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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1969, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY T=«S, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th 1969 GOD POWER Seipture Lesson: 1i orinRhians Cirapter 1. I'm sick and tired of hearing about God being dead and relig- ion fading. We get a1i mixed up and think that man poçwer is greater tlhan God power. The PoWer of God is the power in ceaten and the power hicth sus- tains. There are iany kinds of power - physic«al, mental, emotional ,and spiritual. But power is the obility to' perform something. eower is energy put forth. Power miay be for good or for bad. Too often we mistake whjat real power ils. A young lad gets a powerful car'. Hie sereeches his tires, en- dangeripg lives and says, "'I've got power." He has power in the motor but he elso needs power $omewhere ese. The holder of great financial wealth can gay to UndMvduàïis, politicIans or busin- ess men. "Y'ou get in Une and to ~the mark. 1 have power to de- stroy yîou or to make you." lie dforgets a grenRer Power. Heaflthy îndýividiuals of great stature and bulging muscles feel they could pulvenize someone elge. They try it and say, "I've got power." The igniting and burning of fuel to ift asheavy capsule into space as power. The explosive ixtential in nucar warfare is power. These are ail man power in the gense of the power that man creates. We ,are, in trouble and live with a great threat over us because of ntan: puwer. The only thing that ýwîlL gave us and make the orld îwoyrth living in, is God power. If we know what Ohistianity is, w*e realize that the, Bible shows us how mnan in the begin- ning had a very wron.g conception ,of God. Man thiought o 'f God in the ternis of man power. If you ,cid wrong He voouid crush and destroy you. lie was temperment- al and could nianipuIlate things in ia diàlhonest wav. As You 9studV the Bible you"ll find man began to conceive of God as having a diff- derent. power thian that. And throu.gh the generations that con- ception was purified and the tru- er nature of God was learned. Hosea, the great prophet of jove, could loak at lislilfe and tell people that what he feit for his wif e in a littie way Was the nature of God in a iighty way. in the story of Hosea Somieth&fg 'new cames into the concept of Gaod. Hioseqfa's wif e was unifaihful to hiim. She beoarne a temnple jprostitute. 11r lfe was degraded, H1e gouight her out. She was a Orono, Ont ario slaye whbeii he found ber, lie bcouglht ber back, restored lier Vo bier place in bis homne. lie sur- rounded her with love and brougtbt her into Vhe potentiel that was bers. TIen he said, "'God is like .this."I'God will not let bis people go." We see this in a finer sense in the teachings of Second Laah when he couki see Israel as tbe "'suffeiing servoant" called of God ta suiffer for Vhe weitl being oif tie ,world. Tien we see it in its fin- est sense in the revelation 'of Jesus Christ wbio camne o show that God is a great creative force, that we know Hum as love, the power of love, the greatest power tbat the world knows. It isý a mistake to think that gentleness is weakness. The'migh- ty king of Egypt decreed that al Hlebrew male babies were to be destroyed. One littIe baby in ;ý ,ba.%ket at the edge of the river captured the beart of, the king's .caughter and she saveif Moses' if e. You can sec hils in a hou.s- and ways. People, bard in their attitude toward atiers, express thiisclves in destructive ways.. Tiýen a dhild in ail its helpless- nees exerts a power on the strong individual that is maigitier tian its own. You sec the samne be- tween a man and a 'wonian. A ,powerful man stands with fist ciosed to smnash something. Then a littâe woman w1ho has found ber way into bis hearit may slip ber hand in his. lie feels thec rentile- ness, the throb of love and bis hand unclenches. This is ponter. This is eloser to tic power of Godfor it breaks down resistauce. 'Me otier kind cýf power builds resistance. MVhost of us go through life a littile deluded about the facts. We thi."k we are going "great guis". We hive years ahead Mf ue. We bitven't hrd any senlous illness. We have enough around us to be ,comfortable. Why do we need God or anvone cisce for.that mat- ter? We've goV power. We'i, Pilate was the represent- iative of thc powerful Roman gov- ornient and Jesus stood bef)ore hlm. Pilate said, "Do you--know that I have power Vo release you or V(o have you crucified?" Jesus ,aid, "'You have no power at al except that God gives it to You." PIlot, having sai, "I find nath- ing wra*g in thus IMan. I am the ,power here," lad ta turn around ,and give in ta Vhe Jewish eopie for a rioV would get him in troaub- le with the Roman goverrn&nent., Sa he said, "Take 1-lm away and klii Hm." We are ahl like thiat. We think we are gong "greait guns" onlIY And neyer again will they sav -'HEY DAO ... HOW COME THE OTHER 1<105 ALWAYS HAVE AIL