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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Oct 1967, p. 4

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- -,- w- .~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th, 1967 UT e Living God" and society may find savation, through secular and specificallyRe o t r m -O aw pressly psychology and psychiat Russell C. Honey, M.P., Durham publicize the, spectacular actionu Seripture lIessons: II Kings 5: has caused, many to turn away ry having been made a cure-ail The major item oflgitinof a fwQubc eprtssl 1-14; Revelations 3: 15-22. from the ihings Which are djiFfi- and a god 'by the public, and hav- introduced in the House of Comn- the past year or two. Thiree weeks Taken from a sermon preached cuit to understand and cannot be ing failed to live up to impossible mons this week establishes a new ago Prime Minister and Mrs. ly Rev. Basil E. Long. proved as we can many other hiopes wiil become the god who broadcasting policy for Canada. Pearson, together witb members There is a song "He's -dead but things. Man in his pride misses failed, and the disiliusionmient of his Cabinet and their wives at- he won't lie down." The recent what God has in stoi- for him, will, be dramatie. Then the The new Act, calied the Broad- tended a dinner in Montreal as concera about God being dead particularly the fact of God's preaching Of the Word which has, casting Act, establishes the pro- guests Of Mayor Jean Drapeau. brings the song to mind God may oxvn existence. No manl knows guidfed generations past, .and the cedure for reguiating public As the Prime Minister and Mrs. be dead to some but hie is vary God until he has becomie humble, quiet practice of the. pastoral (C.B.C.> and private broadcasting, Pearson arrived at* the City Hall much alive :to many. Mucli of the Robert McCracken, a great minstry, will come again in new both radio and TV in Canada. lover 1,000 Montreaiers who hadf concern, about God being dead preacher of our time, points ont, strength into their own." gtee hr navne ag arises from the fact that for a "In this century we have made The promise of Godrevealed is The legislation declares that gO ardatherean avdan, an great portion of today's society tremendous strides in the acqul- to those who seek, and the door' the air waves are public property, fas hswsa xrsino have formally asknow]edged that sition of knowledge. There are wiupbeoprnd bcaus ptpleandthe eope, taouhathaf. God does not exist, yct their things we know that Plnto and having grown disillusioned withieral government, have the right spotfrte nt fCnd their faith !is dead. They may nlot Paul were ignorant of, but that man's limited answers, turu again, to regulate ail broadcasting,' both. . . the C.B.C. did not take the faith means nothing to them. Idoes nlot make us wiser than to the Living God. public and private. The Poiicy trouble to televise it. If there had ,TheOldTesamen, lsso tels tey. Pal, he geatapotlesets out, secondly, that the broad- been twô or three Separatists a- Th ld T sam n eso els tey" P ul h get apsi casting system lu Canada, both waiting the Prime Minister w ith of. the great Syrian commander,l said, "The wisdom of this world public and private, should be cf- Separatist slogans the scene would Nuaman, who wus piagued with lis foolishness with God." There is Ml a Lfetvly w d ad otlled by aebe are rmc tt the dread diseuse of ieprosy and AUX arruin r cie we ncnoeahv-be aridfoicatt a difference between knowledge Canadians so as to preserve and coast by CBÇ TV. of the littie captive llebrew girl srnte teclual1oiia w,ho served Naaman's wife. he a d wisof knlegy ht ae social and ,economie fabric of The new législation and the ad-- iittlc girl hud grown to love these gSet eaaornoîegÊbu'uc SCaad.Thrdyth oîcystteministration of it should bring, people whom she served and o ne wisdom. On the other hand aCad. hrltepicsae, mnmay havelmedoege that ail persons broadcusting in the C.B.C. back to its primary ob- wda ao to wsth rot in am- i but have a great deul of wisdom. Alex Carruthers, M.P.p. elect Canada have a r.esponsibility for jective . . . building national u- ari whrehe oul b heledofIf a child, having, a chance to for Durham, and former chairman the public effect of the programns y otdsrYinit hrislers."lte cou rs c ee of, learn many of the thîngs his par- of the Legislature's Select Com- they broadcast but the right toe ________________ tîme Naaman decided to go down ents have not had an opportunity mittee on Aging, speaking at an freedom of expression, subject to know, decides that he is wiser annual workshop dinner heid by only to generally applicable stat- to Palestine and test the truth of hnhsprnsh ilb a-teSvcsfoSnosCmi- ute and regulations, is unques- là i the littie girî's statement. taKi-aensh ilb mk h evce o1eir Cmi- e wnua. .Nqews When Naaman appeured before ing a great mistake la most in- tee of the Ontario Branchý of the tioned. the king of Israel requesting that stances. In general his parents Canadian Red 'Cross Society in Ith190st reon Mr. and Mrs. Art, Low and Mr. he houd b heledof he is- have gained a wisdom from Toronto on Oct. 19th, said that Inte13' twsrcgized and Mrs. Allen Foster are attend- easethe ~ of I experience that; their children older people must be encouraged by xp the fdealgoermet ha ease, te king f Israe was i ave nethad iteohadrauirestenesibilitymstovsreiulatea ingonExpoltthis week..e thrown into a panic. What did 1have nottihudntheeopportunityr- tob 1tohhelp athemselvesthe Naaman think hie was? Toeali know. "No amount of servicing for brucs1gi h ulcitr iAbb hwrwshl tte fail i J 1 iest. One of the- main arguments1 home of Mrs. Roy Foster -for Mrs. this requiest might mean terrible In seeking to findý answers for the uged, no amount of doing for la fa 1vour of the poiicy ut that John Fonk. Severul of the iudies, trouble. Because of the king's dis- many of the 'questions of life peo- them, will be the saine as enab- time was the necessity to ensure lth viage attended on Wed- trsEihteprophet, sent pie generaîîy turn to iyt ing anfncuarn themesle ra latoedo that people using the public air nesday evening. word that Nauman sh ould have but God. When there is anytigfoa heee-e o t Ist en-repniblt t o Orsmptyisetndt been sent to hlm. When Nauman tion in life or incompleteness, oft- gage lu these uctivities . ." he wesin he ad tironsibity eto do- ur syMilonulty osnethended to stuted. 