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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Nov 1969, p. 7

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See Milison lnsuirance Agency for 1 1 ,Ail classes of personal and Commercial Coveraites Office: Main St., Orono 983-5012 Res, 983-5754 Gord Simpseu PHIONE 983-5808 orq'no, Ontario PAINTING ÇýARENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS lnterior Exterior CI-IRLESRâ-D Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Purniture Sales! Consult me for ternis and dates ?)IONE ORONO .983-5914 Meuuimnts andi Family Memorials Our quallty and service leaves nothlng to be deslred Ask the person who bought from us, a neilbbour, frlend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COIMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE~ Largest display in SoutherR Ontario iWATSON' ai and cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS - Alouette Snow Mobiles t McCulloch CHAIN SAWS Ilepairs to ail makes of -Lawnl Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle I Englues -OTACO PLOW POINTS i I AND MACHINERY gPIJMPING OUT SEP TIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 LYCEF--TT PLUMBING and1 HEATING Sans and Service ti4 171,UR BURNER SERVICE= GUI F FINANCINGj ILow lIaterest RatesGu Tyrone 263-2650 )rville Chatterton I Electrical Cotracting 1 Electric IIeatînLy and Servire PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono. Ontario OàRO'NO ELECTRIC *Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELE CTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. ý- COLOUR T.V. RADIO - Hi-Fi FRIGIDAIRE -R.C.A. DOMINION ELECThOHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Hamiltons Insurance Service, kuto, Fire, Packag e Policies I Fldelity Bond, I Liability Lif e First Mortgage Loans :Sadie Hamiltoni Phone 983-5115 Box 133 Phone 6835 Stafford Brothers Llmited Manufacturers of Cemnetery Memorials 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO tBuilding a bouse? tor remodelling your present onee, thon contact Poe983-5049 ORONOt FOR SALE Sweet Table Turnips, good Mir freezer. $1.75 iper bushà. Bringg your own containers. A. Van Hattum. Oronc, RR 2, Bth Une. Phone 983-5267. c46-p FOR SALE one refinis4ied solid o(ak Buif- fet, excellent ccjýdition, also one table buffet and china cabinet. Phone 983à5596. a-C FOR SALE ('n' a idae -$50 Pne835733. F OR SALE Budgio cage ý,on r~sesta eeiolent cond: 'tiion, co'mp'ete m arr-essocries., 8 dollars. Phone 983-5658. WANTED 0m Pado , 120 to 192à, bat- tcry o~rtd earplhones or plug- ini speakers. (~a1 PeerCKLB, 723-3415 or write O (id Rdisc Io CELB, 360 KigSt. \W., Oshawa. NOTICE Orono Landseap;ing. Garden Ser- vice and Snow Plowing. Phone 983-5558. t-f NOTICE ACard-( Party sponsonredI by Or- ono Home and ýholAssoCiation FriayNovnii~r7th at 8 D.m. ,at tihe Orono Public Sdhool in the General Purpose Room. Admnission '75 cents. Lunch and Prtzes. b-c REFINISIINGvOLD WOOD ,Have your favuri.te pieco of îrniture refillisldc for Christ- gnas. Cali 983-5596. a-c NOTICE Mterations and Plaiin sexw,-. Mrm, M, Dowýýns, oorner Park and (IMrch Sts. Ph-one 983-5493. t-f T-OWNSHIIP 0F CLARKE Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' List, 1969 Township~ of Clarke in the Couit-y of Durham N\,otiec, is hefq y given that I have conýiK eit~h Section 9 of the Votex's' List Ajct, and that 1 have posted up at mny office at Orono on the 3fth day of October, 1969, the liet of aiýl personis en- titiled to votje in the miunàciPality at municipal elections and thaît such list rernains thero for in- specetion. And I horohy ealu upon alil voters to takri inimodilato eed inýgs to h ave any omaissiýons' or or- rors correctod according to Iaw, the last day for appeal beinig the 13th day of Nove3mber, 1969. Dated this 301h day of octoberi 1969. H. DefWith, Clerk of the iiownghio of Clbarke. a*ip FOR SALE N,,)-,ý 3f" electrie stovo. CWI )- Dan West, phione 983-5942, Orona a-c NOMIÇE Phi to Étend the U.C.W. Bake Saile thýs Saturdaiy, Novembere th, at 2 o'clock. Afternoon tee will be served. Orono Unfted Church Ma.in Hall, a-c NOTICE Vo1u-'""~s nr~1ed to ss wit nýkng D'saster clolhanîg and suipplies'. Red Crossý Workroom, a-p Temporanre t,t.Bowmatnvîlle. Open: Jrirdaylafternoons 1:30 to 3:10 p.m.A materials sunplioed. nd; For furtther informaÈ ion cal S9,83 52')l. d-47ýc POPPIES Your puppy contnibul the Gadiain Legion fii m îserk a1moing Carada': wtevans *and depende for some thero are pe no penion envers sueh cios as 1fpml Y uness bis or a fire. Your'P triibutions' moans qquiek it is nee-ded most. Give ly YÙîis wekend. 