ORONO WEEKLYTIMES,_THURSDAY,_DECEMBER_21,_1967 ________________ W..ee grate l t o be sPciýdlng ChrLstmag among al DU7 friends Best Wishes Is and neighbor.., ta mmue, of our (ErafiufJe, mag we extencZ our peryboat wL*1a tu o y sf rom the New Dutch Oven 1Restaurant and Staff We ,wiIl be closed on December 24th and 25th also and January lst. December 3lst Up And, Down The Book Stocks Iflere is littie ctoubt tflat most Board MVeeting text books will be stowed away for the duration of the holidays. The Clarke Public Libr Out will corne skates, skiis and Board held their Iast meeting of party togs, but some time during the year on> Monday evening with the whirl, everyone will enjoy a ail members present. welcome luil just meant for a The ibrarian's report for the book. With the higli sch oolers in montb ot November noted a con- mmnd, we have prepared for this siderable increase in reading qv- week, a dozen well-written and er that of 1966 by some thirty entertaining paperbacks. If you Percent. A total of 1331 books like, consider, it the Library's went out on loan with 715 being Christmas gift to ýthe teen agers, taken out by.children. The total among our readers. amounted1 to 1007. Also during the month seventy-five new booksý Here they are: were added to the iibrary shelves. SENIOR #TRIP - Fran finds Mrs. Robinson also inf ormed headaches, bard work - and ,ro- the meeting that the Lake Ontar- mance - on a class trip to Wash- io Regional Library System was ington D.C.offering two bursaries of $1500. PROM TROUBLE- Deft mix- each to those who may qualify if ture of high school politics and attending' a graduate library, romance. school.The. Regional Library Sy- stem is also offering two Library MOUNTAIN LAUREL - Tend- Technology Bursaries for attend- er tale of a southern mountain ing a two-year' library teclinician girl. course at any Ontario Community SUE BARTON,. STUDENT1 Coliege. This information is to NURSE - Viv.acious Sue's wonder-, be forWarded to the Clarke Higli fui first year as a nurse. School. SUE ARTO, SEIORThe Clarke Board passed a NUSE -BARcTOiN SnI om-motion to 'purchase diiplicate anUefrSu-exc aiiteet andom týcopies of local history books pub- anclo. u na i-îyhsi lished for municipalities in this ai. district. SUE BARTON, RURAL NURSE Sue heips fight a raging, epidem- NEW ESTIMATE $15,000,000 je. BOARD 0F ,CONTROL TOLD SUE BARTON, VISITING NURSE - This time mystery isl A jump of $3,000,000 in estim- added to the popular mixture of atès for. cost of the proposed new career information and romance. igatOhw Generai Hospit- MARTY- Story of a teenage !lsate board of control on interesting sideliglits on the life Thursday iast. girl's attempt to find herseif with1 In an - updated building u)ro- of a cub reporter. gram submitted by W. A. Hol- land, administrator and secretax-y THE NEW LUCINDA - Wheni to, the board of directors, it was' lier farnily moves to a new neigh- stated that based on present bourhood Cindy gets a chance to plans the architect had estimated change lier personality. the cost, ineluding furnishings, STRAGERIN TE HUSEfees, etc., to be $15,000,000. STRAGERIN TE HUSE On September il of this year, After fine years in a mental hos- Ia or fcnrlmeig phome aty'.ote cornes Stanley Loveil, president of the homefinance committee, gave the cost BERTIE COMES THROUGH - as $12,000,000. Roiy-poly Bertie- tries out for Board members were puzzled sports. -by a statementý in the report that aithougli the, number of employ- BERTIE MAKES A BREAK - ees wouid Probably remain the A swindier fools gullible Bertie,; saine the operating budget, now butDA fltfrloSng running 'at $7,000,Û0O would in- HOLIDY CLSINGcrease by $3,000,000 or $4,O00,- Library cbosed Boxing Day, De- 000 when the new wing is open- cember 26th. Merry Christmas ed.* The payroll would rise from from the Staff of the Clarke the present $5,000,000 to $7,000,- Public Library. 1 000, which- is included in the Dorothy Robinson operating budget. The Christmas Season is here again and 1 wish to express my appreci- ation to ail my customers for their pat- rcnage during 1967. MayJ Ite wish everyone and A Happy, ake this opportunity to a very Merry Christmas Prosperous New Year. ALBERT MUNNEKE Aler'sTexaco Service Imm