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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Sep 1967, p. 9

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ORONO WEEKLY TfIES, TBRSDAY, SEPTEMER 21Zst, 1967 e - - Aa F - -aS - Il1 Z ~ INSURANCE SEE FRED LYCETI OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO 'Phone 9835032 Res. 983-5142 JACK ZIEID rnosLicensed Auctiýoneer and Valuatoi Specîalize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit nme for ternis and dates, .pHONE ORONO 9U3-914 MdonuinÏ.Dts aÀd Fanily M morials 'cm qually andI servie e aves< aothing t.eliedestired A&k the perStes Who heught from ~ n neihrriend or aeI*Ve The RU¶'rER GRANITE COMPANTY 73 Otie Street PORT HOPE WATSON's vMarine au.d Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of1 Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACIIINERY PUM.PING OUT SKPTIC TANKS WRITE WASIIING STABLES Bert Touipk-ans SPhone 78&-2552 Building A New Home? or Remodelllng? LaUl 983-5713 Orano LYCETT OPlumnbing & Heatingg PHONE 983-5407 Orono, Ontario W.FRANK 2tLAL ESTATE gg LIMITED 21 KING ST. WEST Bowmrriville 623-3393 Toronto, 9U,'974 Port Hope Office- o98 Walton St. - 1854548w g FREE APPRAISALS g gExclusive Agent for J. OCITONSKIg CONSTRUCTION, g 3-Bedroom Bungalows g gPriced from $15,375.00 on lots '73x200 j 6Orono Area Representative ROV rOSTER gKeadal - Phone 983-5801g [A large solection of Farms,6 SHomes, Lots, Retreat, Pro- peatis in rthis area g ORONO ELECTRIC Heil e-ndI Gerry Duval ELECTRICAt CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING, ELECTIIICAL APPLIANCES T.V. -. COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS -- THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- 'Hamitons gFiro 1 S Package Pelicles Fidelity Bond, OLîahlity g is Mortgage Loans g Phono 983-5115 BOX 133 Phone 668-355Z IStafford Broihers I Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials Dealers in Doinestie & Foreign Granites and Marbies - Iimcrlptlonh Cut -nud Cemetery Répair 'Work FOR SALE AUCTION SALE Six registe 1red Hiereford cows ' Holstein Cat-Ile, 3 Tractors, and, caives; 6 regcistered heifers. 1 Maehinery, baled: Hay, Stra-., Grain etc. The, property of Mrs. APhdeof eeft-59 4c. cLuther Allia, lot 15, con. 3, Dar- Phoe 93-574 -cliagton Township, 2 miles north of Bowmanville on the Scugog FOR SALE Lroad. Selling without reserve on Weaîti Apples, Crab Apples Siaturday, September 23rd, com- and Pears. mencing at 1 p.m. 1Terms; casIh. Jack and Charles J. W. Boyd, Oronýo 983-5968. ýReli., Auctioncers -and Sales Man- FALL PLANTING FURNISHED ROOMS Ideal time to plant Juniper, Ftirnished Rooms (Maie), Yew, Cedars, and 'Spruce. LargejHome cooked meals if desired. selection. Phone Newcastle 987-4706, RICHARIDSON FARMS, d-7- Pontypool b-37-c i1NTIC jMeat cut, wrapped and frozen. WANTED iPhone C. Miller 983-5988 Orono. An experienceci waitress, part- t-f tine -enly. 'Coach and Four, phone 983-5560. b-37c HELP WANTED - Lady for full or part time light A1JCTION SALES flouse work. Auction Sale of 45 choice ilere- Phonie 983-5009. a-c lezd Cattle; ý 5 HerefordCo, fresh and springing. Good BuIl. HELP WANTED For Otto Berger, 4 miles, north of Grafton at Eddystoue, Thurs- day, September 21 at 1:30 p.m. Auction' Sale of Holstein'Cattle, Hogs, Hay, Grain, Traetur andj Farm Machinery. iLw Per the Estate ef Stanton Lw rence, 5V miles west of Wark- worth on County Road, Saturday, SkPinnher 23rd at 1:00 pm. Auction Sale of Hereford Cat- tde, Tractor, Farm Machinery'and For John Howard. 1/4 mile west Lady wanied one day per week for domestic work. Preferably with own transportation. L. Manning, R.1', Newtonh- ville. Phone 983-5021.a- iVANýTED Front end for 28" CCM. bi- cycle Blain Moffat, phone 983-5944. a-p WANTED Farxn help wanted. Married appre neigh their the t ing t] belový to Dr ,fBethesda south chrcl on Dale man. $300-00 per month. Five o Road, -Wednesday, September 27 iroom apartment, hot water h eat- low's 1at 1:30 p.m. ed. Bath. Hot and cold water on Long Roger Au(e ewtap in kitchen. Propan.e. gas sup- Gerald eoesAu tneew. plicd for kitchen. Stove and milk. l'ho -jCrafton 349-2229., Single man $250.00 per moulli a-ec and good