ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSï)AY, NOVEMIBER fith k;69 Report From -' Queen's Park 1Alex Carruthers. M.P.P.. Du.1hqm Provincial-Municipal Economie Reform .Four treform programmes de- signed tic bring about major ben- efits and improvements in porov- dnecialbmunioipal t.nanuing. ai e no-w in thse pcc of devehooci) enent, by the Robar-ts' Govern- onent. ilhey are lsted as follows: (a) Rdýorm of the Provincial Tax System. Reform in this economic field will be attained bv a number of methods inoi-uding - (1) The introduction of a io:-ov- incial income tax. (2) Thse adoption of a Capital Gains tax. (3) Thse relincrihment to the F'ederal Goverument of t'he Estate Tax f ield. (4) Thse passible transfer of the eorpration Income Tax field to Ottawa. (à) An increase in the Mining Tax. (6 An increase in thse ELor fand tobacco taxes and a broaden- ing of the Sales Tax Base. Tihe latter two reforms have ai- ready been adhieved. (b) Reform of Provincial Aid to Municipal Governments. As a first step in relicvine tise Làx burden on property, support lor education is ta' be increased Irom 45 % to 60% over a oeriod of th ree years. (c0 Reform of Municipal Taxation. Reform in this area will -in- elude- (1) Introduction of provincial asses'sment based on current val- u41es. (2) The removal to a major de- grec of tax exemptions. (3) The adhievement of a more neutral and equalized rate cf bv;- iness assesssnent., (dl) Reform of the Local Govetrnment Structure Refiorm of local gvernment is oonsidered to be thse kev element dn hie province%'s veralil retorm programme. whieh forffis a total "Fiscal Framework for the Fu- ,ture" This will be aceomplished throuoh tise introduction of Reg- ional Goverrmient on a gradu:al b.asis through agreement and éx- teys.ive consuFtation with munici- pal governments. Tise strength af thse new system iras three dimensions:- (1) A geographiic area large enough to permit physical and ec- ,.,ille planning. 2) A population large enougii _.uibive a major degree of ec- ._miesý in piloviding public serv- 3) A financial base capable of l ucing a reasonable tax rev- sufficienut to provide the re- qued range of services. i7vo local studies, one based on an Oshawa centred region and the on the Unfted Counties are x underwoay and the informa- ton gained fromn these MMl pro- dý the statistics and data on \vhi dh any future decision on Reg- o iiijj Government will be miade, in thils part of the Province. Ottawwa Report Russell -C. loney, Q.C. M.P. Northumberl'and - Dukrham Sýhortl7 :after th'js Report ap- oears in Northuimberlanýd-Durhiam ncwspapers you wiil start to hear jand read about the Gavernment's White Paper on , Tax Reform. Tihis document may wel'l be tihe mrost revolutionary ever tabled in GCanada's Parliamentl.. It foIlows a -hee year analysis of the massive (Carter Commss<on Report and i de3igned, as the government said ,n the Spseerh frcrm the Throne, to proVide a "fairer distribution ,f the tax burdE.n." This prob>âbly .1means some form cof capital gains tax. Other key a'-eas i.n whicih legis- lation will ýbe introduced in this new session are pollution, labour uaw, unernployment insurance and consumer right. The busines s ike approacih of Prime ýMinister Trudeiau was ap- parent in the appendix to the Throne Speech which ]iisted 71. bills wbich are re'ady for tabling. This was good evidence that Miii- istcCs have been working ail susn- ,mer under the Prime Miister's tdirecetive to plan and prepare a r'omprehensive legi'siative program for presentation to Parliament. Incident>l legislative, itemns will include lowering -of the voting' tag.to 18, creation of the Canadian Researcîh Institute to concentrate on the soclutions to long-range ec- ,onomiic policies and the Inter- naionai Research Centre designed: bto find more efficient ways to, help the emerging nations of the ,Woid. Ail in all, it looks like a busy 0 or 10 months ahead. Local News Mr. and Mrs. John Forrester, David and Ronnie attendEd thie wedding in Port Hope on Satur- d&V, GeOcber 25 of ivists Barbar-a John, Port Hope and avie. Robes-t Stapleton of Ncwonîiile. Hllalowe'en was a qiiiet affafr in the Village and distrioet wýth ondy mÈior mischief. The young set completed their rounds early in the cvening with thse eemaind- e of the nigist being quiet. Mrs. Harold Snell, Toronto and Me. and Ms-s. DDug. Gamsby. Paul and David, Guelphi npent the weekend wfth Mrs. Ken Gamsby. NO INCINERATOR ýFOR PORT HOPE Port Hlope and 'h-ope Township councîls have discarded plans for tise installatio-n of an incinerator to serve thse two muncpalites because of tho high cost of equip- ment and operation. Councillor V. A. Vosburgh, chairman of tise sanAtti»on cern- mnit.tee of town couneil, told Hope TPownship council that thse tewn had lot the money to go into an incinerator program now. To instali an incinerator unit, would cost $168000 he said, plus tise highocost of operation encli yc ar. Home and School while it mnay be t'he "tr-uth" as f ar as they are concerned tisey may not be in possession of al the facts. "Moa-t of ail we hope that youi wLl use sorne of tibis information ln your deaings with other'peopie and especially in your dealings wth the ehldren with whom you come in contact." UNMTD CHURCH I Orone Pastoral Charge Milster Rev. e n1. Long SUNDAiK NOVEMBER 9. 