THE FUN?" There"s a lot Io be said for the 1970 MOTO-SKI. But for thethrill that beats al thrills, consider this: you drive intoyuur yard. I's wintery cold and a little afterdark. The famly doesn't know youre bringing home a spankin' new 1970 MOTO-SKI (nothing wrong with making that kind of decision on your own!). You walk int the house [yawn once or twice] and say to the kids, "Hey kids! How about bringing in those bondies fromn the back of the car?" Thats the kind of thrill that young folks remember best about growin' op. But i's lust the beginning. When you boy one of these 1970 family lovin' MOTO-SKIs, you'Il make them like theyre 'the other kid". The one that always bais al the fun! A free copy of "'Story of the Ex- clusive Track" will put you on the right tràck when you boy a snow- mobile. Get the story froma Phone 983-5207 THE ( MOTOMOTOt)KI because we havent had ta face ,anything,,really. We need the power of God. Jesug said, "'The meek shall idherit tile eartb" and "Blessed are the peacemiakers." Th1e Bible spelils it p-eiwe-e-wodkeTs Man says, "ýNo, if we con -croate en- ,ough explosives, put enaug$h ec- anomie pressure on, think faster thon other people, then we are going ta inhenit the earth?" Man's power, wben God's power is not present in it,'cdivides and destroyg Man, pro.ud of bis power is a pii-ece-.maker. Thnt is why we have the trouble we d'o. But .peace, p-ea-c-e, cornes thrOUgh the~ power of God and "Blessed are the pcaSenakers." Wel use manpo)wer in another way. If we have two hundred men we hgve grea~Wr manpower than if we have two men. God needs thant kind cof Power. God created th s. universe with laws tihat we can depend upon. Man can aim at the molon and' ýand where he planned, almost to the ingh a.nd to the second, be- pause God lias naturel laws. When peie are dying amongus, don't say that God does not care. God asks forthe man power wohich we can supply. MVan power' becomes a dhannel fo God power. God power is love and it expresses itself in feeding the hungry, bringing companionship toy the lonely a-id in doing the things which wHil heal diseage. It expres- ses itself in ways of peace s0 that man does not destroy man. lit is only God power that saves. the worid. Jesus came Vo show thnt mon Power put in the hands of God, becomes a channel for God power. .God power bas the power to heal, to unite, to restore wlioleness. So many of us go through if e with our whiins and fancies, talk- ing about our belief and unbelif when in truth, we are notMhng unless we are dhannels of God's power. As a congrcgatibn and dividuals wte are calied channels of God's poweýr. as üli- ta be Hoisteins SOU For $64,600 The Ganaraska Hostein herd of Donald Budd, Port Hope, 'Ontario sold October 21st at the farin for the excellent average of $922.00. The 70 bead realized $64,600.00. The top price -was $6,300.00 poxîI4 by Oak liidges Furins, O>ak Ridges, Ontarîoý, for the "Excel- lent" cow, Ganarasica Rele that was Grand Champion at Peter- borough Exhibition in August. lier bred heifer daughter brought $2,00.00 on the bid of Allen Dairy Farms, Mechaniscburg, Pa. A maternai sister, an open year- iirjg, sold to George Irwin of Sunderland, Ontario, for $2,300.00 Allan R. Stewart, of North Star Farms, Lyn, Ontario, paid the sec- ond higliest price of $3,000.00 for a four year-old heifer. A total of twelve animais were sold ta U.S.A. buyers, going to New York, Pa., and Indiana. Prominent amongst these buyers were Stanley and Lloyd Durham, North Ros e, N.Y., Who bouglit four head, inoludi.ng two milking fenlales at $2,600.00 an'd $1,150.00 and an open heifer at,$900.00. Tweýntyeig>ht niiking feinales amex'agtd, $1Î131.00 e4ch; seven-I teen bredheifers $892.00; fifteen open yearlîngs $69300; nine heffer cAlves $458.00; and one bulil $500.00. Other high prices incluided: $2,050. paid by Wm. F. iVijore, Cobourg, for a bred hefer, and $l1,800. for a miiking female; $1,300. paid by Neil T. Malcolm, Burketon Station, for a bred heif- er; $1,050. paid by Tamilane' Fýrm, Orono, for a heifer ealf; $1,,150. paid by Almerson Farms,_ Camp- beillford, for n miiking femvale; $1,000. by morley Prilp, Cobourg, for a milking ft maie; $1,025. by Robert Birkett, Frankfor d, for a heifer caif; and $1,000. by Bruce D. E9,gleson, Ccbourggfor a brcd heifer. Orono, Ontario Phone 983-530 7 NEWMGiI ett Plus Piatinum-Chronîium-Piated Blados 5 Bis. 89C 10 l15. $1.69 Stutt's Pharnacy ROLPH HARDWARE 7 77 SOMETBING NEW - DIFFERENT Moebile Boutique A DISPLAY 0F ARTS AND CRAFTS Pottery, Art, Jewellery - al band crafted also kits. for other- hobbies; .andgifts. To be held in Orono United Church Thursdoy, Nevember,6, .8 oMcock Sponsored by U.C.W. Tickets on sale from an>' unit leader - 25e and at doors Lunch to be served PAINTSALE Kenttone eKeniglo Reg. $3.90 - $4.45 Reg. $12.00 - $ 14.00 Qt. 90 Gai.e $400 1-2 PiLtS 490 Paint 110W On display i» our store LUNN PRO HARDWARE

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