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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Aug 1967, p. 5

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OOOWEEKLY TIMES, T»URSD.ýY, AUGUST 3rd, 196 _____ __ Ken al ws C L S O idelighted in this charming book lingame p n o nwilI bie pleased ta see these new The Ugly Duckling H. C. An- MisCatherine Stewart attend- Bo J1c adby1 Madeline advenltures: dersen cd' a family picnic at Pickering Stev,- enis spendi'ng this week with Madeline and the Gypsies Jvnl o-ito beecli on Sunday afternoon. It ber paent , M.andlMrs. -Jim aei ndteBdHtTeAsrBok fHsoy- was alsoa)hower f orlhe r niece l'-,ajor and Marilyn T e uv Stc s Madeline inando nBd atThe ng ewer ookof M.oy Miss Jeanie Lofthouee. Her aunt, JMadeline in esLondn tanr &- o miaTrnpt- Mrs. B3rimnicombe and cousin r. Faer W Lae cr ed frttst ri oig e u adýeliesR'ceSoYofAeia Trnot- Dobonboh f alfonwre ate adFrn SwerdattnE sicoranS to lenure the hcalth u- 1MeGraw11i11 "Story of Canada" tion - Cain iwdr tthe Pans Arn.srethehelty*u-Series Proverbs of Many Nations - E. guest. ed',!ýeTlanAm. ýfaesin Wnni-turc of -the Orono Band have been Kie Mrs. R. Elliott and Mrs. L. Ipcg the forepart of the week. highly 9uccessful. Many young Also new for this week is a ser- Plants Without Leave9 - ut- G eenwood left on a holiday motor,-adMr.AturB luiepehaeson enine-l f8b ab aout Canaohm t ip to Niagaïa Ial1s v wle rMs. otlBa y1 visited on thi e - et inU theý Junior Band, and those VOlume dea1ls with a siparate area Llint' CU~flWil OU1temî end wýith Mr. and Mrs. Mltnwuo have attended any of its of the Dominiîon as follows: ?sWre ok heir vacation. mlnclrevdpulcpfo ace 1. Canadýa: Ga-nt ,f the NorthW U .ohCtSarw Mr. Arthur Tl,ýirnpson a1.ndd r.aumM;_E.H.Mîisnan bvegieaglwig eortj. lit 2. The Story of Britisa Columbia S. 1ip ,& Snappy a ini nPrtHpe Park Mon famil'Fhave returned home afte nsthen, that many of Our 3. The Story of the- Prairie Prov- T'e hold Fislierman Su sdaýy. It was Ms . ad;,' pedn homiasute Hal-i-outh have an interest in music' inces Be-t Frierd4 brhuy ndseveral friends atl ondstic.beyond the realm of rock and ol .TeSoyo nai tedd uhl irclerýe tndsrc.5. The Story of Quebec _ Tened to hIande celebate. I M.- MronBrPerlhaps scome of these music- Ï 6. The Story of the' Maritime Pro- I The Chucleandunday hoois aro Bon; R.N.,of makers would',be interested i inmecs DURHAA I4-U POULTIIY CLUB, wil b cosd urig hehoi-Osawavi~iedwih lermohe, neof the new juvenile non-fie- 7. The Story of Newfoundland n JuIy 26ýth the Poultry, Club May mnth veýlof Agut ythe vlr.J .Brwls ek ion. books released thiq week - 8. The Story of the Yu.kon & the heit its thirdi meeting at the Mr.it o Sieoe ill occtpy the Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and "Meet the Orchestra"' by William. N.W. Territoîe4fa:,-m of Mr. Alvin Metcalf. At 7:30 Thelpit onet e the til. Mrs. Harry B ailey ýattended a W. Suggs. The author deals with the meeting was callcd to order eachof te intruentsi bythePresident, Barbara' Walk- is being shingled and othier in-i family gatherin*g h.eld at the home;ec fteintuet n these OTIIER NEW BOOKSMisotokvease- provements will follow. of Mr. Peter Rickaby, Toronto,, sections: string, woodwind, brass rr G adMilsn thoerinutecan Two ew ousi~ re earn.~in honour of their cous~Ins, Mr and percusision. He outlines the Aduit Fiction-A.Mc competin ontheseveth ne.and Mrs. John Fielding of Nor- i istoy of ecd instrument, the When Eight Belîs Toîl -A.M ca igte!o al wach, Engîand.'orchestra, and the conduetor. Lean Th Cnto oue tho M.. t drawings, a gloseary~ of mu- The Convenient Marriage - G. Gary'- Je fféry' introduced Mr- Robt. Rcsid's, new home and Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery sical terms and listening sugges- Heyen MetCalf who thçn conducted u&, Bur's cottage easit of Mr. Geai were honoured guests at a party tions, this is4 a useful book on A House in Order'- N. Dennis through the 'building, answcerîng Pope's. In Kendal village Mr. A-. held Sa;,turday, Js.ly 22nd at the'the Grade 5-7 level.e Foster bas addecl6 several im - home of their son and dauighter- Aduit Non-Fiction any questions. Elizabeth