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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Aug 1967, p. 4

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QItONO WEEKLV TIMES, TJIURSDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1967 Alcoohim &Drug .Addiction Fesmdation In the tombs of Ancient Egypt, on excavation, a statemnent was found te the effeet Iithat te loccp- pant during hi-, lifetime haci re- ceived and cared for in bis bouse, peronswhowere,, "Mad £rom wine and beei. Thswas perbaps tihe first. "la- ebIýýate home" and dated back at tion feund on the tomib of one wowas eietya prominent prndelared that the occupant' had, restored miany persons who! were- "sick fromn beer and wine.1 1-ie was evidently a specialist in ILLr treatment of chronlic inebri- lri our Ontarie ýociety, the AI- ûcohoism, andi Drug Addiction Rie- t;earch Foundation, as, an agency f' thre Ontttrio, Governmený,lis fulfii'ling a similar and modern rin l battling the age old prob- 11Lfr of addiction. Part of the Foundation's task Ls resIearch, part is treatment,l part is education. ln iail three phases, the Foundation already has established a notable record ,.f progress. Alc.Iohol addiction is increasing ii u popu lationi at a rapid rate. 1-- 1961 there were an estimated 8500alcoholics in Ontario. To- day there are estimatied 10 ire Information on alcehol con- sumfptieûn is naturally incomplete, bat res.earch bas shown 'the fol-j loigstatistics: hA.cohel lias been consumed shocrt]y before the accdent by at jeast: (a) Onethirdl of ail ped- estrians killed. (b) (One-thiird et ail drivers in- (c) One driver or rider in 40% of ail accidentq. (d) Somebody iný 48% of the accidents. flJ à!reatîy improved'teficny Iof production in Canada by al- owing manufacturers to ration- (4)Aneýdcaton and-commn-izetheir facilities as a result of ity servicesq division. wh2ch, they can use their own The new home for the Founda- plants to 'produce mo-ire of few'ý ion, which was originally estab- model4,"' Mr. Ioney pointed out. lished in 1949, Will be one of the lHe mentioued the example of most modern centres in the worldI Chrysiler of Canada who, before for the-study of ail forms of ad- the Auto Pact, had te build al diction. its models in Canada. Chrysier Education now manufacturers only Dodge, The rim: Miistr ofthePolaris and Plymouth Fury in Preoi mee Mi Hnistaer o hnCanada, and imports the other P. Robarts, in turning the first oesislsinCad.hr- sod for the new centre, stress4ed er ha6i shipped 93,148 Polaris and theurgncyformor an 'btitrjFurys to the United States and in theurgnc fo mre ndbeterthe same period lias lmported teaching about the problems of 62,587 other modeis into Canada. alcohol and drug addiction. 11e noted that the new llealth Edu- cation, curriculum for Grades 9 "An incidentai but important and 10 contain sub5tantial mat- erial on alcohol, iLs use and abuse, side effect of the Auto Pact bas as well as discussion of other been the spending in Canada of drugs. The Health sàrriculums ever $500 million in 'capital out-! for Grades il and 12, Mr. Robarts lays by h orat auatr stated, are also being revised tLe,"M. oeyad.le ute provide similar courses. 1'r, r onysad.Rlqoe The most pressing need facinig' Ontario's Economic and Develop- the Feundation is4 the necessityl ment Minister StanleyJ., Randall1 of greatly increasing the numiber te the effect that this capital ex-I of professional people with train- penditure has bulit more than 69 ing in this field. T his will be one new plants, and expandedi 130 of the expandinqg roles of the others and that the Auto Pact Foundation in the days& ahead. The syubol ef' the Founidation, bas produced 20, 860 new jobs "A Hand and, the Tree of Life", for- Canadians. is indicative of the help tbis or- ganization is giving and will give ____________ te, many 'thous4,ands, that they may have a new and better way' -of if o. We 'Hope Yo W11 Joi even if: At Mo row rirkl -you've been too busy to, Jack Williams, driving his new OR' horse, Sycamore Jean in1 Peter- -YOU're flot0 interested in borough on' Saturday evening saving money. OR plcdsecond- in the sixth, race -you. neyer have te, berrow which posted a time of 2:15. The, money. lierse was. purchased in East YOÜ a' Affprd te PaSa Aurora, New York. .1Up rMembersMp lM the Gerald Robinson drove on two occasions during, the night plac- Orono itrc ing fifth with Famous Pick in the CREDIT UNION fifth race and third with Vital______ Victory' in-the final race of tihe Treas.