ORONO WEEKLY Tr51ES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th,, 1967 k Up And Dow~i T a Book Stacks Mr. Barrie Robinson, Assistant- Director of the Lake Ontario Reg- ional Library System, organized a Workshop for librarians and trustees in Kingston's, Cavin Park Branch Library on Novem- ber lst, Among those in attend- ance were Mrs.,Wilda.Middleton, and Mrs. Dorothy Robinson of the Clarke Public Library Staff, The program included a'talk on reference tools and their use in quality paperbacks; films on the technique of story hours for children;' a talk on publicerela- tions; and a discussion on "h Librarian's Role in Preserving Local History." Free samfples of', perma-bound paperback reference books were given to each library.I. Come into Clarke Library this week to secl these books featured in a display. Pamphlets are available to ex- plain the function, organization, services and future plans of thel Lake Ontario Regional Library System. DONATE D REFERENCE BOOKS A New Dictionary of Music A Dictionary.of Geography A Dictionary of Biology A Dictionary of Science A Dictionary of Modern Hist-, Mrs. E. R. Wood-,arýd is a pt ient in the Bowmýliivl] emu ial Hospital. Kr, ard iV7's. Caýrl iint spent last weekend wthMr.'and MArs. Manly Kimmett, Naane. Congratulations to MriadMs Brian Ishii on their mriaein Orono United Church on Satur- day last. Mrs. Ishii is the form- er Lynda Pears, daughter ofMr and Mrs. Len Pears, Oronoan he groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ishii of 'Oshawa. Mr.Mae Oliver, Dunbarton OPJECTIONý7S RIsDOl EU I~e~nt'y0n-te Ncwcast'e Coin- nnît Ra a lrgecrowd o',in- c0l~d itizes head the pros ~n4con ofinsaUi.la systern of sewrs n te Vllaewith a pro- oedopIen lagooo causing con- Mur. anç(i Mrs. George Walton ard Mr an Mrs. _Àurrav Wa'to,,i. oer of Waltona Park, south of hlighiway 401, wcre the main objetors to thýeopen lagoon that they feit would decrease the val- ue of their propeýrty and inter- fere %vithi its op)eration. George Walton reported that he and his wif e had visited sev-' eral places in the district that hiad.,open lagoons during the past several weeks. H1e said Ithat near- few days with the, latter's daugh- ter, Mrs. Bud Burnett, Dr. Bur- odor from those lagoons during nettand att, Hakesbry. the hot summer months was oh-. net an PatyHawesb -y, noxious. Junior West placed second with The Problem apasto ,be Shotgun Hanover on Tuesday ev-, that there is considerable polu- ening at Mohawk. The, horse is'tion in the central part of *the owned by Dave Roughley. Mr. village, especially along the J. West also placed fifth with main shopping section. This sit- Jacqueline Hal, a hore owned by uation has deteriorated since the Russ Powell of Newcastle. installation of the village water' system and will get worse unless some action is taken to instali ory 179-1945a sewage system. Health authorities and Water 1 The Penguin Dictionary of 'Resources officiaIs have shown Quotations considerable concern for some The Penguin Dictionary of time over the pollution and stress' Saints the point that something must be jUsage and Abusage done as quickly at possible to The Penguin Dictionary >Of cure it. They took note of the Architecture. many objections that wcre pre- Dorothy Robinson sented, mainly concerning the proposed lagoon. No decision was j reachcd until a more intensive UNITED CHURCH study has been made. E arlier Reeve Earl Walton' said (J*rno astral that while some action must be 0-ron Pasoral taken, the installation of a prop- Charge ler sewage system would saddle the ratepayers of the village wvith, a heavy ioad of expense. y Minster-Statesman 1 -Rev. B. E. Long H Orme. United Chureh, Suniday Sehool at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Mo rning Service at 9:45 Sunday Scheel at 11:00i Sunday School at- 9:45 Dr. . autn Orono, Ontario Orono Medical Centre Office' Hours:- 9:00 te 1:00; 2:00 te 6:01 Saturday 9:00 t 1;@00 Phone -983-5825 Made Easy. tarjo regional suipervisor for The corporation had planned CMHC in 'Toronto.' to pay $500,800 for the suburban OHS made inquiries regarding lot,,which, was to be turned into the program. last summer, he about 600 HOME program lots, sïîd. The corporations's response OHC sources said a major rea- on"v sk~;ed for more information. ýoî1 for letting the option lapse The project was announced by as that Central Mortgage and tan'ey Randail, Ontario minister flousing Corp.,, which provides i eo -iomi-,s and development, 75 per cent of the funids for three weeks, before the Ontario HOME program purchases, refus- provincial election). to approve the project. Peterborough civic officiais -We have received no formai said Wedne sday. they have found a-plication to acquire and devel- nothing that would, prever~t the o-j new land -in Peterborough,":j land -fromn being redeveloped as a said Thoma s B.,\ Pickersgill, On- housing project. ORONO, ONT. PHONE 983-5539 CuT LOERS A Good Selection of' Fleurs We have Cyclamen, Gloxiana and Potted Mums SPECIAL PLANTS BY ORDER - If you waânt it ... We eau get it. Rainey's Confectionery NE'ILSONS ICE REAM Glen Rae Da'ry Produects SCHflfL SUPPLIES 1967 1 HOME CANCELS PLANS 'IN- 'PETERBOROUGH AREA Cigare fThe Ontario Housing Corp. an-I nounced Wednesday it has can- Open Eveni celled plans to buy a 292-acre 5 tract of land for Home Ownership ____________ NEW bSIIIPMENT 0F- Long and short styles in several different pat- Price. $7.95 - $18.50 o ATTENTION FARMER WHY PAY MORE? - __ N P REMIUM QUALITY Gasoline - Diesel - Mtri SFARM TANKS and PUMPS AVAILABLE CAL C LL CTW HITBY 668-3341 DX OIL COMPAN-Y $$$$$ $$$$$$$$ lýs s Flauelette Bl, aâkets Ibex - 60x9O - $6.50 80x90 - $7.99 Chinook: 70x 90 - $4.95 80x100 - $6.95 70x 90 - $6.95> 80x100 - $8.99 8OY90 - $6.00 THERMAL BLANKETS 72x90 in bine, green, beige, gold, white and rose. Price: $7.95 Bath Mdat Sets, 24dxo36 in green, rose, beige, brown$55 ettes es Tohacco kings exèept Wednesdays - I We ýHope You'II Join 1even if:- -you' ve been too busy to sig uUp. OR -you're not interested i saving nioney. oit -you neyer have to bôrrow money. You Can't Afford to Pass Up Membership in the Orono District ÉREDI T UNION Treas.-Man., Mms P. Werry BLOUSS Good Assortment Lady Man- hattan Blouses. White, long sleeves, lace trimmed. Iunn Outer. Sizes 10-16. $6.50 to $9.56 Plain coloured, long and rolled sleeves.' In-n-Outer. Size 1046. White, blue, gold, green. $5.-50 te $7-50 ARMSTRONG'S ý 1 NOVEMBER 12, m 1