Keliogg provemente to the property formn- n-law ,1M.apr. LodLwSuc o'h onos m took îp the answeis to thc work erly owned by Mn. Wes. Tebble. cry, Kirby, on the occasion of MDLN lochset wih erthnclece Mayor JeanrDaayeau Ludwig Bemrnînai"s Pict'W Peterborough., Land 0f Shining by Gary. AIl the members answer- Mayr ea DapauOf Mont- their 46tii wcddingan o clld Maelne i aloe-Waers-R.Bog cd) d a. quiz on club work and then real deserves a inoal as the only Friends an( relativ\es a ttendingl yotking large fueline'psa oe a- Watper,-ia Brg- ef.wcdiscussed our exhib it at Orono Canadian who kncw how to Put wcre: Mr. and .r.Aci'un Fair. The ruincagoftë DeGaulle in his place. H1e said, ?&s' . C n. Mrs. rhneyun ings, beautiful colours, and a' Lines on Life- S. Rosenberg group t s in DchgeKfrten abandoed ustwo hnd- Byd, Cohrane Mr. hi~n! friend nhyming text tell the story The Universe -1. Asimov xii sDaneDrh ae "France bnoeustw udBy, Mrs. Albert Morton,,Mr.- of1 12 littie girls in a Pais con- 4 Yellowlees, Glen Mifllsoniand Lyînn se yar ao miwehave man- and Mrs. 'LyalI Lowery, Mr. and ventBowlcr. T'ý.e choosin-g of a demon-- 11dt-gtaon.W sa o Mrs, John Lowe-7y, Mr. and Mrs. 1ueieFito strating team was, left for the tinue to, do ýso, thank yot." James Lowery, Mr. and Mrs. Gor- One of the girls isý Madeline. The A Horse Called Mystery M. next meeting. don Lowery.. many young membersof,.-the Li- Reyniolds A delicions salad plate wa5 brary's picture book set who have Dc htigo i a eetn u hrkt r - iTall Team - leinman Afetcalf for a]lowing us to visit served later in ýthe cvening 'and L.r w-etes V. S Burlifam a vry ayime was had by ail. Mr. and Mri Wayne aly UNITED CUC ______________________ spent the weekend with Mr. and Oreno Pastora daughter Michelle, St, Thoma. - harge FOR SILKYSOFT CIAASMS ,Mrm Frank Saxby, oronto, B UJ FU LLY - PPLA spdnt a few days lasti week with, L M N GE BEiCRÈME lier brother, Mr. W. Iravin and y Rev. B. E. Long H I RINSE Mrs. 1TANGLE-FREE H I SIJNDAY, AUGUST 6th, 1967 (~1 EXTRA-CONDITIONING ORONO BANTAMS Service at Newcastle United TM Chuncli - 11:00 a.m. for dry or EFAED -p colour-treated hair. Rolph Hardware The Orono Bata v ent clown to defeat on Tuesda, cvering at t'he Orono Par k at 4e hnds of 'the Ken atKeene een elcds a strong battcrý alJo - nly a few hits) throughout tic gane.On 4 te the hnd her bttrswere abeto -riD -w ",elong drives good fo r ti E 1s its. Dr. PLJ. î aar 51Te e Orono Medical Centre Office Hours:- 9:00 to 1:00; 2:00 to 61.00 Saturday 9:00 to 1:00 Phone 983-5825 $ $ $ $ $$ ATTENTION FARMERS WIIYPAY MORIE? _ON PREM1UM QUALITM V GaÇsoline- ,ýDiesel - fMotor Ou0*1 SFARM TANKS ýand! PUMPS AVAILABLE CALL COLLECT., __Q > WR1BY66S-51 $$~$$ A$ $ Kirby- > Morning Service. at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Leskard- Sunday School at 9:45 ORONO, ONTARIO PHlON E 993-5~009 ICONTINUE;-.S GIRtLS' PYJAMAS Girls' seersueker pyjamas, attract- iepatterns. Sizes 8, 12 and 14, yns. Reg. ----.9- - -- - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sale Price - $1.19 LADIES' PYJAMAS Ladies' cotton pyjamas, capri! and shortie styles. Pink and bine. Regulan val- ues te $3.95.1 Sale Price'- $1.79 GIRLS' SHIORTS Jamaica and short shorts of good qjuality cotton. Plain shades, checks amii stripes. Sizes 7 to 14 yeans.. Regular values to s2m9 Sale Price - $1.49 eealpains of girls' shorts in siz- es 2t 1c, yrs, Regular values to S1.95 Sale Price - 99e GIRLS' T-SHIRTS Girls 'r-Shirts--oft--knitted- cotton, fancy stripes. Sizes 7 to 141 years. Regular Sale Price - $1.49 GIRLS' BLOUSES Broken Unmes in girls' overblouses, good. quality. Mostly fancy stripes. Sizes1 4 to 6x yns. and 8 to 14 yrs. Regular val- ues to $2.95 SalePrice - $1.59 Girls' white blouses, nostly, sîceve- less, sizes 5 te 14 yrs. Reg. values teo $2.95 Sale Price - 98e GIRLS' SLIMS Girls' striped cotton sllms, pink or yellow vpnedominating. Sizes 8 to 12 yrs. Itegular $2.98, Sale Price - $1.95 LADIES' BLOUSES Ladies' sleevcless blouses, tailored style. Plain shades and flocial dfsigns. Sîzes Io to 16. Regulan $4.00 Sale Price - $2.98 MAY -MORCE BRGISI LME A

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