ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1967 ;s Requested ~lnrealsing Agricul- College Students ResponditrlPoutvt The "bippiie' influence of long hair, beards, jeans and mriniskirts has flot been feit at Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology, according to re- gistrar H. A. Kirkconncll. "We have asked the students to dress like young business people that includes a shirt and tic and the students have responded well. We have not had to enforce the regulation yet," hc said., No specifie regulation has been set up for long hair, bearçis or miniskirts, Mr. Kirkconnell said, but students have followed- the yvng husiness people image and are "a good, presentable bunch." Enroliment at the college is 20 of whîch 33 are girls. Twcnty- four of the females are taking the business secretarial course and nine are in the general busi- ness course. Mr. Kirkconnel said oxtra-cur- ricular activities witbin the scbool are just starting to get arranged. A student coun cil was set up last week. Mr, Kirkconnell said he spent mucli of last wcek brying to arrange ice and swim- ming facilities witb the Oshawa Department of Recreation, and arrange the use of a gymnasium in; one of the sccondary sehools One of the problems, he said, "is that we couldn't speak early enougb Wc really had no school.' LclHorses Dolng Well At ue12en (City Local trotters and pacers rac- îng at, St. Catherines recently 'ave proofed their worth and in this have reached -the winners Russell C. lloney, M.P. for Durham said in Ottawa on Octob- er 20th,,that the cost of financing Ontario's $50,000 Farm Pond As- sistance Program over the next two years has been approved un- der ARDA. The Federal Govern- ment will pay $425,000 and the Ontario Government- will pay $425,000. The purpose of the program is assistance for the provision of an to improve the efficiency of ag- riculture operations in Ontario by providing farmers with financial adequate supply 'of water for livestock, spraying and irrigation through the construction of prop- erly designed ponds. Under the Ontario Farm Pond Policy, a grant of 50 per cent is provîded for. farmers who under- take the constructios of an ap- proved f arm pond; the maximum grant being $500. for any one pond pe r 100 acres of land or fraction therof. The assistance includes the costý of drilling test holes, exca- vation, levelling and fencing anld is, exclusive of the owner's labour, mvachinery or material. Mr. 1{oney said that to qualify 'inder the program a farm pond miust have a minimum of 6.600 ____________The agricultural industry is an important part of our economy circle. because of ils size and its con- Suga Cap, a olt wnedby tributions fo other secotors of the Sugr Cpea clt wne byeconomy, and also, ,and--c.hiefly Mr. Fred Lyccît and trained and because it supples Caadan drîven by C. Hie has in its two with essential foodstuffs. Science starts placed first and second. land technology I havý changed Mr. Gerald Robinson with bis and are cotinuîng to change the Vial Vîctory recently placed in character of our agriculture. first position and on Tuesday ev- eFarms are becoming fewer in ening finished in third position. number, larger in area, more mechanized, more highly capital- Muddy John, owned by Mr. L. ized, and have on increasing de- Hooey has also been a recent gree of interdependence witb winncr at St. Catherines raceway. other industries. Il is a. complex, PasIPor owed b Chs: rm-decentralized and segmented en- their owner in a race goîng ily a sams mosbe1 strong registered il first win for. descrîbe statistically. 2.09.j Last Saturday both Mr. Jack One of the most significant Williams with Hlappy Mac, and features of the Caniadian agricul- Mr .Junior West wîth Jack Reld's tural industry has been 'the con- Thelgiers raced in the saine fea- tiinued intrease in production turc. Happy Mac placed fiftb with a decreasing labour force. The labour force in agriculture with Thelgiers trailing the field. bas declined from 1.2 million in Il is expected that local horse-11946 10 630,000 in 1964. Duriing men andborses wilî sec greater Ibis period the physical volume action wben racing commences of agricultural production in- next week at the Mohawk, creased over 40 percent. Proper Dresi Have you heard about the short course in Agricul- ture to be conducted in Peterborough this *wintcr? Persons accepted into this short course will be paid $7.00 per day for single persons and up to $15.00 per day for persons with three or more dependents. Additional Living Allowance availahie to those who find it necessary to board away from home. Commences on and runs for twenty weeks, 5 nights each week, from 5:00 to 11:00 p.m., "This Business of Farming"' course will include sub- jects both practical and useful. The Canada Manpower Division, Canada Department of Manpower and Immigration, the Aduit Education Centre in Peterborough and the Ontario Department of Agricul- turc, and Food are co-operating to make this opportunity available to area farmers., Applications accepted up to November lst, 1967. For further information contact your county office of the On- tario Department of Agriculture and Food. Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. Lindsay, 322 Kent St. W. 623-3348 324-6121 Peterborough, 164 HÜnter St. W. Uxbridge, Box 309 745-6851 852-3132