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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Sep 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 289th, 1969 Lets Get Goi-ng Takion from a sermon bvz 1ev. B. E. Long. Seripture Lesson -James 1: 2-25 The last chapter in -the adult study book "Mlan Alive" its on- hiîtied "Leit's Get, Going.'l In our Seripture lessog James giays. "'Be yýe doers of the Word and not heareïis nl., Our study book urges thait wre get goine in the realuiation that we can't ding teo the pasit anid deny the àhanoes of the present. Lt alsu rpoints out that ,ve have to get going in our respoflsibility for other peuple. Popular prcphesyiýngs of our agie bu'th inside and outsde, the Ohurl, h'.:ve been thMi the Church as an institu-týion is done. It is irrelevant. unheard and un- -resi>ected. Thait -may be true te siome extent, but if it is there i-s no reason wlv it should, remnain thiat w'ay. At one Vimie this Orono con-.e-. eation semed as thoutgh ât was go- inig tu become a Churdh on fire willth enhuisiasn to, be doaers of the Word and zet where the ac- tion is and become a Ohurch tlaat woý,ul forge't itseif1 and loge il- sefin service to others through Chyrist. Thie laIt year ýwe ail beiplan to mulce excuises and take the easy wa.The result was a downward plung,,e in almo-st everythiin. Buit Ihave a strung feeline tha1t the-re isoing Io bec a resurgence of the expression (-f the Hoily Spirit arnon:g us. Thaýt we vi.1l become a servi-ne Chuirclinl thle true se-nsýe. Su that we ecomie recal duers Who hiave c neupe thrroueh hear- ing, 11ot h1earers 01n]Y. There ý-(e two kinds of hearinr,* Jeesus ta]iked oi two sons. The athrsaidl to the, first. "So- --î and work today." Hie answpr'oI "I wi!ll noV' bt afterwards he ire- pented and went. Hie spýoke to the -icoind soni in thesanie wav. Hie aseed"I go, fathier" and he did not gýo. There are two kinds ocf héaring and this can be true for us 8; Christians. Too miany a- er+ss the Cihurehi have been heiar- ers only and& do nothing about it. This is a superficial type of hear- ing that brings critlctism aP'ainst the Ghurch. Others hear in such a way tihaît they ait inspired tu (Io someithims -about it. We, are called to ho doers and not hear- ers o-r1V. But-there is a great deai of d(>- in2 whid1I is sua1:rfîcial, selfLsh and just plain starpid. On eveoey cdde people want ýto rebel aggainst, sonithng, tu do somethintg. an-d lit ends up in Wantiin tu deiNroy ýoimdthinjg. This kind of action is sltupid, superficial and selfish and is noV the kinci of action th!t ibrings bie'ssing to anyone else. not even to the persuon taking The oeil tu action we're gettne over advertising to geit wrth it, get xwjere thre action is, get coing Vo the liquor store and buy the' right drin-k, Efnd thre crowd., get p p, e d up by it, drive like a dem- on. dance like a devil and be a swýeil pal to anyune., This kind of ýa ction 15 superficial, lt is stup- id and it is selfish. In tihe Unted Observer some nronths agio, I read an article w1here National* Kairos, thére a- tional yous people's grouip werfe sayixrg, "We don't know if we are Ohristian or not. or if we believe in. prayer or not. Buit we believe in action, 50 we are going te giet busy and do something.. We're fv- ine tb be doers." The-n here are prophets wighin the Chrirchi that -say the on1y answer is to get eut of the insttutiopa«L Churchi. It hais had its duy. GeVt into societv and be a irtan of action. But this isn't carrydnig the matter flar enougir because il -sems te iinDlv theit we don't need to be hearers. If we are going to be doers of thre thùis that count and are worthwhile. then we need to be hearcirs aiso. Picture someone with a power- fui racîng car saying, "I niant Vo be ihere the action is, 'm going tuq -;-? Su he uesUP wth the othýer racers, es and ex- pectant. The stanting siginaI is giv- en. lieblasts off. Ille,~r around a lap or two. lis engine sputters and fails. His tanik isý enr-pty. That sounds ridiculous. Vo -et intoftice acition if you havent t[ire fe l 1tu kecp up with thre action. Buti we cdo jhis Jind of thing as &r as the Chrisfian expression is concern, ed. If we thiink trait we- can geV out of suciety and keep up with the action and not *take tUrne for reduelling, then we are nraking a greaJt mistake T1',t is why there is lit'le chance tirt we have ana' future vâthout thre institution'ai Church. Ife we cannot t*ke tume te craw aside and be spiritually reIuelIed, then we will be litie ouod out jin secieta'.becau3e, we wil IbePoeor- ly equipped people. There is somethirig te be gained in meet- ing toglethecr As, ChriHstians that cernes froin draiwinE aside. takdie tuie te seeli te know God and to' hoar wirat God Iras ýto say to us. Wé nreed ti9 bc hearers before we can be doiers. The resulit of our beig here slhoulid mean that we go out'Vo enter in Vo action with underiaindirig and with effect. >tf -.we are going Vo he doers of thre Word, tihen there are four tlùngs v.e need te keeP in rnid. 1. There is reverence for God. A higir percentage of thre worlld's ppatinlack ieverence'for:G6il The fî.rst step to be thbe rieht kii;nd of doer is reverence. 2. 