ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, JIULY 13th, 1967 Posts Fifled Two positions in the teacl ing- staff of Onitario-Durham Colege of AppMied Ait.' and Te,' ino y will bc filled hy relatively young men wthwidc xprenein us OnaiDrarn Cllege will ho LitrRobinson, 34, with Arthur Î. Hi.ywood, 36, becoming aoÂss-ý tant chah mail of- business. Mr: Robinson will leave hius post ag chairman of Mechanical Techr.o'cgy nt Eastern Institute of Techno]ogy, Ottawa, to corne ta Oshawa, H1e was born and educa.ted in England, where he received h is, Honors B.Sc. in engineering from University of London in 19.54 and his Diploma in Aero-dynamnies from College of Aeronautics in 1957. He came ta Canada to join A. V. Roe Ltd, but when produc- tion o.f the 'Arrow' îstopped he went into teaching, Mr. Robinoon is author of two books: P-asc Fluid Mechanies' and Mechanies of Materials." Mlr. Haywood has left, a firm of business consultants ta, be- corne the assistant chairman of, the business department. Mr. Haywood wao born and ed- ucated in Toronto, receiving his BA Se. and M. Comm degrees from UJniversity of Toronto. lie is also a member of the Ass1ocia- tion of Professional Engineeýis and the Society of Indlus4rial Arc- couiitants of, Ontarjo. Previous to joining the con- sultant9 firm, Mr. Haywood was a product manager, sales enlgineer and market researchi analyst for large electrical firms. CANEDHMSMAPLE LÀ $ 29 t~ TIN ILocc h1uT rI' CE ER3 BY 1- ,- ýý- 1r,ýý-fOODr L ARGE 24 OZ. SIZE IS IN BU TER NIBLET s SAUCE VALLEY FARMI F R E N C H 'p I EG s> FRIES WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO L [MIT QUAN STRAI ~D JUNIOR PKGS. FOR 4JARS6' CRACKERJi A CKLBF, BLACK DIAMOND YORK PUïE n APRICOT JAM U REG. OR SOFT 12 oz.25%BONu NESTLE'S SPRAZE 69e DEAL VASEUKRE JAR 5f7e PARIERHOUSE COLOURED PARCIIMENT L P RI CES.EFFECTIVE JUL.Y 14, 4& 15 ONLY IGA TASTY POTATO CHIPS DEMPSTER'S 40 OFF MIXED ROLIS' REEVES STANDARD SLICED MUSHROOMS BRUNSWICK ÊN OIL SARDINES 1459~ 312 10 Z. ALL FLAVOURSe* MINUTE. BREAKFAST '65 VALENI JUIC CAUORNI SIZE CALI FORNI A CÀN. NO, LET Tl'UCEIL CALIFORNIA CAN, HO. i CAtITALOUPE, CARDIN"AL PROD)UCE 0F U.S.A. CAM. No. 1 YORK RÀSPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY p Lý.24 OZ. TIN COLONIAL 3 'AET ES PURINA La.T PKCS PKG. 71lý oz. PKGS. 4Aý