building A New Home? or Remodeilhlg? Cail JOE BECKER 983-5713 Orono LYCETTg Plumbing &Hedg PHONE 9350 * j rono,Onai WFRANK g aBEAL ESTATE LIMITED G 21 KING ST. WEST ' 0j Bowmanville 623-3393 0 P Toronto 923-917~4 0 fPort Hope Office- '98 Walton St. 885-4548 0 g FREE APPRAISALS g GExclusive Agent for fl J. OCHONSKI' 0 CONSTRUCTION g 3-Bedroom Bungalows ' gPriced from $15,375-00 o [j on lots' 75x2O0 - 0 0Orono Area Representative ' g ROY FOSTER o g Kendal - Phone 983-5801g (A large selecion of Farms, [ oHomes, Lots, Retreat Pro-o S perties in this area g Electrical Contracting Electric lleating and Service il IPHONE 983-5546, or 983-5940 - Orono, Ontario OfROàNuO ELECTRIC- Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL, CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR - GUARANTEED SERVICE- ~Hamitons- Insurance 0 Service oAUto, fi Package Policles [ Fitlelty Bond, FOR SALE1 19 f oot Shamrock Trailer- com- plete with propane refrigerator, washroom and electric brakes. A McLaren, phone 983-5935 CAR FOR SALE 1957 Fordý new tires, recondi- tioned 9ngine. Apply third house on ýthe ninth concession at the junction of Hlighways 35 and 115 GIVE AWAV FREE To a good home, beautiful marked puppies. Wonderful pets for children. Phone 983-5668, a-cl LIBERAL PICNIC Waltoua Park NEWCAISTLE' Saturday afternoon, July 29th Evcrybody welcome STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE Strawberrie's for Sale. No bus- miness on Sundays. SK. Reit.sa, R.R . 2 , Oroo. Phonoe8-58.d-27-c COMING EVENT Oddfellows, Rebekahý, and tiheir familles are inviited to a picnie at Orono Park, Sunday, Jtdy 16th commencing at 2:00 o'clock. Come and bring your lunch. Supper at CAIiD 0F TH-ANK,ýS I' wih to express my iner thanks. for thL- message of sm pathy andci acts of kiridnes4- shown to me during my recent bereave, ment. SincereIy, Mrs. llerbert Duvail. ___________________IN MEMORIAM In memory of Joe Eastabrook ENGAGEMENT who passed away on -July 11, 1966 i Mr. and Mrs. James Quinton, The blow was great, the shock Orono, announce the engagement severe of their daughter, Susan Chris- We lugte thouglit the end was I ine, to Mr. Gordon Po-,te, son of near, ?Jir. and MI!s. R. Poste, Bowman- And only those who have lost 1ville. a-p can fell The pain of parting without farcwell. More each day we miss you, Joey tBUS TRIP Friends may ýthinks the wound A motor bustrip to Wheeling, But the litekodteso West Virginia Jamboree Civie Btte ite nwtesro Holiday Week-end, Augus4 4t That lies within our hearts, to 6th. For information, contact concealed Sadly missed by mother, father, your local Travel Agent for Bur- sister n rtes- ley Bus Lines, 723-7171. 29-ceers__and__________________ WN MEMORIAM NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM NORMVAN PORTER late of tbe Township of Clarke in the County of Durham, retired, deceased: 1A 'O SLE[AIl persons havîng claims a-* ýý'iY OR SALEgainst fhec estato of ithe said Wil- flay for sale, eut and raked. im Norman Porter, who died on Bale your own at m25e a bale, or about the lSth day of Decem- Phone 983-5489.) c-27-p ber, 1966, are hcreby notified fo ______________send f0 ithe undersigned Solicitor on or before the 1st day of Au- FO0-R -SALE gust, 1967, their names and ad- New two bedro*om stone brick dresses and full partieuiars4 of their dlaim andthe nature of the veneer Bungalow, Lot 75' by 200. scrfe i n)hi yfe Last year price $15,500. Roïason- deuy vier ifed y tatutory tdelr ablo down payment. uyvrfe y4toydel- SCail J. Ochonskî Construction: ation. Phone 983-5709.t- Immediately after the said lst day of August, 1967, fic assesfs of the, said d.eeeased will be,-dis+ tibuted among the persons en- titled theref o having regard only to the dlaims of whieh the under- .igned Solicitor shall then bave notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this 1 2th day of July, 1967. GERALD CAMPBELL PORTER 1473 Windermere Avenue, Peterboroughi, Ontai WILLIAM MURRAY PORTER Si 29906 John H-auk, Garden Cifty, Michigan Cal Vnir U.S.A. I P] 1 n~J.in . IExecutors RecanialContractor W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Onfarlo, Who seils, inst ails SlctrfrteEeuos qpd Buarantees I CAJRMAN 'LUMBING. AND HEATING tOro no Buildina Phone 983-5207 Orono Fiarst g PLUMBING and HEATING jîf Sales and Servi ce Firs MorgageLoan 24HOUR BURNER SERVICE Mortgag LoansB-A FINANCING Sadi Ha iIto~ iLow Interest Rates j 1Phones: Phone 983-5115 0 Hampton 263-2508 Box 133 Phone 668-35521 I SaffrdBrothers Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Çemetery Memorials Dealers lu Domestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies - Inscriptions Cut and Cemetery Repair Work or remodelling your present une, then contact Floyd, Nicholson. oRONO Contractor 1 Brick - Block - Coacrete Stone Work Carpentry- Cabinet Work Floors -Tile 983-5441 ORONO IF YOU NEED A MASONRY JOB TO BE DONE CALL - OIxfo'ar d BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS Reinhard Scbreiber -, Orono, 983-5626. Will Schmabl - Orono, 9n35606 Specialistsi Fireplaces our dear son and brother, Allan Clare. Martin, who passed away Juiy lSth, 1959. God took hlmm e, 'it was Hils, will. 1 1 But in our hearts we love hîrm 9till. - We often sit and think of him, When we are ail alone For memory is the oniy thing That grief can cail its own. Lovingly remembered by Dad, Mom, Audry and Lorraine. a-p DIED REID, Clarence F. - At the Queensway General Hospital in Toronto on Monday, July 10th, 1967, Clarence F. RIeid, late of 1034 Cavan Street, Port Credif, husband of the late Elma Keat, dcar father o f Ross and Lloyd alsoo survived, by four grand- children, dear brother of Leslie, William, Ada, Mary and the late Sydney. IMr. Reid is resting at fthc Fun- oral Home of Skinner and Middle-' 'brook Ltd., 128 Lakeshore Road, East, Port Credif. Service in the Chapel on Thurs-day at 10:30 a.m. Intermenit Orono Cemetery. DIED At the Memorial Jio5pital ia Bowmanville on Tuesday, JuIy il 1967, Neta Patterson Birch,« on her 79th birthday, wife of the late Robert PattcrsQn and Mil- ton Birch, ýdear mother pf, La- verne and Loreen (Mrs. Ken Bail) bath of Orono and the late Jean (Mrs. 'Everett Stapleton.). Resting at the Barlow Funeral Home, Orono. Service will be from the Funeral Home on Fni- day, July 14th at 2:00 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetcry. Dr. P.I. Maaurtenlse DENTIST Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Centre Office Hours:- 9:00 to 1:00; 2:00 to 6:00 Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 Phone 983-5825 Orono, Phone 983-5808 PAINTING and CARPENTER WORK REMODELLING Interior and Extenior ["e- 4É ý il Rarnaç L Rvum i Il -1