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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Jul 1967, p. 1

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Being PreseiitedWith Plaque Orono Fish And Hunt Centennial Shoot The above picture is of the Or- cao FisI and Hunt Club being psetdwith t'ieir symblematie plaques of the Art Hockett trcphy by thc Oshawa & District Sports- VOLUME 30, NUMBER 28 men's Association pi- *dent Mr-. Stan Hocke't cf Bowmanviile. They are tram L. tc R. Stan Reck- cIl, Jim Ard, Vance Allia, Emil Schmîid, Ben Madili. I, Our Centenial Shoot at Enter- prise Hl ov JuiY 9th, 1967 was a 'whopping' isuccesso with four trophies and three symblematie -trophiies going te our club mýem- bers. The p istol, rifle, and shoitgun competitions started off at 9:00 arn. Sunday morning and ended at 4:00 p.m. During this time we h-ad sixteen rounds of 22 pis'tol and txventy-.çeven, rounds of 22 rifle, each of these consisting of JO sýhots each. The, trap range was als4o very busy al Cay with 40 rounds of 25 ýshots eiach being fired,. Competitions do strange Èhings te people, soàmetimes brinýg- ing out the unexpected. We had somne'excellent scores on Sunday and the 'winners werie: lst in ýtrap for men - Mr. Mor- iey Lake cf Bowmanville. 1,9t in trap for women -Mrs. Ethei Keart of Orone. lst in 22 rifle for women Mrs. Linda Madili. istinl 22,rifle for mea - Mfr. Jim Ard,, Orone. ORLONO WEEKLY TIMES, THUReiDAY, JULY 20th, 1967 Niiineteen To St art Band Classes Nineteen new prospective mu- icaghave made knewn their intention 10D start with the Sum- mier band -classes being offered by the local1 band. The classes are to start this coming Monday, July 24th at, 6:30 p.m. and wili cüntiri- ue ýthrough July, August and un- tÏ2 such time as the playere5 are ready 'te move up inte the Junior, Band. ir. A, Darch wiilpuiý e iii struction for the clas bath lai reecl and bras.4 instruments. The Junior Band is te piay at the Oshawa Fair this ceming Thursday, July 27th and is te, be augmented with corne ef the players cf. the senior band-- Class- es for the Junior Band wili net be held during the moath cf Aug- est. They will commence practice again on the firsit Monday in Sep- tember, starting at 7.30 p.m. There are still openings for ayone who rnay wvish te take la- structions la cummer classes. Clea-upcontinues The cý1eanLip along Village rascontinues with great im- provement cf a section cf Cobbile- dick Street in ýthe viiaity cf Bob Glanvilie's -Miii.. The work is be- ing undertaken by the Orono Police Trustees under the guid- ance' of' the Inspectng Trustee, Mr. E. R. Woodyard. This lean-up proiîct bas great- ]y improveid some areas la the Village and the recent work on Ccbbledick Street has been ne exception. It bas been noted that the odd property owner could assist in the general appearance in front of their properties by cutting the grass te the road side rather than stopping at the sdewalk. Well gomed lawns eut, te the road add considerabie ite the appear- abtice cf the comrnunity. R. . oney At C"hurchîli FailS Diurham M.P.,,Russeil C, Honey wasi ai Churchill Falls, Labrador cri Mcaday attending the ground- breaking ceremenies for ithe huge Churchill Falls Power Develop- mrent.. He was accomnpaaying Tracle and Commerce Minister' Robert Winters. The harnes4sing of the Church- 111--River, when, comipleted in 8 Truli Family Holds Picnic The annual Truli f amily picair was hcld at The Acres, Tauratca Road East on Sunday, July 9t1 wvitl ocver 50 clan memnbeýrsç pi-es- en, Kingstcni, Wibport Wi bjy, Gai-dcarili, Osh-awa, New- castle and roo Speciai prizes were 'presonted te Mr. and Mre. Lorenzo Truli, at- tcnding fi-cm tle farthest dist- ance; Master David Collans cf Whitby, youngest child present; Mr. and Mrs. Neýrman Wright et Enniskillen, longest maried cou- ple (Mi-. and Mrs. Wright will bc inariied 60 ycars on December 11t1); Mieis Karen McKnight of R.R. 2, Bowmanvillc, only lady preseat witl paintcýd nails; Mi-. Norman Wright, gentleman witb the mosýt change in ' is peeket. Mrs. R. W. Gardnei-, Garden 11111 was thfe lady oveu- 28 yearà with thc sbortcst hem uine. Mi-. and Mi-s. B. Ruxter et Whitby were tIc most reccataeWiyweds. Thc oldeet member present was Mi-. Fred Truli of Orono (la his 9011 year). Despite showcrs, a picnic sup- per was enjoyed' and a _,Iort business meeting tollowed, The comrnîttee fer next year's pignie te be: President, J. H. Garidner, Garden 1Hi11; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Oaa Gardiner, Gai-dcanHi1l; Sports Comiitîe, Fred Wright Family, 1.1. 