home. AL _________ __________ Apply Y. D. IÇyte, Tillsonburg, dAL 'Ont.Phone842-2718.tfdja JNOTICE Septei The phone numiber listed. in IRe Il k Deaili tho telephonie directory for Bertomkn, Nwovle sol _ ead 786-2552. If no answer, jplease Phone your operator. p 'Q Is th( b-36-c hi NOTICE TO CREDITORS The IN TUIE ESTATE OF' GORDON th kROSSVILLE WINTER late of tihe But :t Township of Clarkre in the 'County The of Durhain, Carpenter, decçeased: de Ail persons having clains a-.2Vben Callyour gainst the estate of the saici Gor- i ge icensed Plumbrng & don Rossvilie Winter, whodid Loyi on or about the 27th day o uefro Mechanical Contractor '1967, are hereby notified to send ,onid dý whe selIsal to the undersigned Solicitor on SeS, o r before the 3th day of Septem- eqguarerntee ber 1967, their namnes and ad- In dresses and full particuws Of moýhe, ARr iALheir dlaims and the nature of Rwen L A R M A M te securitîes (if any) held by Septen PLUMBNG AN HBATNG tcm duly verified by ýstatutory A thoi PLMIN 4 DHATN declaration. Anm Phne93-27 rno jImmediately af ter the said 3th The Io day of Septesuber 1967, The assets 0f t of, the said deceased will be dis- Sadi: tributed among the PýersOns en- and fa to thre aims of which the under- PLUZ NGa" HEATING j signed, Solicitor shaîl then, have 'OU SlsandI Service j notice. Cfl 24HOUR BUItNER SERVICE Dated at Orono, Ontario, this Tuesda B.A FIANCIN 13 th day of September 1 967. Bruceo B-A FINANCINGW K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontariohifo Low Iuterest Rates Sodlicitor for the Executrix ilda [1 Carolir jPhono: _______________ utt ai Hampton 263-2288 IF~ YOU NEED A o'clock i I erment -remodelflng your preseIl one, then contact ORONO MASONRY JOB TO BE DONE CAJI - BRICKLAYERS STONEMA SONS Relubard Sebreiber - 1Orono,. 983-56 Willi SÉcbmi- Oreno, 8M CAR!) 0F THANKS wish to express My since-re ýciàtion to. mry kind friendis, ibours, and' relativesi for many acts of kindness and beautiful floral tributes dur- the illness and passing of my- ved, husb-and. Specidl 4thanks r. McKenzie, Nurses and staff Bowmanville Hospital, Bar- Funeral Horne and Rev, >for his comnfoitinfg words.; Eva Gibson: LN MEMORIAM EN-In loving memory of a ,husband and father William rwh-o-pàsed away-isuddenlyý ember l7th,, 1963 nembrancç, i s a golden, chain htries to, break but ail in vain, ,have tp, love and then to ?art ie greatiesýt sorrow of one's eart. eyears may wipe out many ,ings thisl-they wvipe ouit neyer, ememory of thoýse happy ithe tbree of' us were to- vingly remembered and neyer teni Your wif e Connie daughter Truldy. a-p IN MEMORIAM rloýving memory of a dear er and grandmîiother, lVfs a Delan, wbo passed away aber 25th, 1966. eglt of sweet remembrance, memory sad and true,, lve, and sweet devotion, ;he onies who think of you. y 'nissed by Eýdua, Albcrt' amily. a-p IANE, Bruce Charleis-On ay, September l91th, 1967 Cochrane of Ponîtypool in arýth year, beloved son of and Jim, dear brother of ne. Rcsting at the North- and Elloit Funeral Home, anville for service at 2:00 çThursday afternoon. In- t MVcCraes Cemetery. .a~c Orono, Pone 983-.59808 PAINTING andI CARI'ENTER WORK REMODELLING I Interior aud, Exterior -~ ilA t 11g I-- 10rville Chatterton EWLeetical Contracting IEloctric Ileating Pl OXE 983-5546 or 98315M Oroino, Ontario rà RECEPTION M r.. a nd Mrs Cecil Carveth will welcome- their relatives and friend,-,to itheir Golden Weddiug in the ('ommunity Halýl, New- castie, from 7 to, 9 p.m. on Sat- ul-day, September 30th, 1967., Cool IWîçhes ordy. b-3'7-p Mrs. H. Toms, Mrs. F. Butler, Mrs. R. Embly, Mrs .H, Jose, Mrs. S.- Brereton, Mrs. Jno. Neýsbitt, Mr.s. Geýo. Stapleton. COMING EVENT 'Portraits From The Past" at Cl.arke' High School, Monday, Septemberî 25th., Admission $1.00. c-36-c COMING, EVENT The, Orono Horticultural Soci- ety will hoid its regular monthly meeting in the United Church Auditorium, Thui-sday, Septemb- er 28th at 8 p.m. Miss Catherine Stewart Will be .present 'to, show pictures, of ler. recelnt visýit to, Scotland. Ail prize, monieis from the aný nual show will be given ýout. Lunch will ,e, served. Plan ta jattend. b-37-c

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