1969 Orgue U.ated Chure- Sunday 80"a at 1p:00> Service et 1115 a. Krby- Morniuig Service at 9:45 amm Sunday Scixoolat 1:'0 Kendal News The first weekend in Novesnber mus a duil ra.iny onc. October w&il g» down in tihe record's as away beldow normal in temperature. lu fet nvany record low tempera- tuves' were recordcd. We regret the millions of bushels of the f ncs.t appaes that were frozen on the trees. However when apple orchards were sold to a man wlio hired an apple pickîng gang oôf several men in the years before the second world war thse agree- ment rend that ail trees were to, be stripped by October 2th. The snow and frast did not, corne till thse 22nd. On October 23 the temperature was 20'. Last Sunday the Communion Serv.ce was held in Kendal Ohurdh. 9 month carlier it was cancelled when Rev-. T. Snelgrove was in Newr6undland. The faosv- ers ai the altar were in memory of Mrs. Martin Foster'5 fathber, Mr. Awde of Jarvis, Ontario wlio ,yaffed away suddenLy of a henert attackSympathy is extended to Mr. and iVrs. Martin Foster and the family, ntlsc to her mother. The farmers are busy plough- ing, after the heavy nains the land is in ideai shape. Bring the old woo]ilen~s in, re'ady for shipping, in a hag. They hope to get themi sent away ths weckend from Mrs. E. Courouxs or Mrs. W. Mcrcer's home. Mr. Wm.- Turansky has sold his Generlal Store in thse village of Kendail. Thse new owner and his wife were in the store on Tuesday getting acquainted with the bus- iness. We wish them every suc- cess.- Mrs. J. Henderson, Mes. A. Low,ý Mes. H. Fos'ger and Miss C. W. SteWart went to Toronto on Wed- nesday to attend the W:: onven- tion at the Royal York Hotel.' Up And Down lTe Book Sfacks NEW BOOKS, NOV. 6th, 1969 GanacUàn' Glass 1825-1925 by G.-raid 'SLevens (a beautifully il- iustrated book by the leading ex- pert on Canaciana) Between Parentý and Teenager by LeT. Hlaim G. Gnott A iMVaJdras Typeý Jacket by Ev- e{Ivn Haw,%es, a Noved Elizjabeth Captive Princesp5 by Cargaret irwia (a fast moving historical novel) IThe Thrn of tise Seew and Baisy DLUei' by Heney James (two world fiamous short noveis) Junior- Beneath Land.and Sea by Ayl- est Forsce (a lively accounit of the Scienfistis now at work undler land and sea) Tise Fis-st Book of Bears by Robsert Whateihead Bebsy and Joe by Maud Hart Levweliace (a Betsýy-Tacy Higis Sehool story) Beezuis and Ramona by Bcverly Cleary. Soldier and Me bv LDavid Line (a story. of suspense) Kindergarten and Pre Sehool- Kerrniti the _Hermit by Bill Peet Tise Laird of Oockpen by Sorche Nic Leodhas The IrxdoorNoisy Book byMar- garet Wise Brown The'eLitile Ilouse by Virgînia Lc-e Buftont The Hlappy Egg.by RutÂh Krauss Thse Witdh Next Dor bv Nor- Mnan BridlWeIl The Little King and Litile, Qucen The Little Monster and Other Stories You Can Make Up Yiourself by IRuths Krauss. Discards-, dVlany books- including Easy Reading and Pi eture books - on saqe 10e each. Olga Beauchamp Corne see the better choice in 1970 snownob fies Choose the model right for you. For the man who wants- Iuxury, there's Ski-Doo Nordic. For the man who likes his action fat, there's SkI-Doo TNT. And for the man who wants more than one Ski-Doo, there's the low Priced Olympique 12/3. But don't wait too long. Better deal now for best cho ici. gos"'-the sign of the fines t snowmobile-s, sportswear, accessories, parts and service. Ski-Doa. OBONO, ONT. PHONE 983-9167 Men's Shirts A new stock of Men's Sport Shirts by "Currie". Permanent Press for easy-care. Stripes and checks ia gold, green and vine. Sizes S. M. L and XL, Priced f rom $6.00 to $8.00 MEN'S PARKA COATS Men's Parkas in heavy duck, warmly lined throughout. Button-on- hood.- Ideal for outdoor workmen. Olive shade only. Sizes 38 to 48. Priced at $1695 MEN~S JACKETS A good selection of Men's Winter Jackets,, the latest in- styling. Wool Car Coats and Nylon SI Jackets, warmly lined. Shades of bine, green, caniel, red and black. Sizes 36 to 46. SNOWMOBILE SUITS Waterproof nylon Saowmobile. Suits for men and womea. Red quilted lining. Zip-top hood couverts to collar. Zip legs, ,rugged zip front. Men's Sizes, M, L and XL Priced $28.50 to $35.00. Women's sizes, 18 and 20 Priced at $2'7.50 Snowmobile MITTS and BOOTS for ail the family. Priced f rom' $15.95 to $32.95 NOW AT VOUE DXService Station Eighway 3U and 115, jua north of NewcaW t, Premiunt Quallty Produets -AT TUE MOST REABONAUBLE PRuCES Sv OU(M my be plek.4 up la &W quaatiy prfle ATTENTION FARMR8 md TIUCKRU Rp dbe.pat e »lbýa"m a hel. PRONE f74811 -n