2, Bowmanville; Special Prizes Committee, Mrs. Art Gewer and Mrs. Johný Bot. terniey et Whitby. Ti wae, decided te retumn to The Acres for next year's picaic, te be held on Sunday, July 411. te 10' years, will produce more than' 4,500,000 kilowatts. TIc cost~ et Canada's biggest power project ie c stimatcd at $8000,000,000. Tbe grand concept cf this pro- jeet caught the imagination et the late Winston Churchill, for whom thc tails are named. The pi-ciect is a co operative one bctween Newtouadland and Queber. Ia addition te the ameni to, be .epent in Labrador, Queece wiil spead an eetimated $400,000,- 000. on :transmission lines te, car- ry the power fi-cm thc Labrador border te mar-kets la central Can- ada and the United Statýee. Mi-. Honey returacid to Ottawa with Mi-. Winters afin- the cf fi- cial ceremoaies. The Ontarie Fluc-Cured 'Xobae cc Growers' Marketing- Board will need long-Ici-m agreement w:fli domestie and export mar-kets ly'tore lit danencourage more grewers and farIin mb the la- Board Chairman George Dem- cyere made the policy staternent Wednesday at the board's 101h annual meeting. Expansion of Ontarie'q. flue-cur- cd tobacco growing industry be- came an immediate coacerri Ibis year wben the crop allotment te meet feýrecast demands came 10 more than 90 per cent ef the li- censed ýtebacce land in ýthe prov- ince. Mr. 'Demcyerc sad the beard could neot justitiahly, encourage more people te invest large a- mouats of capital to venture into tobacco growing - probably je- opardiy4ng rnany gresent grew- ýPrs operating with a mortgage- wthlolng-term agreements, par- ticulariy with evergeas customers, "It appears te, me ithat having a reasenable assurance cf con- tiauity cf suppfly is te the manu- facturer," he seaid. Hie said Ontarie growcrs have demenstrated ýtheir williagncss toe mccl market demaad by epend- iag considerable capital this year on bai-ns, kilas and greenheuse., te bandie the expectcd record di-ep. For the "heaith et of i- Canad- ian tobacco industry on a, long- term and expanding basýis,ý' it wae4 time for buyers te, extend thc ene-year'commitments offer- ed bydomestic and United King- dom manufacturers for the pasit two yeai-s, he said. lst in 22 pistol 1er wornen Mrs. Jane Keast, Orono. istinm 22 pîstel for mcan-Mr-. lir-. Ard, Orono. Two of these trophies were do- aated by MeGregor Hardware in Bowm.anville and the i-est by ORono Fish and Hunt Club. Oshawa and Distret Sports- men's A.Sociation and Orono, Fish and lient Club competcýd for the Art Hockctt trophy for 22 Rifle marksnianship. Stan Hockett, sented three eymblematic troph- president of the Oshawa club, pre- ies te, the Orono club. The Osh- awa club alse presented a plaque te. the secondý place winner la the men'eç trap division, this be- Thc Orono Juveniles played the Peterbereugh Juveaile 'A' tearn là Peterborough on Sunday ev- ening with Peterborough' taking a.3-2 wi over the local club., Presson for Peterborough was the winning - pitcher giving up enly, four 'bits in luIs 'sev en in- nings of play. Paul Joncs on tIe Orono mound aise i*urned ,lnaa fine job giving up t ive bits -ia the six inaiags and, taking ýeight strike outs. Peterborough scered their tii-st i-un in thec second frame off a singie bit, awild piteli and a long bit bail. Douglas Tayler sceýred OroaoYî first i-un la the third wbiea he reaclcd fureit on a waik, and 5cor-ed on a bit by Erie Duval. Peterborough edged a head by one i-un la the bottoin et the third off a two-bag bit and an errer by Joncs on the mound. A walk and an Orono errer put Pcterborough aheýac by twco ruas in the :sixtî înning. ln the top of -the seventh John Mather came te bat te score Or- oao's qecond run of the garne etff a ht and a two-bagger by Bai-iy Lane. Eric Duvali of the Orone squad gaiaed twaofethie Ore:no four lits.