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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Sep 1969, p. 3

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ORONO WEEiKLY TIMES, TIIURSDAY, SEPTEMBER llth, 1969 Up And Down The Book Stocks SEPT. llth, 1969 àf you have n&t read 'Who wrate t1f Clsie, by Nora Stir- ling, you are nissing a rare treat. These tiwo volumes ýgive short lii- Ographical sketches of many fam-ý ouïs au1fhors, American as well as Engliali. In two weeks time some M the beter known classiàai stor- ies will be displayed in the ]ib- rarY, ini the new perma hourd editions and for those readejis Wvho 'consistetly burn the niid- night aiù, these books are higy recomimended. Smiali. easy to hold and excellent print. New 'Aduit Books- A Risory ofsthe EnglisthSpeiaI- iang peopLes by Winston S. Churi- Cibjli, Vohs: 1 -2 - 3. lMaRlabec, a novel abatit Canada bcY David Walker. Lord of- the Flics, by William Golzrzing. 'Die Rieli Die Hlappy, an exoit- ing 'and fast moving noveà by James Munroe. Junior Books- OCounty Fair, by Anne Emery, aà 4.H1. romance. Pî,ppi in the Soui!h Se-as, by Astrid Ll-.-,dg7en. The Black Joke. liv Farley Mowat, an action packed advent- aure. Cathrie' and the Ne,,\ Girl, by ateieWoolley. Easy Reading and Picture Books Dr. Su'.A.B.C. The ter Goose Trýeasury. Olga Bajap JUNIOR FARMERS U.N. BUS TOUR David Brown, RR 2, Cannington and Dick Rutherford, Orono, were the- Ontasizo and Durhiam County delegates, respectively, on tle Juniior Earmers' United Nations' Bus Tour, Auguest 24 ta 30. A vîsit Vo Penn-sylvania State University wlas one of the higlh- lights. Aiter a niglt an campus, the party imoved ta, Gettysgburq. 'I Waghingon the ýgroup took part in severfal ýsess!ons of the 44H Cit- izenship Short Course. Afie.r touning Washington for several days, thie delegates moved ta Nùw York City iwhere they wer'e sirwn the United Nations Building, as -well as ether hûgh- lights of the city. Kendal News spent in Kendal Chureli Sehool fa&t W L d ie sday niglit, wWhin we were jaýined' by several visitors fiiam he U.C.W. af Kirbv. -and i.n.Our Prèsideait opened ;the meeting with thceliymn 'W'ork for tie Niih is Coniing', Ars. K. Wood-was a'thelicpiano. ALter the deývotàonaI Miss Stewart welcomed our guests and iiftroduced,,Miss Beairice AicLean af Greenwod. wiho shpwed us lier mnost xvoder- fui eoloured.sides. of lier trip tai thc }ioly Land and Egypt. She illustrated and told the eventis in tl'ehé ile afJesus, in their niative setting, beginning with pictures of the cty of Beth-. lehiem and the Shepherds on the bllis of Judea, the £A1ight into Eg- ypit, shoetng the woiideriul litUle donkey, ýthe pyramiidis and the greet mysteniou.s sphinx as well as the ungairily camels wliicli hey iode. 511e showedpictures of the vi1bage life in Nazareth wherc the children stîli gathèr atthie vil- lage well, where grain i s stl tlirestled by driving the axe-n av- er it draggin.g a board. T[he tem- ple in Jeru-zý!1am and themosoues wEce nogat intereslting. We z.rw thc fishermen on the se a of Gaý!Icc~ at daybreak and then later mendting their nets, and- i.-ily t-le greaet aid olive tracs in the Gardan of Gethsem- ane as.T. Stevens thanked Miss YfeLean for briinging us the Ch'anSI',orv ln thesemae- Ioui pieturas. TIýen wc sang, 'O sing a song of Bethlehem.,A social time was cnjoyed liv ail. .",sz !AkeaHallowell, lier sister aIJ naad husband Mr. E. Shier ofToronto attended Kendal .coural chon Sunday. Mr, E. Kelter is . building a beautifu' nw cottage nrth ai Mi-,. w. IR. Sr'son thlic Gass sidcroad north ai the lbig creek., Kendal, opened their L.O.L. 4o5 afiler thcir summer recess on SeOtcnvbear 3rà. The initiation ai Mir. MAiel Langsitaffe took place'. Tîcre xvas a Ltood attendance with several visitors. The visitors taok part ithc iniktiation. Two wor- shipfl Masters flirm Oshz-pmt, Chaes MÎune amid Robert Mc- Cldmnond. 1one -ast Coun'tv Mavqeer fmn Wihitby, Wm. Brady, anc CounÏ.y Master froin Bawmanvle, John Niddery and the WonrhpfU l Master from Tyrone, Russel Brown and alséoather rne¶bers af the tour lodees werc ina atendance.. on theie sth aof Scteniber the meeting of the Scarlet ChapIter will be heid ini Kendal Hall Lo«iI News was the 'lucky winner of tlie Box' Springs and Mttress drawn at, the F. A. Kramp LtLd. booUl a,, the Oron,) Pair éii Saturda.y. Visitons with Mrs. Ken Gtam&,by for Orono PFiir weekend were: Mr, and Mrs. Harold Snelil. Daýn-_ ny and Bobby, Toronto; Mr. ah«. Mrs. David Ra.e. Kim, David and Julie, Rexdale. