ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,,THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1967 Local News or 'wives enjoyed af Christmas Local New,,s Congratulations to Douglas Ms Rossý Brown, Newtonville on jDrhmMPRselC.lny Staletn or ecivig te . M 'aturday evening. was admittcd to the Civie Hos- Brooks awaPrd for being highest pital in Ottawa, Decemnbe- l3th, in his class, grade 10. A four _______ 1967. His office said that îus con. year course in Science Technol- ~~qiest~ c~ ogy and Trades at Courtice I-ligh School. ONCE DANCERS Dr. and Mrs. C. ,.~ rtens, Mrs. E. R. Woodward returned1 Jacqueline and Jay of G'enwood home thlis week f rom Bow man- The first Christmas carols were Nova Scotia are SPenc ig the ville Memorial Hospital. danced to, according to Encyclo- Christmas vacation wth Mrs. C. Mr. Robert Glenville is a pat- pedia International Carolers took B. Tyrreli, Ororn and MVr. and ient in the Memorial Hospital hands and' formeti a ring, singing Ms onMatne it ie Bowmanville. as they went iround. Mr. Jand Mrts. Arcie tsn Mr. Terry Graham, Kngston, ~c~~o i aos thsbe and Larry of Waterdown visited M1r. Ian McKenzie, Waterloo, Mr. Ods falcrli a enwt i ohrMs lxWt WyeMleMr . Arnold VwUi- saiti, was that sung by the heav- wt i ohrMs lxWt lace, Waterloo, and Mr., Fraser enly host when the birth of the' soWatsonMin hospiand Mrs. Arhi WallceTornto re peningSaviour was announced to thelWto nhsitl r.Aci Wallace Torono are sendingWatson is remainingfr c Christmas, holidays at their re- shepherds on the pla ins of Beth-1 days n o e spective homes. lehem. Probably, the practice of singing carols, at Christmas arose The Tennant Family Christ- The Orono Forestration Staff in imitation of this, as the major. mas Party was held Saturday ev- tbeld1 their Christmas Party at the ity of carols declared the good ening in the Oddfellow's Hlal New Dutch Oven Restaurant on tidings 'of great joy, and the title when about fifty relatives attend- Friday evening last. of Noel, nowell or novelle, ap- ed. TheStaf o th Orno ýubicplied to carols, would seem to The Adams Family held their TheStffof heOrno ubicbear out this idea. Christmas Party at the home of Sehool, along with their husbands mer~,merry C1i~staatmê ffords tusthe Chance lao express our heartfelt gratitude for the frîendship and generosity yd-l h ave sho *n us through the year. We Mr. and ' Mrs.Si Barrabail, with sixty-five relatives present. Mr. Alex Watson is a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Hos- pital. BANKING HOURS IN ORONO The Canadian Imperial Banki of Commerce in Orono wil re- main open this Saturday morning- December 23rd from 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon. The Bank will be closed on Monday, December 25th and Tuesday, December 26th and Monday, January lst. UNÏI Oro Rev. SUNDAY, DECEMB Orono United S unday S chool ED CHURCH ono Pastoral Charge Minister *B. E. Long't BER 24, 1967 1Church 1at 10:00 Service at 11:15 a.m. Kirby- Morning Service at 9:45 Sunday School at 11:00 Lskard- Sunday School at 9:45 ID D D-DX DX -xDX DX -DX WITI Be Wise:.. ECONOMIZE! OIL Phone 668-3341 kDX - DX -DX -DX- DX -DX -DX Canawood'Shoppe Moy your Centennial Christmas be the Ilappiest Ever Mlildred aind, Ernest Dent and Family, m To the, residents of Clarke: May 1 take this opportunity to wish you A MERRY CHRISTMAS and HIAPPY NEW YEAR ]Roy A. Foster Reeve, Township of Clarke I -~ ..... ..... . .. ........ . . AR 1 'ý'-'%'-'STRONGS,