ORONýO WEEKLY TIMES, TUSASPEBRlt,1967 lIfBERýAL CANDIDATE ORNO EEKLY :lTIMýES NE PPOAH as ScondClai mai, "t is time for an entire new ~Autorîed s SeondCias mal, ostOffie Dtirtannt, appoacli to the problemns exigt- Olltawa ing i our province now," E. R. Oublished every TliursôaUy aIth offieu publicati 'Di c' Lovekin, Liberal candidate Main Szxeet,, Phore 109, tjrono, Oncrjlui the forthcoming provincial el- ection, said in a recent statement. i E~bblihed'n 938by . A Fore~erMr. Lovekin was referring to~ Roy C. Forrester - Efiitor ai mollager "a complete houseeleaning at Queen's Park" on October 17. CLARKE STUDENT WILL wiîî gîve him more experience The Newcastle lawyer said STAR AT EXPOIS YOUTH and audience exposure to help tee eedfnt la u s PAVILlON IN bim develop as an actor." ýsetinasidaed y the Smiag fr thl- 'OUR TOWN'1 PERFORMANCES Grant Williams, also of New- eption axiaton. th Sit Ket llr, tuei Cuclcastle, will be playing one of the rpr n aain suIirtngroe i "urTon. 'In a recent newspaper adver- P.re1dent f Clarke Higli Sebool H1e again was chosen for his un-'tisemnent the, Progressive Con- bas ben chosen, to play one of, terest in the Theatre. servative government told the üite starriing roles in "Our Town" . people1 of Ontario they neyer had being presented by 'Dunbarton One of the big eventq at Expo it -so good, yet, the. Smith report High Se:hool at Expo on Septem-Ifor the cast will be an opportun- o aa ber 19,, 20 arnd 2lst, T'i isite ity ýto meet the author of ,,Ouricn aaion says there i5 defin-1 offy igiScholdr-ta -gr sPneTown, Thorniton Wle.Mn mitely a problem," Mr. Lovekin only~ igScoldaagupin Wilde. Mny .msaid. Northt America to appear at the portant digniàaris obesi(:ýs i Mr. *Youtbl, Pavilion during the run of;Wilder have been invited b the EpKeith was chosen for the Premiere, Performance on Sep- part f Geoge, on f hehe tember l9th at 3:00 p.m., maincharcter, ofythe direr, Anyone from the area wbo Roy iggis, wo whecodirector would like to see our local talent of-l Ham,,inet wîth Miss C. Bennett in this show is invited to a gala çà larke Iligli Sehool. 1farewell performance on Septem-1 ber l5th at 8:30 p.m. at Dunbart- Mr. lliggins said "Keith bad a on High School: An'audience of great understanding of the part 12,000 is 'expected for this event of Laertes in Hamlet and when1 which will be held outeide. Tick-, the vacaney came up in "Our ets May b Town" I. decided that be should jThe schoe be the ýone to play the part. I §iee Township a great future for Keitb in Thea- ay1 w tre and hope that tbis chance'Road, off be obtained at $hýe doýor. 1l ils locate;d in Pickering nortb of No. 2 lligh- miles west of Liverpooýl White's Sideroad. DURHAM COUNTVý PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Wedniesdaly, ,September ,2Oth DONO TOWN 4HALL a- 7.30 P."'.ï GUEST SPEAKER:- HON. GEORGE GOMME Mlister of Higliways "BACK VOUR INTEREST WITH VOUR PRESENCE"l everybody welcome Candidlate for Durham "We do not need the Smnith re- port to :tell we have prohlems, but it is a clear indication the, governent bas beefi working on a' patchwork basis and the only solution isq to have an entire new approach from an entîreiy new 1 government," he added. In, regards to tbe opening of the eleettion campaign, Mr. Love- kmn said he had no intention of making it a personality confliet. "There are clear issues as prov-j- en by the Smith report" he said, l'and. I feel, character asýassina- tion _is out of place in, Durham 'County." Mr. Lovekin, besides bhis, law practi ce, operates a f arm in New- castie where be, raises horses and Hereford cattle. CARD OF TIIANKS 1 wish to thank my friends,, neighbours, and relatives,' the Re- bekah Lodge for cards, flowers Pand candy 1. received while inl jHospital. Aisa special îthanks t10 Dr. and MWrs. McKenzie for their kîndness. EdIna VWest. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F' GORDON ROSSVILLE WINTER laIe of the Township of Carke in the County of Durham, Carpenter, deeased: Ail persons baving clais a- j gainst the estate of the said Gor- don Rossville Winter, who died on or about the 27th day of June 1967. are bereby notified ta send to the undersigned Solîcitor on or before the 3Oýth day of Septem- ber 1967, their names aud ad- dres&ses andI full particu»'s of their caims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by theniduly verified by, statutory deelaration. Immediately after the said 30th day of Septemiber 1967, fhe assets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed among tbe persans en- title thereto baving regard only to the dlaims of which the under-' signed Solicitor shall then bavei Inotice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this 13th day of September 1967. WVK. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario ocictr for the Executrîx ORONO, ONT. and make an appolntment to bave your hearing tested by Mr. Gabriel your certl- fied hearing aid audiologist Mr. Gabriel bas been serv- lng the bard of hearing for the past 18 years.' Rest as- sured he is able te fit yottr hearing loss with the proper hearing aid.1 FREE TRIAL - NO COST or Obligation Repaie for AUl Makes of Heaing Alds .1(11 IIj PROTECTION Is supplied by the Durhamn County Co-perative Med- cal Services, on a coest basis. Yo:u get f ull value for your dollar. If you are making a chan~ge in-your niedical protec- tion be sure to cheeck our plansý and premium rates. Phone983-5404 For Information and Literature Durham County Co-operative Mediïcal Servies ORýONO, ONTARIO EVENING CLSS ES COU RTICE SECONDARY SCHOOL R.R. No. 3, Bowmanville (Nash Rd., Courtice) Aduit education flot available to day students Ae-orýding to our preliminary survey conducted last May, sufficient interest is indicated to, be able to off er the following night school classes: A - H!ostess Cooking B - Sewing - Basie & Advanced C - Physical Fitness (Women) D - Typing - Basic E - Business Machines - Basic F - Interior Decorating -'Basic In addition to these courses stated above, courses lu the f ollÔwing may be held. if a sufficient nuiuber of students register lu each class: Arts & Crafts Woodworking (Hobby) Physical PiVness - (Men) Shorthand Bookkeeýping Teehnical lowing. Courses lu three levels ln each of the f ol- Auto Shop Machine Shop Elecetrical ~ ~ay cio o eter iMond-ay, October 2 or Tfues- Cse wil be held on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to, 9ý30 pm. comimencig on October 17 ani running for %0 eeks. A rýegistration of at least 15 studients is required to, con- duta class under Department of Education regulations. A iregistration fee of $5.00 wil be paid at ithe time of real!stration. If a class is not bield this fee is refunded.- Durham County District igh School Boaird y