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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1967, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY T»RIS, Tuvit)s»XV. SEpTEM BER lt,16 LOCAL NEWS Mrs. O. W. Rolph lias returned home from the Bowmanville Metmorial Hospital Dr. and Mrs. Bud Burnett and Patti, of Hawkesbury are spend- ing thijs week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Graham. Mr. and Mns. Randy Rydali of Toronto visited on Saturday with. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and. at- tended Orono Fair on Saturday. Mr. Terry Graham has return- ed ýtà Queen's University,- King- ston for his third term. Mr Douglas Mffat entered ithe University of Guelph on Sunday. Mrs. Campbell of H alifax vis- ited ler mother Mrs. H. Bowen dast week and Mrs Bowen reluirn- ed te iHalifax with her fur a visit 'Ne Hope You'iI Join even if: -yoýu've been too busy to sig u p. OR -yo,,u're fot înterestedi saving money. OR -you neyer have to borrow money.' You Can't Afford to Pass Up :Membership ithe Ororio District CREDIT UNION rreas.-Man., Mrs. P. Werry $X$9050 Rolph Hardware Up And Down The Book Sbtacfks Bill Bantey's 'Expo 4l' Tie end of the 'really big ýshow' PLAN TO OPEN RINK is drawing near To the maxmy who have planned a fail visit te Expo, NOVEMBER 1ST. may I suggest that before the The Orono Athletic Asisociation trip, read plenty of material on held a direct er's meeting on Tues- this most fabulous of World Fairsdaevngwhniwsdcde With daily attendance in the that lt would be their intenlion to 200,000%s, over 40 pavilions and. open the Orone, rink on, Novem- 1000 acres of ground, it is lan ov- ber 1st this year. This, of course, _erwhelming panorama at first ould be partial'ly decidedl by .nAil the advaxice informa- weather conditions, tion you can glean wilii be help- The Association also moved f0' fui. cail for tenders for a caretaker Now f ho Library has Bill Bant- and ice maker for the coming sea- ey's bookiet on Expo along with sn a iepitdofta t'1e officiai guide. These books an operator for the refreshment are fun to glance through affer beoth weuld, have to be obtaincd a vîsit to Expo as well as before., this year. Seo read discuss with. Expo-go- Other items of business during ers, and then go yourself te the the ýevening inciuded a rý utal f air ef a lufetime - a fair with charge for ice time of $11.00 per the most sttnning ar chitecture, hour for alil outside groupsý. A the cleanesf grounds, a gem of :a rate of $6.00O an hour was Se-, seting and an exciting variety for the Orono FigurTe Skatingj of transportation. Club and this rate it was feit byl New Books many would have to ho met by Aduif Non-Fiction: the boys using the rink for hock- Steamboats & Steamboat Men ey.Sucb a plan would necessitate C. R. Rosederry. increased rates for boys playing Beyond Our Selves - C Mar- hockey. This matter is ta be fin- shah.alized at a inter meeting whcn the O ne Man's Log - E. Ferdon rink committee i s te, present a The Scarce Australians - j. budget for operation d'uriâg the Yeornans, winter season. The Royal Prisoner - J. D. Jonc-s The Athlctic are aise te, hold Spain: The Gentie Anarchy- B. a dance in the rilk within the Welles. next fcw weeks and arc also to Adulf Fiction: heid a draw for a Sk i-Doo te raise A Da Fo Noting- L.Sitph-further funids te, heip pay off tlie ,a DmFrNtig-L 'eh cost 'of the artificial iceintla an tien. CuTi. Pleasure Garden 0 . Hall. TKSOT0 NAI Behold Here's Poison G. loy- er. gli TuSm Around Twice - E.,givi The Wings of Madncss - J. Pjhil- ips. UNITED) CIURCH Oreno Pastoral