ORONO u, 1, y 7TIMS1 THjSDA , Aj S rd,1~ HEAR ONVENION EORT- e tcVuewtli 'be tknover ioy indsstry withouc sîgnfiantl thi hppenng Mr.A1-Mtier madeU tueinterdpnec foin- 1,f Ibis ýcoure ,was pur.suied he evaeda fut;ure tn which one t'nwould control alv ar! tn enlyits own econoats 1ý "0 frthiler ils aims, and have gov- ermn6odiesi corne to il lý orad- vieadassistance in solving farrn problerns. L,3 concluding ,his addre se MVr. Miller left, this warning widt nis auinc these chinesar nt going 10 happ>en, We bhave bt make theni happen." A question period fo Ilowetd. In the audience were M x Car- ruthersi, M.P.P. for Durham.; Ver- onica Opsitnk Wornen's Provinc- tai President 'of 0.F.IJ.; '0110 Prues, District Director for Grey Th' 3-pieprsiie± Vaina, G erehSicar Di,-IrC. Dc isc o y'I A vote ' h kt&te pav er was prooeAh n.oiMr- ton. Lunch and i,,ofteevouid up Vile evenin.cg. CANADA GRADE "A" EVISCERATED FOE ROA