1, WANTED An ineide Propane turo. Phono -983-5772. WANTED ultion holps ight human 's disabied lents. Yeg, ,nsdàng but FOR SALE A boY' bulky knit ffiain nîavy cardigan, 12 to 14 yegirs, $7.00. Assorted girl'is clothing ineluding coat, size 5 to 7 ycars. Phone 9833-5725.a- TYPING WANTED TYîping wafted to do aI home. Phone S8345725, aé COMING EVENT TheRoi Ganadian Legion and Ex-servâce Meni aid Wiomen wil hold their Annuýal Armistice Ser-' và.ce on the inorning of November 16th ai t he Onvono United Church at 11.15 a.m. AIl returned men and women are askcd tb meet at the Odçdfel- lows HMMi at 10:15 aim. and par- ade to the Conîotaph - t' lay wreaths pirior to the servàce., a-e COMING EVENTS h emergon- On or'about Novenher l2th,' z, medical YOur 1969 Chrustmas deals will bo Poppy con - arriving. If you Senr Christmas :help whon miaili ovorseas ýand would like to, ýe generous- reiceiveý your geads earlier, please calll Cobourg, 372-7266 or wrvite to the Northumberland-DuiÈham TB- RD Aseociation, BYx 300, Cobourg Li gLI Fix- Romeembor - CO-hristmas Seals help a.p fighî Tubeiraiulosis, EîmphùjseMna, Astlum, Chrondie Br)onhitis' and other Reispidi4tory Diseia&eý throu- - gliout our United Counties. Usedi TypewýNrîter wanted. Cen- tactL 1.M. -Domn's, Plione 983-5493 or 983-5202. a-c- TYPING WANTED Is your typist overltoaded with 'work? Do yout have part-tirne type xvoik? Prof essional typing d'one at home. Phore Mrs. K. Jemmett, 983- 5560 between 9 a.m.n anid 5 P.m. COMING EVENT This Friday, November 7th al the Fish and Chips you can eMt Mor 99C., The Acres Restaurant, Taunton Road -a-c Callyour licensed Plumbing & Mkechanical C on tract or who uelis, Instals çId gu«arantees CARMAN PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 983-5207 Orono Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Concrete Stone Work Carnentry- Cabinet Work Floors - Tule 983-5441ORONO . COMING'EVENT The Acres Restauvant is féat- uring Chieken and Çhips for 99e on Saturday, Novemper MI. a-c COMING EVENT .Heauher Sociail Cluib Bazaar and Tea, 'Saturday, Deceniber 6, 2:30 7p.m. at the I.O.O.F. RaIl Orders, are heing taken for 0hristmas Cakes by Mrs. Gxordon .Watson, phone 983M543 and Mms James Major, phone 983-842. a-c COMING EVENTS Parents and ail concerned per- gons ýare invited to hear Constable Tom Hometà, Osh>awa Police, De- partmoent, speiak on 'Drugs - thc'ir use and aebuse.' Kirby Contennial H-omie and School Association meeting, Tuesdcay, November 18th 8 1p.m. Rereshments MEllbe seirv- ed. b-45-e CARD 0F THANKS I would like to thank -the Un- ited Chureh Women for the love-- ,ly fareweil tela and gift of the, Hymn.ary, prosontod to me, on. Wcidnesriay of last week; ailso the beautîfpI cup and s)aucer from Unit 7. a-p, Lillian TamblYn DIED NICHOLSON, Dianne-At Toronto, Goneral Hospital on Sunday, Nov- ember 2nd, 1969 Dianne Nichol- son, boloved daughter of Mr. and, Mrs.. FUoyd Nicholson of Orono; sister of Faye (Mrs. Gordon Buru- ham) Orono; granddaughter oft Ernest Niclholson, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Hloward Masters, Bow- inanville. Aged 17 years. Reslted at tihe Barlow Funeral Home, Or- ono untIl Wednesday,- thon to Oronio United Church for service ait 2 p.un. Interment Orono Cer- etery. DIED NEAL, William H.-At Oshawa Genoral Hospital, Saturday, Nxov- omnber lst, 1969, William Noal, husb'and of the lato Mary Dean; dear fathor of Konnebli of Oronio; Lavorn of Oshawa; Volma(Ms William Armstrong) Orîonio and Marjorie (MVrs. Jack Dllawson) of St. Laurent, Quebec. Rested at the Barlow Funoral Homo, Orono for service Tuosdlay, November 4th at 2 p.m. Interment Orono ýComeîory. JACK RTCARD REALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying or Seliing cal WII1L F 8HAWfK E YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTý,'-ATIVE 983-5274 Membor of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estato Board ORONO WEEKLY TliMES. THURSDAY, NOVEMBEr7-6th 1 6'! - - - ......... =1o

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