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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Aug 1967, p. 2

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ORNO WEKLY TIRESIUA, AUGUST 17th, 1967 ti PIay lu Peterborough Tourinment , tea paye i an eili.-tamNEW3TPREAMS OPE laigercetre. Ic ounamnt Trout fishing on streamis ilu wasfiall wn bî he etrbo- iost of agrcultual Ontario in-,Y onl.Juenleenry [oves trespassing on priva e ci TheOrnoclb playced in Mn anclrstems game drîng heý tournament and properby.Maypparseas T1ý1ý? th enry rGmonce open to public fishing, arc p tha wa wih fe ebry frmebing posted with "No Trespasýs- n StnyrcOnt ario. The Stoney- ing", sigus. Recreational opportun- creek entry was Iast year's Ail-, Oniarjo Cami nad are class- ity> for auglers, hasbeen reduced Diviion.in receut years aind since tlic De- cd iu the Juiveniile 'B' DiÀ1n partmcnt of Lands and Forests lu f1lic scven-inning ga me docs not stock streains , uubcss ate screeof 4 - 1. The"ir -1runs they are open to public fishiug, i scor f4cin ter four rn maximum use of the strcams lias weresoe nte third înuingý also dimiuislicd. wihilc Orono scored their sole run in, the fourfh framie of flchaee Recenut legisiation enables flic Orono runis was scored by Briiln Deparfmneut to. enter into ag ree- Foýster. Pauil Joues pitchled the meuts with the owners of auds entire gaine for Orono., adjoiniug sfreams to provide ac- WAITING FOR, ONTARIO cess f0 blie streams for fishing by 11LAYDWNS hc public. This approadl is en- PLAYDWNSI tirely uew in Ontario. Formerly, Dr.,P. Mlaartense, coach of fthe anglers used private auds 'or tlie Oýrono Juveibes, states tliat they Depatinent purchased the land areawitngword of the Ontario for angler use. Juveuile 'D' playdowns. fle un- desadthere are five team's lu The prograin, fôr flic acquisi- flic djiision and tliat Orono has tion of acccss for augling ou a bjye in ftle playdlowns -and wýll sfreams, wilI involve negofiotion play oly in the final champion- and agreement betwxeu cdi ii- Ship series for Ontario. dividual laudowner aud thc Prov- ince. Two departinuts will co- NOW NTE LEGUEoperafe to administer tic, pro. FINALSgrain. The Deparfmeut of Public' The Orono Tyke Basebiaîl club Works ill, on, recommendation copntinuies ifs wiuniug ways and if the Dcpartmeut af Lands and now enfersflie final polnydown Forests, negotiate and enter uf o' séries for the local leaguie. Last Mfond1ay evening, at flic orono wonu.oot over fhe Keudal entry. Park the local cluib eliminafed thie Welcomie etry in a gamne This Orono Club is also w*Aiing wifli a score of 24 - 8. Tlie Orono1 word for their first play lunflic cilub now meets Newcastle lu, alOntario playdowns for ticir class- f.'irce ouf of five series. Newcastle 'ification. G,-LEN RAE- DAIRY' The Finest in Daiýry Pro 0dutsC î, SERINGTHE AREA FOR. 52 YEARS If It'.rsGlen Ra-e It's Good CENTENNIAL BOOK "Two centuries 0f Clhange" A briýf Irestune of some of the highllghts of the past and present of the United, Counties of Northumnberlaud and Durhamn is available to resi- den,ýts of the CountUes «'FREE", if picked up at the office ef Otie Counties' Clerk, If requested by mail, kindly enclose $1.00 te cover eost of, handling and postage. Extra copies are available at $2.00 fer sûft-back and $5.00 for cloth-bound boowks. Non-residents may procure the beok as above at the price 'of $2.00 and $5.0 esebiey Address ail requests to the Counties,' Clerk's Office, Municipal Building, Cobourg. the agreements. Lands and, For- small parking lots on municipal Thsinoaprga t ur ~sswill -marngeI the fishery and roads. In still other cases, case- Thsi oaprgmt u- b nyreuiedstrcam i iprove-Iraents over strips of private, land, chase property. The landowner neht work, fnn or sign Post-'to provide access to the fishingi will stili own his land, H1e wilI re- .ng. a a À ble required. tain full use of the land and stream (except in some case-s ir Arexn- f tia fisqhîr, £i ta'iga i~£t wilh tte modified system of wate o sutpionI ¼ psor- corr!doys i' i us aron' cProv- atiP) Li-t wi]I xot I e îab_ c;? jad 0 0[et in widthi, on hc fl ekI £ltto Carryp eÀ tepblcfan iut one or both banks of selected o' itean npsu ents,it O ii he am e a cauder agreeient. trout 'ttrearn iî Cfforts will lie ýteet 1 land from eosion by thse m adýe ta group individual areas patxsoftes and shrubs, to TeDpatnt Ind ad covered bý-y agreemeïits as rlpstulia sigac as are dcemed Foet xiipy 7 nd ' as poss;;ie, i.e. ithrce or fouIr f i neeessary, and to e (reet fencýes as fo iIiee permuanent ' eeM Proprb'ies in a i ow. îaî rqied n lter case, specif- an~d casements to jinsuue fliU- neeessaryý, on the, most popula a resfo atrngcîl ill ous access by thec anýgbing pubie. ýtreams, to purchase larnds for iedeiga d agreement. Sitorte plor'S -August 20-26y MON. TUES. TIIURS. FRI. SAT. STORE HOURS 9 -6 9 -6 9 -6 9 ý9 9-6 a.m. p.rn. a.m. -pm arn prn am. prn arn p.m PHARMACIST ~5-6 5-6 5-6 5-99-6 tutt's Pharmacy, Orono Il Ii~f Il I ATINALU "eX HIBIT LIMITED A MGUS T T SE,--6PTE BER 4 inclusiveýýý' Rtide on t e Bus andvid wvorrJhngaou driving in h-eavy traf fie, parkng o crodingfor street cars. Buses wNll leav ExibiionGrounds 15la'minutes after L..eaýves Bowmanville 9:00 ami, Arrives Exhibition 10:30 a.m. Includes amssinto grcunds - Fare $3.50 BUSESý' WILL TRAVEL TO EXIII ROM PLACES SH-OWN BELOW ON TilE FOLLO ING UA1ý-YS: Auguvst 23l - August 2À (Food Products) (Hlorticltare and 3Musie) LEAVE iltepé lown) 7.-15 Janetviile 7.:30 7:45 8:00 9:00 Burketoin Enniskîlle-n Hampton1( - Auus.2~ Auust30M September 1 Wonî ns (iecucal) (Agriculture) Fas-es Lt '~X E xrtetui Downî $4,50 7h15 Millbrook $4~35 $4~25 $4.15 $4,00 $2,75 $3.50 O $ :30 ~i :40 Hade UI -i iabethville Kendal Kirby Orono 9-00 Bowmjiianville Fares $4.50> $4.35 $4.25 $4.15 $4.00 $3M5 Faesidue dission t Ex'iô~n Gronds - ChRidren - 1% Fare (Under 12) FIF ORM()TRJ», PlO BOWMANV1LLE 623-3811 OSHIAWA 723-7171 r "i 'IC

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