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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Nov 1967, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd, 1967 INL2U1NKEIAL STA ETE FRED iLYgCETI g 1ianGviT. e 63-g9 OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONO g Toronto 923-9174 g g 98 Walton St. - 885-4548 _____________- g FREE APPRAISALS g J ACK REID f Exclusive Agent for 0 OMALLEY HOMES g Oron's Licensed Port Hope, Ont. f gN.H.A. approved Brick o Auctioneer and ValuatOT1 Bungalows Specialize in Fa.rm and Kendal - Pone 983-5801 Furniture Sales g3OSGLBR Orono - Phone 983-55 Consuit mie for tetms g A large selection f Farms, f flHomes, Lots, Retreat Pro- and dates0 perdies in tis area g PHONE ORONO 983-59)14 our quaity aid service leaves nothing to be desred A&sk the persaxi who bought frein us, a ueigkbeiar, friend or relative The RU¶TER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE -'L argest Display in Southeria Ontario" WATSN'S ariî and Cycle Orono Pheqne 983-5343 McCULLOCH BOATS & MOTORS CHAIN SAWS Repairs to aîl makes of La"U mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO PLOW POINTS îAND MACHINERY PUbMNG OUT SEPTIC TANKS WUIT WASUJNG STABLES Bet Tu.pldiI Phone 79Î-2552 Bling A New Nme? Remedlng? Cali Oreno LYCET Tg Plumbing & Heatingg POE983-5407gf 0 Oreno, Ontario rvleChatterton Electrical Contracting Electrie lleating and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 9835940 Or ono, Ontario Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HE ATING ELEC1'RICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-Fi FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Insurance 0 Service oAUto, SFfre P ackage Pelîies Fidelity Boed, 1iabIlity o n O First Mertgage L»a» ýSadie Hamltongý Phone 983-5115 Limited 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ot Manufact-rera eof Cemetery fMemo rials DlbeBÈs. Domestic & Foreign Graite8 and Marbles - Inperiptko Cut and Cemetery Repaîr Work FOR SALE C 'iJD 0F TP-ANKS l Ar., -Èld ng Mai chine in good iMr. and Mrs. Hespcr Dean wi;sh condition. to express their appreciation to Apply 'Orono Post Office or the relatives, neighbours and phone 983-5920. a-p 'friends for their best wishes, gifts, cards and flowers at their FOR SALE 140th wedding anniversary. We al- A three piece Chesterfield set so wish to thank the Rebekah in good condition. Lodge for the lovely lunch. Phone 983-5913. a-c a-p FOR RENT CARD 0F TIIANKS Two bedroom Apartments in The Orono Brownies and Girl New Triplex on Somervîlle Drive. Guides wish to express their Electric heat. Separate meters, thanks to ail those who assisted laundry with washer and dryer. and who attended their recent Phone 983-5709. a-f sale and tea held in the Orono United Church. a-c TÉEN DANCE Sponsored by the Orono HockW Mothers. ORONO TOWN HALL SATURDAY, NOV. 4th. G. B. and the Sound Set (The dances in the hall priort the above date are not sponsore by the Hockey Mothers). t COMING EVENT Heather Socialý Club Bazaa Saturday, December 2nd., in th I.O.O.F. Community Hall. Plan to attend this Annual Ev- NOTICE NOTICE Ray's Barber Shop, Orono, will be losed November th 1967. Main St., Saturday, c-42-ec in) the ýOddfellow's Hall, on Thurs- day (tonight), November 2nd at, eight o'clock. Everyone welcome. a-p NOTICE tSewing 'alterations and repairs idone at home. Mrs. M. Downs, corner Park St. ~and Church St. Phone 983-5493. a-c NOTICE St. Saviour's Anglican Church Service, Three O'clock Sunday, November 12th., Rector Rer. IH. R. Hayne B.A. B Th. b-43-c WANTED Short-order Cook, fuli time, ex-' perience not necessary. Phone 983-5001. a-c WAITRESSES WANT ED Waitresses wanted, preferably experienced; $1.00 increasing -to $1.25 an hour. Coach and Four; phone Orono 983-5560. a-c ISALES HELP WANTED MALE Good opportunity to build up profitable Rawlcigh business in townships of Clarke and Hope. JNo capital nor experience necd- cd. Dealers sclling in adjoining districts doing guite well. Write IRawlcigh, Dept. K-306-JA, 4005 Richelieu St., St, Henry, Mon- treal. FOR RENT Modern, spacious, 2 bedroom apartment, Main Street, Orono. Phone 983-5007. a-c NOTICE Meat cut, wrapped and frozen. Phone C. Miller 9)83-5988 Orono. t-f IF Y011J NEED A MASNRYJOB TO BE reinhard Scireiber- Oreno, MS-56U6 Willi Schaahl Orene, 983-5604 ORONO, ONTARIO WE BUY AND SELL Old Glas s, China, Pine Articles Toy s and Oddities IF'S IT OL) C A LL U S WE PAY CASH! 'Phones. 983-5210 or 623-3128 !E ROYAL WNTER FAIR (Continued. from pàge 3) T ,alowering a flag and marking heofficiai opening of'the Royal. The Royal,' which traditionally mixes downi-to-earth f arm f amil- ies with the sophisticated and socially promineat, will be espcc- ally glamorous this year because of the Princc's visit., The Governor-General custom- arily attends the, Horse Show during the wcek - this year Tues- day, November l4th and this will bie the first visit by Governor, General Michêner in, his vice-, regal. capacity. His. honor guard will be drawn from the Governor Gencral's Hlorse Guards, who will bie mountcd, and in full dress, for the occasion. The Lorne Scots, Regiment will provide the honor guard for, Ontario Lieutenant- Governor Earl Rowe on Thurs- day, November l6th. Both the Governor-General and the Lieu- tenant-Govemnor, will also be drvnin a phaeton. The fair will be officially clos- ed on the cvcning of November '18 by former U.S. President Gen- eral Dwight D. Eisenhower, Who operates a large farm at Gettys- burg, Penn. and is an outstanding and enthusiastic breeder of Àn- gus cattie. In between these opening and closing ceremonies, thousands, of visitors from the farmns and cities, of Canada,t lie U.S. and iseveral other countries will have an op- portunity to inspcct somne of ýthe world's finest livestock, grain, fruits, vegetables, dairy products honey, maple syrup - - the whole range of f arm products. The emiphasis of the 39th Roy- ai will bie on food' and the rela- tionship between farmers, as pro- ducers of, food, and the public, as. consumers. Foir Classified WANTED1 Farm help wanted. Marricd1 man. $300.00 per month. Five, room &partment, hot water heat- ed. Bath. Hlot and cold water on tap in kitchen. Propane,- gas sup- plicd for kitchen. Store and milk, Single man $250.00 per molpkh and good home. Apply F. D. Kýyte, Tillsonhurg, Ont. Phone 842-2718. t-f 1CalZyolir licensed ?ýiwni &. Mechanoi ~c1Cearator Who ufli, istalls PLUMBING AND HEATING, Phene 9D-507orene IPLUMBING and HEATINGj Sales and S«e - 124 IIOUR BURNER SERVICE- 1 B-A FINANCING Low Intercst Rates jI Tyrone 263-2650 Hampton Z63-2288 euthel contc i MRONO 983-5713- 'M'"M'm-77-71 Il ýl

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