- BANTAMS LOSE TO'KEENE The Orono Baatams' lest te the Keene Baatams at the Orono Park on Tue9day eveain.g by a score et 10 10 5., Keene on this occasion lad tee rnuch powcir at bat for the local -boys and; were able te, take the edge la the game. Doanie Alun on necond and Randy Teanant behind the bat did luin l a goeod gane teo- the local club.1 Ing Mr-. Don Lake ef Newcastle. We extend many thanks to the Osý4awa and District Sportsm.en's 4ssociaton for their generous contributions la helping te make )ur Centennial, Shoot a great succees,. To the ladies of our club we extend a, most hearty thanks for withiout you we wouldi have starv- ed. Your co-operation and gener- eus hcip wasi greatly appreciated by ail, net only in taking over the lunch but aise the way yout came eut and competed, This we wouid like te see regularly. Tbanks again for rnaking our uCatennial Shoot such a siuccess. Jane Keast Knew f Orono Disirict On a recent trip te Scotiand and Engiand,, Miss,ý Catherine Stewart and Miss Marlon MeKel- vey visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brilnacombe who live at Haie Farm la Devon, Eng- land. Mr. Brimacombe iç a cousin cf Mr. Fred Brimacombe whose father, Mr. Francis Brirnacombe, came te Canada £rom Devon as a young man. Whiie there we were interested' la their fine Holstein herd (Friesian in England}. When chooeing a family naine for their herd they had chosen' Orono which made one feel right at home. Altbough nene cf thein have even been 'ia Canada, they chose this name because cf their relatives who lived near Oreono.' We aise visfted Mr. Duncan 1'olville, a man eighty-four yeare oid who told us some of lis rýel- aitives had rettiedi around Bew- mnanville and Oreno. He was a ilistant cousin cf Dr. N'eui Col- ville and showed us Dr. Colville's abituary and picture taken trom the Orono Times. Mri. Colviijje lived in Machribanish 'in Argyle, Scotland 'where we had gene to make inquiries about eour anceiît- ors the Stewarts and, Staikers, who had comé from Carnpbeltown five miles, from Machrihanish, one lundred and thirty three years ago. Challenge o! GAT Stiffer foreiga cempetitien 'at home impressive new saies4 oppor- tunities in the Uni'ted States andc many other fereiga rnarketo ý sucli is the prospect confreaitng Canadian manufacturers over the next four or five years la t he wake of the General Agreement on Tariff,3 and Trade (Kennedy Round). The officiai delegatien wbich las' reýresented Canada at Gent. çva since the Kennedy Round ne- getiations first get under way in 1963. had thc formidable task of endeaveuring teo obtain maximum advaatap in retura for coaces. siens made. SÛ11, the fact remains, thaît Canada lias by tai- the sinalleat dorneetie market cf any of the ma. ici- industrial nations., Twenty million people can oniy cons4um.e so mucli and any significant n- crease in, Canadian consumption WL foreiga-made preducts cari ouiy *bc at the expense of Canadian industry. The aaswýer tb that, ef course, is that Canadian companies must strive te, use these aext four or five yeare-the period durnng which oui- tariffs on a wide range cf tereiga goods will gradually be scaled dow-,to improve their own competitive, position te the peint wlere they can outsel their toreiga opposîion on; evMr ceunt-price, quality, desiga, he- livery and service. And do Ili the U.S. and other mar-kets as weil as their ewn. Thib is a whole lot easier said than done, although the fact that Canadian industryy las neot screamied blue murder at, the im- pending lossý, between now and 1972, of some cof the tariff pro- tection whic h il bas hitherto en- joyed is highly signiticant. Plain- 1Y, while they are under no ii-, (Continued on Page 8) Orono Tennis Social A Successful Evening The Oreýno Tennis Club on Tuesday evcniag hcld , a game 'and social niglt at thc Tennis Court witl over tweaty members in at- llîu*ancc. The cvcning was ýa complete succss with ýteaity cf tenais beiag played and every- eýne enjoying a social get-together. Barbecued bot dogeý and sftt drinks added te theecvcniag a- long with the sport of playing Mr-. Wayne Baley, presideat et the club, announced a sechedule of play fer, the rncmber,5. The tol- lcowing evenings wcre allottcd: Monday evcning - Juvenil>, Members. Tuesday evcning -Mca's Doub- les. Wedcdaesday evening,- Mixed Doubles. Thursday evening Ladies' Doubles, 1The club now las a member- ebhip cf thirty-eight and lac-cas- ing interest is being sbown ia tennis at the: Orono Park. Playing corditions, on thec new courit are e xcellent. Other imprevemeaits arc bcing considered when fin-. anciai tundisarýe available, Future activities will le plan- aed t create greaterintcýr/st for the club members. Noeed" Seeni For Juveniles PIay Longo Term Market, In Peterboroughý

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