I ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THZ.URSDAY, OCTOBERI9thUl, 1967 LO AL NE S i ep r Fom O ta a ACER SOCIETY 1any ueu ups o. CONSIDERS TESTS A woman could have a test ta- Mrs. Jamies E. Richards lias re- ýZssa-I1 C. Hoôney, M.P. - Durhamco itadtry tbr ar no The possibility of mass clinics ken at any doctor's office. But turned home from twoweeks in acts of cruelty andon spouse for Pap tests (cervical smear 1 they coula flot be forced to take the Osliawa Hospital. The Report of the'Special Joint does not actually esr'the oth- tests) in Ontario was discussed isuch a test. Mrs. Glenn Tamblyn, Santa fluse of Commons-Senate Com-, er. The parties to thýe marriage at the annual meeting of the Port Religt Iusin ta mittee on Divorce Reform was may bReplying to a questione thatstrct ancr Uit Ana, California, accompanied by tabicd last June. It will form the ible fnacna icm athe ano itriteGolCandcerUnîtlnc e e psy ntetw lier mother Mrs. Frederick Walk- basis for nexv legislaio prmshalra ecrea.il.a h otHp ofadCu 1nc es t p say nthe tan daughote aie an aire iiat g fr this Session by 1Prime The introduction of the ground try Club last niglit. t hll ora rcreaotionhentrestsnd d4uhte LarieAnnarevistin MVliister Pearson. The Senate Co-: of scparation for a speccfied per-1 Dr. B. W. Spilsbury told the re'iiçve doctors for more impor- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn Chi- nofteCmite-a d1 stemstpatcl a ommexse sucli a program would tant work, Dr. Spilsbury said hie this week. cSenator Arthur Roebuck of solve the problem of a marriage cost a gei eio money. "We doubted if xvomenwould "permit Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Northumberland. 1 was privileged breakdown. There can be no bet- know the test can detect cancer- a teclinician to conduct such a have returned home after spend- to serve as a member of this Spe-: ter evidence that a marriage bas it lias already been. proven. To test, aithougli the time will corne ing several weeks in the Hunts- cial Joint Committee. failed than the termination of hold mass tests would not serve!I when teclinicians and nurses will ville district, cohabitation and the failure to ___ ____ IThe Report miglit be describediresume it after a substantial per ___ ___________________________ Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Rainey vis- as setting out the principle that od offtimie. If after living apart îted on Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs, divorce should flot be so easy that the couple have n desire te ever Neil, Rainey, <annington. there is no inducement to over- again live together as man and Mi- ad ]~j5 R C,~hiispeitcorne temrporary troubles, and wife, no law cari make it so and M.atveend M ith dr r s evr, ifthe marriage work, liow- no service is rendered mankind lastweeendwithDr.andMrs.eve ifthemariage is dead the! Lo refuse divorce. Bud Burnett and P? ti, Hawkes--oj, ftl, hdb ORONO, ONT. POE 983-5539 bury. A obriatiof thethe sliould be t a-ford it a decent burial. Avraino h eaain Mr. nd Ms. W'te Stener, Forground is the situation wliere Calar, Ata, isicdtlFsore ail practical purposes the Clere is no proveable marital of-I Caiarh Mrs .,ei Potedti ek on y ground for divorce in Can-Ifence but wherc cohabitation, lasl F Mr.andMr. M ' Kimet, epot ecomeds xtndig benterinted bySpring Bulbs should be planted now. Mr.andMrs May immttReprt ecomens eteningconditions sucli as insanity, gross I Napanee were overniglit guests the category of matrimonial of-land habituai drunkenness,' drug WTe have a good selection. of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett fences as a consequence of which aditopesset cr1nlt en route to the Plowing Match at divorce could be souglit to adult-j resulting in long ternis in tlihae taingorefo erson alized tat-on Bare pa- Christmas Cards and Servite n te aeO Bri.ery, rape, sodomy, , bestiality, Penitentiary, and the disaper