'there is comrnjtmentt teo the service of Christ. Our faith means very littie to us unleiss we are QuMMRitted to do some'Uhine about it. Su there, is oemmiùtment in which we are humbled andl realize our need for God. We realtize our weakness which God cari change intou strength, aur bâindness whieh God -can change into ighour seffishness-which eau be ohancied into loving compassion by God; and we commit ourselves. to God. 3. The neit step is action througQh conrmitmnent. If we re- fuse tihe action, then the other is perhaps a very ieanijnoless thdn ,. If - we go out into society flot to be do-gooders, not te act,' self-r iht- eously, but to live in a construc<t- ive and pos5itive way, then we'll needte corne back to be refuel- led. 1 don't undërstand neoffle whýo feetl they don't need to wi>r- ship God. Main camidt live bY, brcad alune. Hie needs to be filed, with the Sidrii 4. We neea te taike our pliace in. the -Servi cdfWorhîp on the Sahbath. It is juei as, neceîssairv as the meals we eat throueh the we'ek to keep or bodieis going. Thiat is why we ought to be here and hundrecis of otheris ouffhi to be ihere with us. We are chaýi; ienged te, be herers. Hearers Who ýcan h'eiar the cry of the ",i-,v ail aroujid us. We art chafllnged to hear the call of chanee contin- ually taking place around and mdtitin the Church. We are cirai- Ienged to get our mincis off our- selves anid to dedicate unr lives to the service of others. Without this we wil never get going. As a congregation we hp-~ tremendous potential in the mat- eriai thin,.gs at our disposai. We are Oeople of Gud, mad1e in Guad's inýagze and have ail the spiritual resources of God atounr disnosal, and yet soseldom we draw frum thetm. Too long we are content to be hearers and not duers. But it; ýno g"od trying to be a doer without hearing, su, we are cafled to be leiarers uf the ýWord, then doers. as wýe commnit our lives to Clhrist. Let's get.going. "'COCKY" ORONO JUNIORS CHALLENGE ORONO ORPHANS W~ontinued from pa~ge 1) of 1969. On Sundazy ûfternüon at 3:00 v.m. ithe Itwo 'teanis rwdil loek horns un the ýba»l field to deter- raine whether youth and boldnes cari OVercome experience. For many years the Orono Orphis' dominated bail in Orono oind fàeldied one of the ibest teams in this qrea. Wh*en the zame was firsit men- tioned to the Juniors.,,"ord went through the dugout that it would be a Pusihorver but la chili seatter- ed through the team as names, like West,' Armstrong, Robinson, Mer- cer, fCorn,,ish and Shetier, to men- tion a few, filtered through theIr sureness. Although the gaine on Sunday bringsithe revival of the old Or- phans it iili also bring the dis- bandmant of the Orono Juniors. some ýwho have been playine to- gether for the part six years. Whatever the outeome Sunday. cornie out and supoort výour old or young favouriltes. Admission 50c. 50-50 draw to ýbe held. Comnmuni ty Centre' (Confinqied from page 1) day,. Thursday and Sunday even- ings and the prograni will include a l1clies' keep fît classi, men's basketbail, sewing, badmiànton, --atsAd -ocalact4i.4-- tre to:enable the conrmittee to re- ceive the, grants. A special meeting will be held by to-,wnah'ip council to e-asi the bylaw, which is ât present in the han ds of a lawyer., Mr.Morris expeets -that al the detiails will be completed and the centre opened within the nex't two weeks. DURHAM OFFERS EXTiLA COURSES Duaihupi College wili offer a special.txtengion, course on 'Tarn- ily ILife ànd Counselling"l during the 19W9-70 academile year. The course is prim.arily intend- ed for Public health nurses, in-- duslt-ial nurses, ministers, proba- tion uffîcers, and others -working in the mental heaith field, but is- aiso ýavailable- to the public inter- ested in problenis of drug usage, alcoholisým, and social problems. Emphasis wil be pilaced onL family life, problem, drink4ng, the, individual and suciety youth, anci dl7ugs. The first segment of -the course wîll start, Oct. 6 and end, Dec. 18. Tt will.resume Jan. 5.,endd end in mid-April, 1970.- Twenty-five two- hlour sessions xiii Mae up the course. Entrance f ce is $30 per student, and registration is limited to U5 people. The course is sponsred by Dur#ham Coliege and the Wthi't-- by Psychiatric 'Hospitai. Hmelp Wanted Cook, 1Watress and Gas Attendant Fuil and Part Time Dutch Oven Restaurant H-ighway 115, Orono., Phonle 983-5001l Corne see the beiter chroice in 1970 snowmrobfies Choose the model right for you. For theman who wants- luxury, there's Ski-Doo Nordic. For the manwho likes his action fast, there's Ski-Doo T'NT. And for the- man who wants more than one Ski-Doo, there's the 10w priced Olympique 12/3. But don't wait too lQng. Better deal now for best choice. 90 the sign of the finest sna wmobiles, sportswear, accessories SIj, parts and service. Ski-Do 480-8127 T.M. TELEPHONE 983-916'7OONNT Tke Clarke Public Library are -holding a special registration and film show for Kindergarten pupils, with free baloons, lucky prizes on Saturday, Septemberi3h Orono Town Hl Registration 1:45- p.m. Films 2:30 p.m. ALL ARE WELCOME ~actk To School Special Y~mI~ Chocolate Milk 1qt. FREE WITH THE PURCHASE 0F 2 doz. Grade A large Eggs Dozen 60e.à Good Onily Septemiber Sth -to 20th, 1969 - - - - -- -------- ORONOONT.

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