ORONO WEÉti<LY, TIMIES, TflURSDAYT' SËTEM1ItR l8thi, 1969 ______CIASIFW A, DiCET Mîlison Insurance Agency Ai dlase of personal and Oommerca1 (overages OfiM ab 0t,. Or«e. SGord Simpn. CHARLES R - IDï Oronoo's Licensed COo.uk mSc-for terms "ud date' Mrem»e M Id FamiIy Memerials Our, «WBW d service baves nothg te be deursi Mpases Who b.ught frees adgNbowfrlend or relative theRUTERGRANITE OOMPANY n OntarioSreet FORT NOVE IATSON'S Marne W JCycle Orono Phone 9835343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snow Mobiles McCulloch GRCAIN SAWS Repairs to a makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engines OTACO pLOW POINTS AND MACHINERY FuMWINO OUT SEPTicTANKS .Mort Tuk Phee Sê . LY LYCETT *IuhneA tIei BYAM PLUMBING and'HEATING S"ls mi Service 24 HOUR BRNER SERVICE jGULF, FINANCING LOWew aresRate"GI Tyroe em-offl BiectriaCmtractimg Herb and Grry Duval 983-51U8 /ELBGTRICAL, CONTRACTING ELxCTRIC HREATING ELECTRCAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. .RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - ILC.A. DOMINION ELECTIOROME INGLIS - THOR > GUARANTEHU SERVICE- Hianiftons Insurance Service package PeliNe FirM M«MerOaeL« Hamiltoni Stafford Brothers 318 Dindes ftmHast wBrrR, ONTAAIO TO GIVE AWAY A Brownie Dress, bat, scar4 and bett. Approxiiately size 10 or 12 yeurs. Phonie 983-5807.a- FOR SALE Moving, must iseil. 28" bicycle, telexWsion, baby carniage and bath clothing, child's rocker and desk, giarden tools, plus many more it- ems reesopably prced. Phîone 983-5040. acc NOTICE Orono LAndscalling an( Garden Service Phone 983-5598 FOR SALE A whte wooden bahby's aloo an mon crib, high dcl bahy'is bath andi baby buggy. :onably priced. Phone 983-5152. BOWLERS WANTED Thursdiay jMxed League, New- castle. Phone 983-5832. a-c WORnK WANTED WiIl do ba.by,. sitting Fvfiay and Satu dayevins Phonie 983-5157. -a-p High ScDool Studelit to act as Page at the Clarký Public Lib- niary. Interestedl studiei ts please contact Mils. O. Bieainchaimp at the Lbrary, Townsbnp ?all. 1a-C COMING EVENT RryUnited Churich Ayîpivers- rywllle lie lid oni SunCda-y, Sept. 2lst at 7:30 pin. Guest speaker:; Rev, H. A. Mellow of Oshawa. Special musie by Welcomie Choàr. a-^p COMING EVENT St. Saviour's A. IC. .. are plan- ning a tea end ýsale for October MSt. Reseirve the date. Paniticu- lars later. a-c NOTICE dedonc altme.r omenad aitr- atons in kirts dor wsse nd-atsr- ati~en - ldtùrshirt'ancoias a h.36.-p o - ffs. sonten ansi engt ndou h-6p cfsrshd rapngand back eamsrou sesando zippers and oekets a cA; Mrs. M. Downs. corner Park and cb;Chumch Sts. Phone 983-5493. iair,- a d3- a-C 'Calyour ýicensed Plumbing & 'Mechanical Conrract who seils, Jnstails HELP WANTED T' DM AN Eazperiencecd ppe~I ickers . ..' C AN.li 1 Fred Olnist, piln -528 PLUMBING AND. HEATING r b-38-cPhese 983-207 Ore. FOR SALE Canning Pears. Piick your own. $2. a bushel. Biing containers. Relit. Ricustra, Orono, pibo1e 983-081.b-38-p Nursery Stock Evergreenu, Flowering Skrubs Box Plants Landscapng anid fdlag RtICHAEtDSON'8 NURERY pestypeul, Ontario Phese 9M3518",Oes D. ROGERSON, molto, ONTARIS ANT IOU]Ei ou chu UM v* IF M OL . . . G AL L U WB PAT CAME Ph«es3-5342after Ip4 JACK REALTOR maKb<et., E. WvILF HAWKEI TOUR 0» AM& Oî mmS1 mi W.FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 KixigSt. -W. Bowmanville TetuiteOU-91741 16334318 pert aefl Offie88SU-a4 ver prompt ce..rteeum, *Me& en$ service wIes buytag e« emleset preputie bL te ROY Power 9350 Dane F~ound, 623-3965 Andy Sutch 983-9119 1 ROY Stronge 52 r 11 Macs Are Snacks Excellent Quality Apples and Pears For Sale Fred's Fruit Market NOTICE WWl the peson who took a teen- ager's orange on,-,piece s'wùnsuit and towel fropi the change room at Ortono Park on Sunday. Sep>t. 14th, 1969, please return same to- Pazk booth or Orono Times Of- fice. - B. L. STEEDS Contractor Al types of work: Rloofing, Cemýeflt 'Work, Block -Laying; -minor clean-up and Tue lieds. Phone 987-4088. b-37-e COÔMING EVENT Newcastle Lions) Septeruber Dance N.e'wcastle Comrnunity Hall Satu -d(ay, September 27th., anng9-12. Bar priv'ileges and Prizes. c-38-e SPARE TIME INCOME Refilfling and collecfing money coti-inoperated dispensers in your from NEW TYPE K.igh-ciualfty area. 1\teDingTo qvalify y'ou mlust have car,' references, $600 to $2900 cashi. Seveni to twelve hours wueekly can net excellent mo ithl, incoipe. More futi timne. For personal interview wràte: CANAPEN DISTRIBuTING LTD. DEPT. A, 160 Bay St., Suite 205, Toronto 1, Ont'ario. Include phone iiurber. TENDER FOR PAINTING in fthe Orono Arena. Conltact Mlr. Earl Taylor for Particulars and tender must be in Box 103, ýOronýo by September 27, 1969.ý Orono Anateur Athetie Assoc. REC.ISTER NOW for RED CROSS HOME NURSING, COURSE to be held Wednesday,7:30 p.m. to 9:30 P.m. St. John's Parish Hall, Bowman- ville. Commencing October lst. DIED POPE, George-At lhis date re4i- dencq Kendal, Ontario, George Pope, brother of Mrs. Ethel Geary, Kendal. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home,-Orono for service Tuesdiay, September l6th, 1969 at 2:00 p.m. Interment Orono ýCcmetery. IN MEMORIAM ,ý,LEN-1n loving melniory a dear'husband and father William Agen who Passed laway sudde.nly Septemnber l7th, 1963. 1Those whom wc love go out of, sîght Bu~t neyer out of mmld. The.y are dherhed in the hearts 0f those they leave belhind. Loving and kind in al bis ways Upright and just in ail his days; sincere and true in heart and mmàd, Beautiful memories he left bhdind. Lovingly remcrnbered and nev- er forgotten. Your wife Connie and dJaigfhter Truidy. a-p aleao râeu »s *u5-m Electric Heating res, MTIarle and Service ICAIPENTET REMODELLING Orono, (Ontario GENERAL &EPAIRS Lo~a~'onu OONO ELEC TRIC Buiding a HOese Floyd Nichlson 77 BUY. SE -mou- -quoup- 2 Phone 623-3929 Fee $2.00