Products. Mr. ad Mr. Alx Wasoncruelty, desertion and wilful non- ance over a long period of one of Seorgopo anig.Yuna idta Mr. nd rs.Ale Wasonsupport. the parties. These conditions eou grpofPiinsYu yfndta Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings, Mrs. 1miglit be encompassed within the one and onfly one for an ideal gift. Harry Bailey were Wednesdayi The Report also introduces the separation ground buît thiye Try us for yeur eveingdiner uess wth Vir. Iseparation grounds into divorce ýail of an identifiable naturIt Rowena Sherry and Miss Lois in Canad1a. Many marriages fai emsmr«ogclt tettemra Sherry, Port Hope.i for reasons other than proveable as separate or .spec'ial cases ofFlAra g m ns& T bu s offences on the part of one of the marriage breakzdown. spouses. The pliglit of tliousands Brick Block Conerete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors Tile 983-5441 ORONO We Hope You'II Joie even if: --you've been tue busy to Sign up. OR -you're not interested in saving money. oit -yen neyer have te borrow meney. Yen Can't Afford te Pass IrpMembership ln the Orono District CREDIT UNION Treas.-Man, Mrs. P. -Werry or persons cauglit in the bonds of dead marriages preserits a prob- lcm 6f major importance. Many -narriages fail Ilirougli no fauli of their parîner. Neither partner UNITED GHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Rev. e. B. Long SUN DAY, OCTOBER 22, 1967 Gros. Uted Churek Sunday Scliool at 10:00 Service at 11:15 amu. M.umg etrviee at 9:46 %uay rSâ*i ai:11:00 S-urday School at 9:45 DENTIST Orono, Ontario, Orone Medical Centre Office Heurs:- 9:00 te 1:00; 2:00 te 6:00 Saturday 9:00 te 1:00 - Phone 983-5825 WIIY PAY MOR iý;E? __ON PREMIUM QUALITY Ga'soline - Diesel -uMoer 0Ou SFARM TANKS and PUJMPS AVAILABLE ~ ~ CAIL COLLECT"_ WHITBY 668-3341 DX OIL COMPANY s s$$$s$s$s$s$s f r Inlie granting of any divorce -on a separation ground, of course, the law would provide certain tsafeguards sucli as giving the rCourt the power to adjourn the -application for a spccifîed period if there seemed to lie a possibil- ity of reconciliation; provision. would bc made for the financi- aily weaker party; no divorceý would be granted until satisfact- I ory arrangements were made as 1 to the cure anid custody of child- ren cf' the mariage; and, thie Court at al l imes would have discretion to refuse the divorce on the ground of public interest. The new divorce legisiation when întroduced to Parliament will not foilow the Commttee's Report in ail details. It will, I1 am sure, follow the general dir - ection îndicated by the, Committee and therefore I thouglit this brief summary of'Ibis Committee's Re- port miglit becof interest to you. Hauppy Hopper Haiùf-Tie Ladies' one-cyclet shoes by Lyons of London - genuine cowhide uppers, rub- ber sole and foam insole., Black, taupe and copper. Sizes 6 to 9 pe pir$4.OO Men's and Boy's Caps A new stock of men's and boys' caps for Fali and Winter. Water repeli- ent. Ail sizes in qnilted hylon and vinyl as well as cordnroy and cotton ski caps. Included are two styles ln hnnting caps. Red, bine, grey,,brown and green. from $1.5û to $2Î951 Sli@ppers by Lyons of ondon Metallie liiocade and Golden Class- le Ballerinas with new 'noni-slip" outsole and litIle heel. Colours' - pink, blue, gold and silver' Packed ln vinyl punch. price 3 I00f$ 400 MnS Work Shirts, Good qnality cotton flannel work shirts ln assorted plaids. Si.zes 15 to 17. Bine, red, green and grey predominating. from $3.95 to $4.25 Flannu eett Puama Deluxe quality pyjamas lu sanfor- ized flannelette, made ln Canada. Per- feet fit. Assurted patterns lu predominat- hi-g sliades of b lue, green, tan and maroon. ME NIS SIZES, B t o E. pair $4*.50 BOY'S SIZES, & to 16 years ,$ .3.2 5 Aït STix> G'S Agent for Bowmanville Cleaners GLEN RAE DAIRY PRODLJCTS NEISON'S ICE CREAM L.P. RECORDS SCHOOL SUPPLIES Soft Drinks & Tobaccos Open Evenings except Wednesdays