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. ýGaniHiy, Paul and David, Guelph, vis&tedj wltd Mr. and Mrs. JackWid.m and family and Mns. B. Çlamùsby. Mr. and Mrs. COarl BiIin,és. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rickard, Niew- cask1e are spencling a few days with Mr. and MmIr. Chas. Hoge at their cottage near Onillia. Mr. and Ales. Wm. Bunting' Mr. anid Mrs. Leeie McGee. Mrs. R. Wa&lell, Mtisis A.-Cutteli. Mr. and Mrs. F. Vagg, Mr. and M~r.R Goode, .Mr. 0. W. Rolp{h. Mr. and Mrs. R.' Forrester, Mms. R. Sawyer Mrs. M. Saw.yer. Mrs. N. Porter. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Millson. Mr. W. Oarman. Michael, Mark and bydéa, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. G. (ntter, Toilontto and Rev and Mrs. K<;ctlien, Niîagara Falls, at- t2nded týhe graduiation, of Mrs. L itain aClarnian as a nurse, at the Central Tecnical School, Ttxo,-ýnIto. on Saturday afternoon. A 1~p nwas held at convocntion fhi Ialowing the ceremony as well as a dinner paty -at the home @f MVr. anid ars. W. Carmai. Mr. anîd Mrs. B. Garman and airs. Carma- of Piciton. visited with Mr'. and airs. W. T... Crtrman over the weekend. MViss Sialv Staples is attendine Aimna College in St. Thomas. Yir. Fraser MFx i r Western U.niversity. Mir. Douglas Moffat returned to Guelph University on Tuesdav. Mrs. J. H1. Leslie and Susan of Peterboroughi 'visited with Mrs. W. J. Riddell an-d attended Orono Pair. UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1969 Orono t.Xnted Church... Sunday,,School at- 10:00. Service at 11:15 am Kîrby- Morniing Service at 9:45 a.ni. Sunday Sehool at 11:00 MASSEY MAY FIL~E RESIVRÉICTION RattLriassy, son of the former G ~e±ior-enealVincent Massey may file a restriction with the detcd of Ba'tteriAwood Estate ivg the Can-',lian govcr-nmeut fir ut !e- fusi when lie secIds the property. The, Toronto Te1cam.~ou~ Mr., Mva.sey as nma1ing the state- m-ent when its real eistate wrlter, Raipli Magee, came out in favour of the federal governmienit buylng Batterwood as an istorleal site.. 31r. Magee asked why the fed- eral government lad allowed "'hie lovely bit 'of Canadiana" tod lie put uLp for sale on the p-pblic real estate market? Býatteri,oocl, iez saici, _Was the. historie home of the first native Cailadcian oeirgnealama whose ir~tniet'Otohie of:d asso lar'ge a step ini creating a Caniadiian identity. 1r.MageV wlio, in is ýarticle, dsredB'atterwood as a Feorg- ian mniio, said the property- ~vas not Ilisted with aniy realty firmi ',Vt the sale wýas being han- dlIed 1w Hart %Ïastsey NOW AT YOUR DX Service Station Rigliway 35 and 115, juat north 'of Newcastle Featuriug . .ý.. Premium Quality Products - AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES - Steve OÙ may b. pleked Up lia my euant1ty 19.9e. 1 per gallon ATTENTION FARMERS and TRUCKERS -,SpcIaI iscount en gasoline and diesel fuel. PHONE 987-4319 Port Hope RenydMxLd. wishes to announce the ope1-ing of their new for Ready Mixed Concrete Located on1 West Beach- Roacl, Bowmanville' Phaoe 623w2730 Mgr. K.. Marbhall HELP WANTED MALE FACTORY IIELP lder Me.n A-,cceptable Newcastle Ontarîo Newcastle InteranediateC MOCKEY CLUB REQUIRES HOCKEY PLAYERS ýFOR OPEN CAM1P Sunday Sept. 14, 1969 10 a.m. - Blowmanville Arena See our nwst.ock of Wo Cardigans and PuIllover-s styled by Huntleigli of London. Irish knit and niew cable stitcbh Cardligans. Pullovers wilth crcw neck or mock turtie neck feature, the k î1sscqoeoru stitch, a traditional Scotish pattern, a two-tone Iris nit and a zig-zag cable. In frosty shades, heather shades and vibrant shades. Size 36 te 46, Prieed from $14.95 to $19.95 Boy's Sweaters Easy-care Acrylic Pullovers and' Cardigans for boys in sizes rJug- ing from 2 te 3X years, 4 to 6X years and 8 to 16 years. Fishernian kirits, Scandinavian designs and Rib knits. V-neck Cardigans with contrast ýsleeve stripes. Shades of blue, green, gold, naturel and navy. PÊieed fro M$2.98 to Ô6.95

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