___________________________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIURSDAY. NOVEBER th 1969 Ted Coppeing ýTo un For e.ev Septic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 BOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON Premium Quality GASOLINE * DIESEL * MOTOR OIL I Fan» tanks and pumps avaffable CALL COLflCl 668-3341 UII IL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY w iiam c. Hall, B. Comme Chartered Accountant, Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesdày and Saturday position of dcputy-ree-e iii the forth coniing Tom-lýliP election tio be hceld on Decemiler- 1stfbfl-- lowing the nominations on Nov- cumber Zlst. Mr.,COapping lias Fa-rmed in the Kirby areia f ow thýe past fifty years. He ai-so carrieid on an, in- #lemnent bulsiness for some 25 year-, in connectionwminthbis farning, enterprise. Mr. Copping lias never' served on council but is co-chairman of the Clarke Township ratepayers association whio were most active in. opposition to. the planning by- law7 1592 this yeiar. -Mr. Copping states he bas not been satisfied Damoy alter Day You Çet MORlE- FOR YOUR MONEY (2.1/2 to 3 lb. avg.) ,cet lb. 35e ralue R ed and White 24 oz. size 'LE PIES 45c Free,,Bread of Red and White sllced purchase of Red and White ,ut Butter $1.35 tr Price -of 3-1b. Jar 5.00, Order dOzL 9.7c $ 1 PhamUeme 98501, Orom withi somne of the actions of coun- cil over. the past two years. In connecin with the planning by-, law he said lic was more c inen edover the, validity (of the byaiaw than its con1tent. It lias been learneid that a numnber -of others ýare consider- ing running for couneif but as ye't have not made a definite de- cision. MAY BE A CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION in sy4caking witJh councillor R. J )arveth on Wednj-yevening lie said. it was possible that lie would. be a candidate for re-elcc- tièn iat the D)eceînJber election. We haci previously, reported thyat Mr. Carveth woutd flot be a candidate for re-election. Clark. -public LI1BRAR Y ROURS OPEN:' Tuesda 6:30 - 8:30 Trhursday 6:30 - 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30- 8:38 Saturday 1 0:00 - 12:00 a.m. per acre, 327,600 busheis. mixed grains, 61 bu-sheils per acre, 671,- 000 buslieIs; shle1led coru, 7U. busihe1s .per acre, 557,300buhIs foddea- corn, 13.9 busihels per acre 153,200 bu,ýheIs; hiay 2.75 tonspe acre, 126,500 ton. FASHIONABLE PIPES by Central> Diamond - Sicana- Croydon and Hillson Numerous styles and finishes $5,95 to $16.95 LIGHTERS by Consoà, Fisher, Zippo%, Seripto, Bentley etc. $2.49 to $9.995 Midd!etons' Orono Phone 983-5242 FulSiate Seeking Bowmanville Council Positions Bowmanville's coming snunici- pal elietion wiltl provAide voters wVith ta dhoice at the poils for e- very coundil position. This was tinsured with the an- nounceinent by form&r counoillor Ken Nicks, 49, that lie would be seeking the reeve's chair in the Menday, December 1 election. IMr. Nicks.ta 'Bowaanville diolil- ier anrd resident of fthe commun- ity for 30 years, enfers ùhe race for the smacant reeve's seat against councillor Robert Dykstra. Both men are iafter the posi- tion held in thec hast coundil iby Mrs. Annie Oke, wlho ýthis election is cjhallonginig Mayor iman H'obbs for thc to(wii's chef magistrate job "Ir. Nicks, in the, last couincil ele.ctijon was d.nfeat<ed by Mayor Hohbs in thL own's first m4yoraI- ty election -in over 15 ye.ars Reev.a Qakee (and 'Mayor Robbs, longest serving. counotil meiners, reniain -the only candidates for thec postion of inayor. The d.,eputy-reevc',s race is stili a three-iwaY battle,- with incuin- liant couniltors Les Comrnbes and Maurice Prout and ione-time town councillor, George Stevens, in the running. The town's ;six councillors' pos- ition's have attracted as many candidates with inicumbeents Keith Sha.ke1f ,on, iMurray ilVlKnight and Colin ýCooke, along cmifl new- corners Don Affin, ýReg WiIIats and Jlîm Belil standing for election, Saracens To Nold Car Wash This Saturda'y Thýe Saracen Car G1ub of Orono arc holding a oar wash in Orono this Saturday in iaid of the. Orono Amateur Atbletic Asociatin. TIbe waàh wilI be held et Barra- ba'll's garage frein 10 am. to 4:00 P.W. Ail proceedus go towards the Athietie- Association. Durham n,.Production 0f Field Crops The [Ontar{io Department of Ag- ritcultuee and Food lias prepared thec following estimiates of yicld and production for field crops In Durham County. Figures reveal;, winter sWheat - 42 busheis per tacre, 184,0bus.; oats - 62 bushels per acre, 1,054,- 000 busheils; barley - 52 busheis Mr. Ted Copping a resîdent of C1arke Township !for the past fif- ty years lias nmade it known that lie will be a candidate for the Albert'sTexace. GENERAL REPA1RS Phone 983-5249 Oreu* SIMPSON 'S Painting and Dec0 loratng INTERIOR - FXTERIOR PAPERIIANGING R RMODELLING "For a cean dependable job" Cali Douglas and Gary Simpson 983-5104 LYLE WEST> ELECTRIC Orono: 983-5962 Quality Emectrical Heating and Lighting, Installation~s and Repaire -ly Certified Electricians WHEN THINKING 0F' THTNK 0F ATT.'S We have a good ihoice of M1%ENS, LADIES' WATCHES WALLETS, LIGUTERS, BOX CHÔOCOLATES PIPES, GIFT TOBACCO Many other interesting items MATIS BILLIARDS und Bu'rb.rskop