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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1967, p. 1

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«774 A big attrac tion of the, Orono Fait for tise mai ority of those in at'tendance was the appearance of Hawks hockey team along with iesso puck shooting- contest. ft uil signed hundrýeds of auto- VOLUME 30, NUMBER 35' Miss Penny Fairbrotlser of 0V. tawa who was visîting thsefair wh er gadarnsWillpos- graplis for the younger set and displayed bis skill at shooting the puck. The puck shooting boolli was kept busy ducring the entire run of the fait with some speecls registering over 60 miles pet haut sibly neyer use a spinning wheel bel nevertheless she was curiaus of this antique in thse Centennial display. Sliown above is Dennis Huli (middle) givir.g same instruction to Gary Cox 0on the art of sah'oot- ing. Mr. H. Partner, ýone of the ca-sponsars with A. Sturrock, is an on-oaker. ORONO WEEKLY, TIMES, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14th,- 1967 Wide Range In Tenders Uptown Pitiniig, Oshawa, was the painting workJ. Uptown Paint- tie~ueseu inl anhg ing sulimitte4 -ariprice of $*25.00ü heexterior Wüodcwürk of bath foc tise Orono Sehiool and $175.00 cS Oropo and Brown's school. Thse for Btown's 'Scsool. Other bid- eontriract was, awarded by the ders were Harwoad Painting, A- ClrePublic Sehool Board ops jax:, Orono, $395.00, , Brown's Modyevencng at their regular '$165.00;,moclern, Painting, Osis- mamnthly meeting in Newtonville. awVa: Orono $944, Brown's $430.00 Six tenders were teceivecl foi (Continued page 6) Creating a great deal af inter- et ýaIt he Orona Fait last week- end was a display of antiques:and items of former years. This dis- play was established at -the fair by the larke Township Centen; niai Canittee. Ceuncil To Seek At the September meeti»g of the Clarke Township Council a motion was passed asking the clerk to prepare a by-law to set up a two-year term for the Reeve, Deputy-reeve and three council- lors of counceil. The draft is to be further,.cansidereci by council af- ter its presentatian to them by the clerk. Three readings were given to the Municipal and School Tax Credits Assistance by-law for, eld- erly persans. A pu blished notice appears in this paper on this by- law. In the accoats $8233.51 was passerl for the general accaunt, $892894 for roads and $1296.43 for welfare. Orona Police Trustees account $841.9, 22Attend Orono Public School The Orono Public School open- ed a week ago Tuesday with an enrolment of 252 students which is equal ta that of the previaus year, Mr. Douglas Moff at informs us that Educational Television wilI be. in constant use at the school this year for ail grades. Televisý !on was installed in the school the latter part of last year and is now in full service. To a limited degree continu- ous progress will be undertaken in, -the first three grades af the sehool. Mr., Mffat states that this is a new venture for- the school and i5 on trial basis. Stu- dents however will stili be grad- ed ino their own claýses. The cartinviaus îpcagress scheme , lie said, makes a lot mare work for the teachers. Grades six ta eight are again being canducted on a rotary bas- i,5 every afternoan. This was first star.ted in the Orono School last year. Mr, Tiglie of Peterborough îs, the prindipals relief fac the enire year. Bi ncrease in Exhibits and Exhibitors at Orono Fair A new mark was set at the re- cent Dlurham Centrai Agricultur- ai Fair held in Orano by exhibi- tors wha increased by almost fif, ty percent. This, fact in its42f at tributed to tihe numeroris and di- versification of the exaibits bath inside the agricultural building and alL;n in outside exhibts. The number of- exhibitýrs increased by 90 avec that of 1966 ita a ttal of 290. Attendance hawever was down fromn the 1966 fair, due possibly to weather conditions. Gate re ceipts aver the twa, days, were clown by some $500.00. Exhibits andi displays inisicle the building excelied avec that of former years with the exception of the domestie