OR ,)NO) WEEKLY TIMES Second Clams Mail' Reglatratioui Number 03«8 Published every 1tursday at the office of publication Main Street, Oi-ono, Ontaio. Phone 983-530 WI-yhat About Students on Saturd>ay nighft at commencement exercises hceld at the port Hlope Hgh Sjebool, stuidents andi parents werc introduScd Vo dhe new look ini eôumction for the ycar 1970. Froe al reports, what the new look amounts Vo is, that no longer willI thc student be tauht, but "biis inquiring mind TDhe changes, MhVoh we are told muât be, and now, are Ucresuit of thce1IafllDennis report presentediVo te Ontbario Department. of Edéfation a year ago. We world f avour some of thc high4so=ng phrases a littie, if it Were the intention of the federal govprnment to standardize edu- cation levels across Canada, mather than leave eac~h province te its own devices.,The aiin of education in Ontario, under the uew plan, is Vo "develop a&ults Who wil be' able o cope with proMlens, of the future." We wonder what wil( be the aims of te other provincial governntents? The new methods are Vo be de.vsed Vo permit "ýpro- gress without tihe frustration of failure." I{ow wonderful it ,would have been and would be today, if there were no frustration of f£alure aonnected with progress. SurelyT those wlmo have enga-ged in medical res-elarch have experienced their share of 'frustration throûgh f£alure.' and yet we have progregsed in te field of medicine; those who deveioped' te aeroplane certain1y experienced failureg. and yet we have progressed in maînnedi flights. IV is difficult Vo visual- ize this Utopla where there is only progress, with ne frus- tration of f alure. The change, ternmed* "Program for Progress", is Vo be introdiced next Septeinber.' Apparently the eaching staff is rcady Vo meet te challenge. We wonder if ail stud, ents, at titis level of learning, aýre ready Vo be dhallenged. -Mie Port Ilope Guide Marijuana MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION FRAUGHT WITH DANGER .Heaith Minister John Munro has finally clleared the air on at least somie of te more important aspects of te îmarijuana situation. Fedetal la"s that prohibit its possession and use may 'be aholishied withîn montls, he says. He eould nmake tebig decision in eadlyJanuary - t44at lis when he is schcduled Vo receive te prdLnminary re- port of te fîve-man comniisgion mmed in June Vo study te non-medeal use of drugs. The, commission won't have its final report for two years. Mr. Munro made it implicitly clear 1V xvas highly questionable if the government could wait that long leforc aling action. His announcement coiaçided with a statement from Dr. H. B. Cotnamn, Ontaio's supervising 'coroner, that caugitt meny observers by siqprise. He revealed thut he had recoi-mended primate Vo thc federal commnission that marijuana le made legal in Canada. He Said that its use is 'Uinevitable" in oday's society and its sale Shouild be per- miitted in government-controlled stores. Hie asn't recoin- fneqiding legalization o proniote the drug, eaid he doctor, but to control it. Atitoney4Gener'al Artihur Wisitart said he had "an open mnd" about legalizing msiijuana; like Mr. Muni-o, he stressed that iane in te law would depend on what the foderai commnission learns. The federal overninent gave no indication that there would be chanýges in stifi laws, for illegal trafficking ini marijuana, but Mr. Munno sV;essed these points: Rils~h penalties are now servng ,as a deterrent. Code amendanents Vo ailow for less severe penalties, and 1cms severe criminal records, had failed Vo change the pribem. The statements by Muni-o and Ootnamn will shock miany, esîcoa1Iy titose wiho are reluctant Vo sec Canada be- core tefirst country to legalize te usç of marijuana. * Accirate andi reliable information on te reai effeets of marjuana use ils woefuuiby lacking. It will be for Vwo or thiree ycars. Whethor or noV Health Minister Munro isembarkçing on a dangerous course, as he may be, witlhout the final rle- port offtMc fedonial commnissiion, 1V is noticeable that te gen- eral climnate of discusinonn the suibjecit in high circles bas changed drasficaily. The stignia for those who endorse abolition of ex- isting legislation is rapidtly disappearing. Dr. Ctnam's staementthat he is not convincotl mar- ijuana leads Vo teuse of heavier drugs especially 1s sus- petindris crtinyfa -uncewi41-teopn -ns f--n Rabbi*t Show HeId IW Oromo RabYiV loyers from several dis- ant points in Onitario, Qucibec, anI New York State werc preeent in Orono in mnid October on a FridaY and ,Saturday for the stag- ing of the the sixth annutai_ con- ference show of the seven affil- iated rabbit clubs in Ontario. Judiges for the rabbit show which drew 278 entries were, Samn Gxerardi of Warren, Pennsylvmnia and Sam Rizzo of Henoeye, New York. IV wus the first time thc Provincial show had been staged in Qi-ono. Mr. Gerardi toiLdi te Ontario Rabbit Breedrs atte banquet held in thc 100F hall folowmng the judging .haV Vthe quaklty of te rabbits exhibitedi here was very good. The New Zealand wiite' cass was' an exceptionally fine dispiay of rabbits. You have, he saîd, got as, good, a rabbit show as I have seen anywhere. Mr. Gerarcli noted that he had judged rabbit shlows all over te continent. In te southern states he noVed tliat coQxnmierciai lbreeding of nabiits wvas bg business. "I hink you widl be iight up, with tien soon," lhe said. The jUrige nuted that Ihe weath'er con- ditions and cooping for the show in the arena had been good. The Pennsylvania expert said he hin- self hadl been ra4sing rabbits for 38 years anid had -started Wlhen he was onily 15 Years okld He bas been judging ow across the continent for 20 years. Two b i,, winners in the show were Vernon ShanVz of Blüira Who won an enscribed pen set, as the sweepýýake rophy for te four class breed for total accuntu- lat cd piný tr uinig Vie 1968-69 rabbit exhibitions. A Wî'lliamsville New York man, Char-les IHuber, won 'te sweepstake 'trophy for the sixclass breed lHc waS Pre- sented fitit an enscribed reding lainp. '%nthr Oestandclng winner and competiVor was outgoizmg pre- sident of Uic rabbit council. Mr. Illoyd S. Shantz of RR 2, Witenloo iMite won five tropihiies incuding the besV displayshow tropity. Mr. Shanitz won aIlte rophy a- wards on only 14 rabbiVs entered in threv different brced classes the New Zealand wvhite, Calif or- nia anti l utch. Your Huiuting Licence Let's consider 'your Resident Smnall Game Hlunting Licence and What it means. First, iV is your authority to cairr a firearm for the purpose of hunting gaine in season. 1V cloes not give you the authxrity Vo go, on, private land without'permiseion. Approxiamnatej,ý 86 per cent of Ontiario's land às Crown Land, but unfortunateîy for the hunter, pa- tented land surrounds the large' centres of population -in southern ntario iand is s ubjected to, the heeviest hunting pressure. This mneains that a high percentage of huinters musnt ask for permission from land6wner« Vo hunt on their "p7erty. IV is a good idea Vo contact a ID. ROG9i1 'E RSON O ORONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUEa WE BUY AND SELL Oldi Glass, China, Pine Articles!O Toys and Oddities IF IT'S OLD. . .* I CALL US WE PAY CASH jPhone 623-5342 after 6 p.m. number of faiýmers in the area xwhere you propose to hunt and ask pernijý.sson before the hunting season, starts. This permits you to plan your hunts in adivance, and it is a convenience to land- owners. If you are refused per- mission, accept the refusai with good grace as the landowner xnay have good cause for his refusai. Use the utmost consideration for the landowner who does let you hiunt on his property. In tIts regard, you .might 'observe the followng:- Do flot block lianeways or ae- cess to any buqldings When you park your car. Never shoot near buildings or livestock. IMale every effort to control your dîog when in the vi- cind-ty of stock or buihiing9s. Neyer use mail ýboxes, buildinge water troughs, f arm machineiw u, any oflier equipment on the, farm as targetý. Use gaVes wherever possible ta cross fence unes andi leave thewm as you lound them. If therç is no ýgate available near where you wiàh to cross zt fence, ýcross at a post, after first trying the post to determine if it. is stflQngenoggh tolioldi your wei6lht, or crawl under the fence if you find a suiMble opening. Never watk thilough standing *r greowing crops, andi keep your dog out of Vbem. If you ahould inadverte*tlï daiamage anything on the propertyr report iV Vo the owner and offer Vo pay for the damage or help ta, (coniinued page 6) The Teachers and Students of Clarke High School cordially -ivite you ta their Seventh Annual Commnencmeànt in the HIGil SCHOOrL AUDITORIUM Friday, November 14' at 8:00 P.m. Guest Speaker: Mr. Art Duncan, Puhic Relations 0f ficer, Bata Shoe C~ompany, of Carnada Ltd. FLOWulERS, by Van Belle FOR ALL OCCASIONS CALL COLLECT - DAY OR NIGHT 62-5 75 7 ON ONE, T"WO& THREE YEAR 4 and 5 YEARS.82 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporatdom CeAl. Ontario Trust &Laig oprto 19 Slmcoe St. N., OSHAWA 23 King St. W., BOWMANVILLE ORONO WEEKLY TES. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 6th 1969