Charge Rev. B. E. Long SUN VAY, SEPTEMEER 17, -19671 Orono Unifed Church Sunday Seheol ýat 10:00 Service af 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday Scheol at 11:00 Leskard- Sund.ay School at 9:45 Dr. P.I. Mairtense DENTIST Orono, Ontario orono Medical Centre Office Hours:- 9:00 to 1:00; 2:00 to 6:00 Satgrday 9:00 te 1:00 Phone 983-5825 $ssss $ $ss$ $ $ ATTÎENTION FARMERS WIIY PAY MORE? SAVÉ ON PREMIUM QUALITY Gasoine",easel0- Motor Oî - SFARMI TANKS and PIJMPS AVAILABLE . ~.CALL COLLECT _ WHJTBY 668-3341 DX OIL CUMPANY, $$$$~$ $$$ $$ PLAYDOWN SERIES The Orono Tyke Basell Clubi semi-final series with Fenwick,i was elosecl on Sunday with Fen-1 wick takng the series two games, Io bone. Orono won the first -g ame of the series but fell behind in the last two games. The deciding garne on Sunday was taken by Fenwick by :a score of 90. Oronoý was faced wMt the excellent pitching of the Fen-' wick hurler and Orono only threatened 'on one or two occa5- .nons. Fenwick now advances f0th finykslstii hav ths The roný Tyks stll hvef0 ýcompIete theiÏr lague series wilh Nt'ewcastle for fhelebague Champ-* ionship. Newcastle ieads this ser- les two games te one. LADIES' HANDBAGS A new stock of soft-grained Vinyl ilandbags with the look of rich leather. Roomy cansmgal styles as well as dresY styles iblack, brown, beige, tan »dl copper. Priced f rom .... $5.50 to $6.95 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS Sec our new Men's Sport Shirts styled by "Curie" with long sîceves - some fapcred for trim fit. Checks, Paisîcys and plain shades. Sizes smail, medium, large and M-arge., Priced front...$5.00 to $7.00 (OWNSHIP 0F -CLARKE NOTICE TO RIEALTY TAXPAYERS The Council of the Township of Clarke has auth- orized the ýestablishment of a system of municipal and schiool tax credits and refunds under the provisions of The Municipal and School Tax Credit Assistance Act, 1967 to assist elderly persons. A tax credit equivaient tW one4ialf of the municipal and sehool taxes may be aliow- cd lu respect of a real property, subject, to a maximum of $150. if: (a) the owner, and/or the husband' or the wife of the owner, is 65 years of age or more and occupies the real propcrty as a personal res- idence. (b> application is made by the taxpayer during the calendar ycar in which the realty taxes, in respect of which the tax credit is claimed, become due and payable, and (c) the remaining portion of the realty taxes, after the deduction of flhc tàx credit, has been paid. Full particulars of the system of tax credits and an application formn may ýbe obfained froni the office of the municipal treasurer at' Orono. telephone number 983-9179. Council Township of Clarke Rainey's Confecionery Agent for Bowmanville Cleaners GLEN RAE DAIRY PRODUCTS NELSON'S ICE CREAM' L.eP. RECORDS SCHOOLÎSUPPLIES Soft Drinks. & Tobaccos Open Evenings except Wednesdays GLENAYR KITTEN SWEATERS Our new Fail and Winfer stock of Ladies' Kitten Sweaters has arrived. Pull- *vers and Cardigans in fuli-fashioned machine-washable English Bofany and medium-weigl bulky wool Brighf new fali shades. Sizes 34 to 42. Priced fromn .. $10.00 tt $17.010 Skirts and Sllms teo match, availabie BOY'S SHIIRTS Two styles lnuRoy's Shirts. One i knitted coffon with polo collar, fthc other în Cotfon Jersey Kuit wifh Corduroy front and turf le neck. Bofh have long sleeves. Navy, burgandy, gold and green_ Sizes 8 te, 14 years. Priced from .... $2.25 to $2é75 SéeOur N ew Hndbags also a new and fuit uine of Sweaters and Shirts ARMSTRONG'S. 14th, 196,7

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