ORONQWEEKLVTIMES,_ThURSI)AY,_AUGUST_17t.b,_196? ___________ ReprtFrom Queen's Park IThe Canada-United States Automotive Free Týrade Agreement Witli ninety five per cent of C anadas automotive industry bo- cated in Ontaro, the Canada-Un- i ted States Automotive Free Trade Agreement is o! vital concern to Ontario citizens. lt lias particular significance for Durham Count>' h ecause ýlarge numbers of our workers find profitable employ- nient in the Oshawa plant of Gen- eral Motors. Ia the few years, since the agreement was signed, our Auto- mobile Industry lias been trans- formed from la protected domest- ic enterprise into a major export 5,000 RECALLED BY- GM AS TRUCK H Z 7-l'7 N r "" oto -s of ~'~ an- flu: -ds. Mid urers' agents and Ontario parts w-, îeed Monday abo-it 5,000 " producers. soryated workers are bat k on (e) Maintained close liaison ý, Te ai that a total oi 6,000 with officiais in governmont, in- maY lie working by ki 1' . . dustry, and associations, to keep TrîreL a',embly lines tegan _n up to date wi-th the latest devel- O î.Mýý Morîday for tic -'i se opments -in tlie automotive field. sinc t'e end ol' Jur'e ýin' t T! One of the major fears in the o Le, s aie employed at reterial i development of suich a pact, was ý dling, minteancean pr Y thtour small parts manufactur- Jduction, of car-truck eorîponents. ers would suffer from the re-or wiîA co Stcnuesaian cl ip t old ganization resulting from the auto) ilc-tnea lpt t-;ud] agreement. A thorougli survey of, ebsdo heupeitba i -. original parts manufacturers in id Ontario indîcates the f ears to be 'mucli of Durhiam Countys econ, Si groundless. omy dependîs, is surel>' one cf Lie tr-,I As an expàrting nation Canada Imajorreasons for our Province's'Daýt5 requires stable and expanding rapid and industrial growtli, and alle markets. The most :stable and dy or the improvements in pn adut ie s The pact has, in spite of some nmemre sta fUie __________________States. If we can develop our in- poesan crtcscetddustries so as ýto be competitive NEW JO ? far more benefts for this prov- in the American market, we need mceta it lasedprobems. ybyhave no worries about the possi- To keep insýured fol-Sttsisrlae entyb bility of entry inrto international low th intrctins the Ontario Department of Econ- markets. an heHasitl l- oics and Development outline The branch plants, on which so on th Hosital In- the following benefits. surance "Certiflcate (1) It is estimated thât 202 ______________ of Paym e nt-ToFa uttomotive plants and expansion 10 4 't h at ya u r of plants, valued at $468 million wuv , ï have taken place since the pact1 VYCIHope IotI'iI Join present employer is was signed.enil required ta give you. (2) The growth lias created -oeen e tobuyt on leaving. 13,000 new jobs,, benefiting 53: swgu up. ________________ communities in Ontario. 1 OR (3) Mtotor vehicle productiont -you're flot interested in, in Canada bas risen b>' 34%. saving moine>. (4) hei prce dffeencORi ý(4) Theireprichadifference i _________________ comparable cars sold in United ri-onneyerh ebro NEWL W ? States and Canada bas narrowed Von Ca't Afford to Pass ______________ 8% ýto between 3% and 5%.1 Up Membership lu the The"fail" Hspial(5) New capital investmenti, re- 1 sutn from the pact, lias been OooDsrc Insuancepremum alued at $506 million. must naw be paicl ta If. we look back to the period C E I NO caver husbancl and beneficial resuits become more Treas.-Man., Mrs. P., Werry wife. Naify yaur prior to the Auto Agreement thel_ ____________ wife- Noify our obvious. In 1963, though exports "graup' withaut de- lof auto parts from Canada rose to lay_or if yau bath pay I $36.3 million-, imports during lie. pr emiurn1s direct, n o- samne period rose from $316 mil- tify the Commission., lion to $554 million. Just prior to the agreement, Canada's trade deficit witli Un- iteýd Statesý in ail auto parts was $600. million. In 'lthe first eleven YJu months of 19663, sinice the sigu- ing _of the pact, the trade d4efie1ti ;'X i-as dropped by some $200 million There have been problems to adjus t and, to combat these, the Ontario Departmnent of Économ- e is and Deveopment lias take the foIlowing steps.. ... r~ i (a) Made a complete study of r' 17the original equipmnent parts man- ufacturers in Ontario. (b) Issued bulletins listing Ontario Hosptal tMchigan-based companies 'seek- -v Services Commission, ing Canadiani sources for auto Toronto 7, Ontaro. i parts. (c) Took a sales mission of auto parts mnanufacturers to De- troit to establisli contacts. (d) Organized an expor1t forum to; bring together U.S. manufaci-. YA L BowmanviHe 623-5589, THUIISDAY, F1IIDAY, SATURDAY - AUGUST 17, 18, 19 ONEF COMPLETE SHIOW AT 7:30 P.M. TIKO Gnd çtheSHARK In Colour Also Son 0fAGenFghe in Colour Starring Russ Tamiblyn UN., MON., TUE, WDF. -AUGUST -20 to 23 at 7:30 P.M. Comedy in Col- ur btSa-!ng Tny Curtis- and Vina Lis! COMIN SEPTMBER3rd tu lth INCLUSIVE POCTR1ZRv A GO ivity achieveci over the years. Caw ORONO, ONT. i 'sor xspeed of production miateri- SHe sa*id production forces ght lie îsp to about 6,000 by the dile of the week if materials 7vn, rapidly. Ucanwhule, there is no change GM nlans to resume car -as- nbly line production next Mon- Mé solmmer production decest in' pree-aration for production 1958 model cars and trucks - ted for most of some 12,400 rvrldworkers Jul>' 24.. Ox- about 3,00,0 workers stayed-at -k durig the changeover por- ime employees who work at kl cab construction or maklng ýt for cars, and, trucks were re- ld last week. The production ce r~s expected to reacli a peak netime in September." PllONEE 983-55 A Good Seleetoon* of FOR THIE WEEK-ËND AGENTS FOR IONTARIO This bookiet s.hows you how you can get f inancial help. Do you plan ta attend a university or'other past-secondary institution? Do you need financial assistance? To learn whether you can qualify under the Ontario Student Awards prcgram, obtain this brochure from your secondary school, or from the institution of your choice .- or write ta. Student Awvards Department of University Affairs, 4811 University Avenue Toronto 2