-Man., Mn.'p. Wei'-y nigh.t. - ___L Kietn West funîshed! in ,second place at the 'Greenwood on Tues- day niglit driving Doc Foley, own- ed by Junior and Keith West. owm.IanviIle THURSDAV, FRIDAY, SATUIRDAY - *AUGUST 3, 4, 5 lu Colour An Excellent Family Show SUN., MON., TUES., WED. - AUGUST 6, 7, 8, 9 How To Stealca Million01 ln Colour With Audrey Hepburn and Peter 0' Toole SUNDAY MIDNITE ONLY - AUGUST 6 BRIDES 0àF FU MANCHU In Colour PSCYCHO CIRCUS In Colour Aduit Entertainment Admission-' $1,0 Canawood Shoppe GLADS CARNATIONS Idoz $ 1,50 Closed This Sun. and Mondayj - J 2Approximnately 25% te 30% et we-lfare cases processed by welfare agencies in Onýrtari.o have alch smas one f the primary 3. oss o povncaland mun- icipa govrume th lrough ai- rcst trilsprison maintenance, Report. from Otta wa menal os ita a,inten-ance, etc. "The review of The Canada- of lcool nd rugaddct~are US. Auto Pact by both govern- estiate at$20,50,00.ments scheduleil for thi fali will no doubt bring some chaný-ges land u~ ott industry -from inef-'iadjustmertse in detail, 'but ýthere fiCienc, accidents, abseniteei§m lis no doubt that :thé agreement $126000,0O.wilI be renewed," Durham M.P. r,_ Property damage a.nd injury Russell C. Honey said recently in ami eaths resulting from accid- commenting on the effect of thi5 ~nsinvolving alcoliulie drivers agreeme,ýnt to date on Cnd" $368988.Auto indusry. TrametMr. Honey said that the pur-1 This iq becomiing neton ly an posé Of itheý Pact was to inject age ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ýè HfdIgCbt h 'g f e ifeinto the Canadian auto Drug Dependence-,' Quetions of industry and to, reduce the heavy dependence onacol and drugs imbalance of trade in favour of arez the principa2l focus of theithe U.S. The agreement protected wor -k eing carrieýdout by the Ad- the Canadian industry by setting dictionmResearcli Foundation. minimum production levels and- B3oth shbrt-term and longterni it sp ecifiedi a fiat percentage of resuits are te be expected from Cartadian content per car manu- thIà work. Shuirtter-n ini the treat- factured in Canada. The Durham ment and' rehabilitation of alco- MP. also pointed out that under hboucs and drug addicts; and long- the agreement 'Canadian1 auto term in patient, rinstaking re- makers Ihad to boost their pro- search in the education of this duction spending in Canada by ndfuture generations. $260 million in exce5s of normal TeGrouind Breaking, Cere- market growth in three years. mones for the newv, headaquarters G.MV s shaba. Of this addý.tionaI building of the Acois and spending is $121 million, he Said. Drug Research Foun-datirjn took Referring te the fact that Can- place at the site of its new loca- adian car and truck production tioir on the campus of the univer- had jumped from 671,000 iii 1964 sity of Toronto on May 3rd cf to, 907,000 last year, Mr. l{oney t as ea. said that the res4ult of the agree- henew building, expected tai ment hasq been "highly success,- beopn before the end of1 1969, fuie'. He said that the gains in out- w.- i provide the fo-_-owýing facili- put have resulted in th-e imbal- Lies:ance of auto trade in the U.S.A.'s (1) 10-lie lispiar an an faver dropping from a 7-rai extensive oUt ptiet -r'et n m194 t eta n 2 I ratio (3j) A ~ xhc saro NEWC A, S-,TLE C ILA 'Il SUNDAY, AUGUI-'ST 6th CO UNITYPICNIC WALTONA PARK - 3'J:00 p.m. Races -Games -Pie FREE ADMHISSION -Fun foýr Everyone, iï MNA y K Idlnterrne iates versus Little Britain ICwith BOBBYCRRZ SATURDAY, AUG., 5 BAKE SALE COMMUNITY HALL at 3 p.m. M ksi by George Chard 9 p.. lý -

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