1 u hantonlinees.Un yr.Mo il iit o th pusing appeared t the home of Elishu en man turns to a greter round 1 fortunutely, ln' the past few yeursawyfhswienBom vle with ail his attendants Elisha told of activity, or to more entertuin- The issues eonfronting those the C.B.C. has seemed te lose Hospital, Saturday, October 21st. hlm to go clown to the river Jor- mient, but life. continues to be'heiping the~ aged, Mr. Carruthers sight of its responsibiiity in this Milton hus many friends ut Ken- dan and wash and be madle dean. empty. People turn to phychoiogy said, the the issues of life. iregard. Two examples will suf- dal where he spent his boyhood. But pride stood in the way and or to the psychîtrist for help and 1 He listed them us housing, the fiee: Many of them attended the fun- almost closed the door to the often receivb' limited help but: need for continuons iearning,' pre-j erul on Monday of this week. healing of Nauman. To Nuamun stili do not have the ua e or1etvehat porm adte 1urcn months the C.B.C. A large blacksteer wus hit by the river Jordan was rnuddy and the need which continu es to gnaw cost Of living. has given extensive coveruge to a car euarly Sunday morning ou inferior to the sparkling waters ut_ their souls. So man goes on Hie deseribed the fuect that old, the oddities in such places as Brimuacombe's hili. The car turu- of his own country. Further more seeking to prove, to test, to be-j age pensions, tied to the cost of Yorkville. The anties of a few er over on its roof, a total wreck. his 1pride was wounded in the lieve in only. the things he eau living, wiii go up by $1.50 a yeungsters are portrayed aeross The two mena were able to wa.1k fuet that the prophet had sent prove, turning away from 'the month as "small comfort te many Canadla, and the inference7 is thiat away wîth cuts and bruises. The bis advîce by miessenger rather thîngs- that hie does not under- of the aged. tî it typical of Toronto. This, animai was kilied, of course, by than coming to Nauman himself. stand and his life is barreni be- "Neither we, the Americans, of course, is not, the case. The the impact. One wondeîrs if steep Somewhat dîsiliusioned and uug- cause of it. nor the British, have evolveda C.B.C. avoids mention of the sub- his could not 'be marked by ry Nuaman was about to reject The. pendulum has swung to pension system that is 100 per stantiai cultural, social und polit- sOme sign se strangers travelling his opportunity when: his serv- the point that there may soon be cent satisfaetory to those retired !cal conributions' macle by 99.9%,'ut night would be aware that they ants reminded hlm that if thea great awakening to the truth from the work force and on fixed of the citizens of that City. were descending to a valley and prophet had asked hlm to do of God in the life that has reai income in a, time of inflationary The C.B.C. has been quick to, siacken their sPeed accordingi1, some great thing hie would have i meaning and purpose. In the Cen- tendencies." donc it. The 'outeome1 was that1 tennial Observer, Dr. Eari Laut- Automation and forced early 1 __________________________________ the mighty commander' humbled enseblager, principal of Emman- retirement speil problems for! himself, did as he was instructed uel ollege' in Toronto,, says, -l older persons, hie said. and went away happy. dure to prediet that wthin theé HOW long can we tolerate the DI K B ILO O The problem of our time is next generation and very possibly sudden and traumatie rejection much like the problem of Nuam- in the next decade there will be of older workers because they an. For us it, is intellectualism a great publie reaction against have celebruted a given birthday. which builds up falge pride that the theory that the individual 1 What are the ethies of our pruet- ice'and where is the voice of the _________ hurch lu ail this?'" In seme cases, hie said, new services are net se much necdcd' as muking present services more widely known and getting ce- opeatonamng the agencies.k The clderly - those over 65- Mr. Carruthers stated, make up 8.2 per cent of the populationi and have incrcased 12% in the past five years. Safest snow fun goJng This is- the one for fun-the only snow vehicle of its kiud.* Thriil your family and friends with the exciting Diablo Rouge. Over hilîs, around curves and through dips with comfort, safety and fun. The Bolens Diablo Rouge is built with safe snow funn u md. Check one ont now. Brawny 16 hp englue, front-end dual-tracký traction and three or four-passenger ski-seater with roomy storage space. Take a unique test ride iu our' "Bolelis Action Theater". I's ready for- you riglit now. Coame ou ln and see the Diablol WATSON, b MARINE &CYCLE Schooi Rentai Ruies Tightened i TIhe Durham 'County Distc High Sehool Board bas rlamped down on the ruies and regula- tions for rentai cf sehool build- ingsi. ,1 While sehool and civie organ- izations will be grunted facilities free of charge, commercial and semi -commercial erganîgations iwiil bc charged the regular rate of $10 for thrcc hours. Charitable, cultural, recreation-, ai and political groups wîll be. granted facilities ut cest (light, heat, caretaking, etc.). The board decided that equip-I ment generally should flot be rented. From now on applications for the use of sehool facilities must bc made in writing on the ap- proved form of the bourd and ap- plications must be received seven full days prior te date for which the facilities are requested. A, rullng was made that ne school building be ýrented for puýbi lic dances. ifste Furtbeýr te your families' health we offer economny throughi our volume discountplan. Ask our deliveryman liow you ean save by buying haif galion botties delivered te your door. Phone Orono 983-5140 Bowmanvllle 623-5444 Phone: 983-5343 Orono, Ontario 1

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