science division whic h last yeac set Lau al llime high for recent years&. In genecal the exhibits of flowers, domestie science, needileccafi, art Junior wocrk and others wece abave par. These exhibits along with com- mercial dispinys and displays by variaus organizaians macle, the show insicle the building most ex- cellent. Exhibits of lîvestock including the' new feature of sheep wère likewise above other years and this carried ithrough lthe beef and dairy cattle ta an enormaus show- ing of liglit and heavy liorses a- long with classes of riding horses and panies. A fine showing of poultcy was again a feature well Worth visiting as was the rabbit show startecl last year at the Or- ono Fait. The Satucday evening pragram provideci by the Oshawa Barber- shap Chorus was presented, toaa sparse crowd. The pragcam was held insicle the fair building due to tihe cold weather conditions. The pro-grans of music presented by tihe group of 45 singers was exceptional in ils quaiity and pre- sentatiins., Thse activities of the f air was onuedby a fL'air dan!ce held iný the Township Hall, Ocona. Atten- clance at this affair packed thse hall. Music was supplied by Clare Nesbitt and lier orchestra.1 The title of "Miss Durham Cen- tral, 1967", given in the beàuty cantest was won by Miss Daine Little, daughter of Mc. and Mrs. Roy, Little,- Kendal. Runnecs-up were Miss Karen Caatham, claugis- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coatham*i, Orono and Susan P49,l, daugis- ter of Mc. and Mrs. Kennetis Bahl, aisa of Orona north., In the final race of the quarter horse races, Robert Eislerk of Courtice won in a record 52 sec- onds. The fairs Grand Champion Council Tables Triplex Issue Council of the Township~' of Clarke tableil a petition received from local residents against the construclion of two Triplex a- partmerts on Prinicess Street. No action was either taken to approve the projeet or reject it. This pro- ject has been approved by- the Orono Police Trustees but did not obtain, approval, from the Clarke Township Planning Board Reeveý, Foster and Counillor Gray, who are bath members of the Planning, Board, reported to couneil -that at the last planning. board meeting the Board had re- quesitec that council proceed with the necessary negotiatiane of the uA esent Restricted Area by-law with the Ontario Muicipal1 Board as soon as possible. Mr. L. Secord, lot 1, concession 8 of 'the'Townishlip met with couin- cil to discuss a drainage prohleni Of - surface water from :thi r6ad onto his property. He also report- ed that . speeding in the area of the Ganaraska speedway.was ag- gravating. Thé matter . f the drainage wa.s referred ta the Road Superintendent. Mr. Eric White informned coun- cil of the operation of a trailer camp in the area otflot 26, conces- sion 2. H.e said lie had been ask- ed by neighbours ta inf atm Con- cil of this matter and ta point out that this devaluated property in the area. The clerk was ù, - structeci ta investigate tý matter arid report back o council. The existing by-law gaverning trailer camps is ta be re-studied. cake madle by- Mrs. G. ero,)ii Osha, w,ý as actin off for $10 at a mammiothi cake auction. The Grand Champion Pie aof the fair was 'Macle by Carol. Ann CacId- well of Orono, a student of Clarke Higli School. Winner of' the Orono Amateur Athletic Association caif draw was W. R. Thompson, Leaskdale with ticket number 139. The tick- et was drawn by Craig Tennant. The award for the best aid-tme costume was won by Mrs. HarQId Ransberry of Orono north. Mrs. Lawrence Sherwin, Oroa was 2nd, and Mrs,. Gordon Beech of Bowmanville 3rd. Thcee children participated in this contest, and Miss Dawn Vaneky of Tyrone was awarded the prize. 111 Pictuted above are Mc. and Sam Day of Langley a&d the Mrs. Dennis Norman Thompson grom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thse bride, Elizabeth Betty Anin r is tise daughter of Mr. andý Mrs. Roy Thompson of Orono, A'Star, Attractions At The Fair ORONO"WEEKLY TIMESý A Lapse 0f Years - -~ -- -~

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