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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1969, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th 1969 (continued fron ae2 repair it. Report aul acts ýof vandalism te the landowner concerne'd and /or the, Provincial Police. This is net only your clut /but it will aise aid in protecýting your hunting privileges. Respect the lan'downers rights nd prLperty -and atternpt te be f~swith hlm. It wdl usualiy payv off, nert only in a new friend- sipi but in many hours of hunting W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 Kingr St. W. Bownianville 1623-3393 Toronto .923-9174 Port ilope Office 885-4543 For promput, courteonks, effici- ent service when buying or selling and for thse largest sel- ectfon of properties lu thse arùea Contact Orono Area Represýýntatives Roy FostLer Dane Found Ro0y Stronp, 983-5801 623-3965 9 83-9119 RESTA URANT Highway 115 and 35 1kmile South of Orono Specializing en Pizza and S paghetti STO~ MSN Specialiin lil kinds of STONWORKand FIREPLACES We also do chimnev Reeafrs pleasure. lZ you are luéky in the hunt, effer te share- your g-ame wlth the ewner. Mlter ail, lie lias helped teo caise it. When the ladone Ive p- isio!n te hunt, . t ves lm the opportuiity te let you know the location of lis sýtock se that you may avoidthat p.artdcuIiar area. He may alise tell you where lielias obserx( d the type,,of game you, are hunting. Regardless -of where you are huntin,,g, de net hrew away paper botties and other bitter. Rury it or take it home and send Al to the dunip. Order Stamps from the Orono limes SUITES TO CH OOSE FROM! Save' C! -. stmas $ $$ Kere ! St. Saviors St, aio' Anglican Churcli in Orono heid their loOthl Anni- v! rsary on Sna afterneon when they were favoured with n visit by Bisheop 1. Marsh, M.A., D.D., of fCobourg. PBIshep lVlarsh,,was the the guest speaker for thie momen- tou5ocain The service was conducted by the Rev. H. R. 1-layne of thse Clarke Panish. Attçnciance at the unniversary filled the churdh ta capacity. A- nvong the visitors were Rev. and Mnrs. D, R. Dewdiiey of Port Hiepe a former minister at St. Saviours as weâg as Mr-. Geiald Moffat. Rurial Dean, Rev. T. Smith of the I,ýawoasùtie United Churcis. -Music fer tihe occasion was sup-, plied by the St. 'Geerge's Angican Chliurch of Newcastle. Mrs. Dora Kelsey of Newcastle was the or- ganist and ýPaul Jahnson thè Cru- cifer. fBisihop Marsis titled lis topic "Jesus Christ First and Last". 11e spQke ecechangeis la the . hurch and urged his audience te accept chia 1 -,e which was progressive. H1e aise interesýtèid bis iaudience with mai.y of fis experiences While in tie Yukoan. Fco11oWing the service a recep- tien was held in the Parisis Hall at which the A.C.W. served lunch. $4 Million Contract Let For College Thse delay-pIaqu&d Phase 1 cx- pansion at Durham Ceilege wÎil finally get underwiay soon withi the construction of a three-sterey '$1,01),000 builcllng, te the west of the present college structure. Dr. Gordon Wille y, presàdent of the ceilege anneunced thse a- waxrd of thse $3,949,000 construc- tien contiract te Eagleweed -Con- struction Ce. LVd. of Hlamilton. With the -additien ef f ees, site work and equipment' the total cost of the expansion mnay exeed $5,000,000. Dr. Wiiley !said the starting date for constructien depends on hew quickiy the cellege can get Department of Educatien apprev- ai fer the projeçt. Heie hoping for partiiial oocupancy of the new facilities by January of 1971 with compicton by the end of May. When Phase 1 plans were first announced eiariy in 11968, the pro- ject was te ýhave iseen ready for ocepancy in Septemiser of 11970. But the coliege was ferced to rediiaw thse entire expansion pro- gramn when thse city . announced thse propesed Taunton Road Con- servation area iand the Upp3er Airport Reserveir. This and ether deRtays finaiiy set thse project back 66666'CcLPTIS ÔtÔiOrÎ BRING IN THIS VALUABLE COUPON L ON THE P1JRCHASE 0F NEW CHESTERFIELD SUITE SONE COUPON TO A CUSTOMER NO RETAIL MERCHANTS PLEASE almost a year. Dr. WilIey said the new build- ing will have 173,000 square feet on its three floors, land wRiui buse the tecàhnicai, business,'tand ap- pideci arts divisiens. It m41l have laibeacories, classrooms and ser- vije iareas, a iibrary and a separ- ate cafeteria. The building Will haeuse thse cu*rent pcost4qeoondary ýedcati.on prograans, leaving' the present building free for the Manpower Retraining pngrami. At (present the Manpower prograin bas just been congoL~dated et Durhwm with- part in the main building and an- othea- part In the portabiles. "We hope to eventually get id of th<se portables," said Dr. Willey. Dr. Willey said enrolknent pro- jection5, suggest the Phase 1 ex- pansion wiII serve thse college un- til 1973, ýMhen Durham expeets to have 1,5900 flIIlimne students and an ýeven Marger night school pro' gram. The p1resent celiege ena-liment .iis about ,500 ffi-lime students. Ardhteets for the projtecl 1 Allward and Gouinloek of To)ronto worlcinge from a master plan crealed by Michael Hough i Aso cites LIc. of Toronto. ALI MUST BE CLEARED TO MAKE ROOM FOR, CHRISTMAS MERCHANDÎSE 1 ni"tisceount Hïwy. 115-35 at Nswl-'castle C',..Of Phone 987-4715 PRICES DRASTICALLY REDUCED ON: BEDROOM SUITES -MATTRESSES -BOX -SPRINGS' - CHAIRS- LAMPS - ETC. LAY-AWAY NOW'FOR. CHRISTMAS AND SAVE $$$ Aar" (LEARA LE

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