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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Nov 1969, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 27th, 1969 OJ>RONO WEEKLY TIMES s.eoo O1*nm ail Reoifta numb"Oe 38 P.bWid everY 1¶mraday at the offiS of publoeKon Mf ti-Dget, Orouo, 0ntmio. Phone,983-530 This coinirug Mondâay, )eeember Ist, electors in the Towndp of Clarke are being SaRled to the podls to dhtooSe their Council for the corntng year «flong with cle4idln~g whether or niot liquor nuay be setrv'ed ini cocktiail louinges ad diinýng loungess within the sundipality. Thisilaiutter q&s^son cioSmeLs bebore the eletons ec- on-d Îturnein the 1960s anid durhng titis pjerod 'W"àtuiden o- waluids cocktailf loUngeis and dling louafge«, has cfianiged conw nldemrbly. lmn the futxt îfree ere ds nu omamgjnzed cépposiI- tiwm Uo the voje s exd.kbed in 1961. lthe que'tiLon hâas alsi bcan placed beýbre the people mi the inituative of Oownie upon requtot fm Mjoispozt Park. Thé-vote is creaibng ms greiat stir wMihn the mumicLpahlty. The Provin" i Iqqor laws are in somin aaiM aitiquiated ani the exiituaneve of ïluoaaption is isentuaiinly -ne of these seebions.,Tvidaurwe vcanne becoMe i0olated fro!m othber ai-eus.----- If tounges are und'esirahble (amid we djonl beLieve they are) anid if ffiey do Srb Vt o the ýwholi5ale con- suiniption oif liquuor, we in Oliairke 'have no way (y£ peoîeiag oursàlovus frlom their exisýjnoe and aLffea nt ha sfawa or Bomnanvillfe.. 1litS flO the Pioviünce did away with thisà sec-tdon and vipeueld âlllai-eâs flor licensed louinge penises. There 15 no doubt t1bat Mosport Park could benlefit frosn a licened outlet and as 'Mospont prospers thon so do olieir nierpieas wituhin the xnunicipallty. The Qpeining of ounges, eâi~er cocktail or dining, ini this muniicipality ià hat god>iing o vopen up fuwibher drunloeness or lotwor the mor- ale stindani-vf the comirnunity. LalNews Mi- anii -Mrs. Ross Chalmers ,andiMi-. Abert, Chalmies, Toronto spent Suniday with Mi-. and Ma-s. Perey Moi-gain, Somerville Drive. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Watt and t aniily of Scarborough visiteti Mr. and Mr. Donuald &Sitapeis anidi am- ily last week Tbe Orono îBr'ownî'es ontertiain- ed tiheir mothers lVJonday, eveiiing to a six o'elock dimner ýwith Mrs. Wayne Mercer, Brown Owa, Sup- ervisiing. Mr-. andi Ma-s. Cai Blii.ns spent the weekend witli Mn-. C.. A,ý Cuminig, IlournItoanidi Mis. NileiPorter and Mm. Bia-a-y Bailey vksiteti Mrs. D>oroUiy Keen, Toron- tofor thbe weelkefnd. Mr*. E. R. Wkodyard iniformed us on iWedmesiday t"ut Burley Bus haindi clscoitlnued their daily bus service to Orono.. He stateti thait ho haid reaieevd a nunuber of calls fi m local citizens inttis nuattier and as a resuit lie' hnd con- tacted ttPe buis eosuany. RHeex- peets a repl'y shortly tVo las in, quiiry ami endeavours tu have tub buise soice continue. CUNN!,NGHAM WINS NEWCASTLE POST D. J. Cuniningham was return- ed as reeve of the village'of New- castlie by acclamatlon foIIowýing, the Éominaý.tion meeting. Five oani idate5 iare la the field, fo tise foII5 counoil sents. TIiese linciwude Frank 1-bar, Alfred Giray, inenubces oi tihe, present coundcil; iFflýatiCoudh who resigiLd fi-rn touneil in October; Jeshu A. Ad- uand -ad rs. -Margaret Bnci-eton BIRTH CARNEGIE-George; and Lynda (nee Bowen) are happy ta an- nouince the arrivai of their daughý ter Kareni Lynai, 9 lbs. 10 ozs, on Tuesday, November 25tih, 1969, at Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay. a-c by Paul Berne eadding1tvin Marches On by Mi- chael Bond Kindergarten and' Pre-Sehool: The Histuory oif Simple Simon by Paul GaId'one The fIat at Night by r>ahlov Ip- ciar Tim Vo J' he -Ligh0xnvuseby F4" ward Ardiazzone alaald HBëar by Marthe AI- exander Sniau]iHg by Arnold Lobel. 019-a Beauchamp. CARD 0OF THANKS I wviuld like to thanik My friends and neighbours for cards sent to me during my stay ini Hospital and to the ladies of St. Saviour's Chuîrch and the ladies of the Senior Citizens and Dr. A. F. McKenzie.ap Mrs. Jean, Morgan., CARD 0F THANKS We wisîh to thank our relatives. and friendis and, neighbours for- their acts of kinduness and expres, sionis of sympathy sbown duringý the illinesis and deat'h of our dear father Lovirn Harness; aiso for the beautiful floral tributes anmi speeiai thunks to Dr. MeKenzié, Dr. ýGrant and to the Staff and Nurses in Bowiarnville and Osh-- awa hespitals and aiso to Mr.. Long for bis consoling words andf the U.C.W. ladies of Group 5 and the. Bar-low Funeral Home.----- .-Thte Harnkes Fàily., I-----_ ACCEPT THE LAW Frvim IlecÉmbser 1, for thse fist turne in Canadja, tihere wiJI h beurnpuhgory breath a nâaIyu of drivers suispecbed of driniking. WUen these reviisione ' o ti Crimnal Code vWere first ïat-inied theire weire stnog fuceliugs tiaît an ïndlividu- ai was being d'epaived of a basic right. In making bwaeathahbzer tEGibs conpuLsory, a person as beiing otoied Vo give evidence whicli cou1d be used 'agaasit hilm. Th4s is eoniary to thse Canada Evidence Act, and Vo a I.asic aight uncer Ilaw. Hlowever, when. we red Vthait 2,357 pensons weale Mli- ýed on Ganladan uigiways in 1968 as the direct reseuit vcf diuilclag drivers, and tsat this figure re.preseunts 43 per cent of aht deaitls resulting froua tmiai riwape, A w~otâd ap- pear Iliat wie have losit tis right througha not acccpting a Every perioin 1ho tiakes conI-el of a maloo vhil baivs thbe reop"nabMliy to dtàw e li a mianinhr wlbieh wf l gLie thbe uitmvst degree of saMety Vo otuser treavden. :1f tbis cap-' not be done as a result, of dlnikLing alo&1 olbieveiages then hue lms Let the igft o use the highways, beoomes a moen- acie, ami sihotûdbhe treeted as such. .If we beileve sti$oSle yin the rigbtts vof the individiual, we muitals» e fec stiio4agly d la akng suire tbait tube individ- uàIa aSepts isreponMbMee.os. t is .boped tihat tubecoempul" goi-y bi-eatubaIizer tests wihli be a step towards stopping wvhàt is do-scÉubed by Jiutce Miluister Turner as "'murdeir on Vthe hig1iwy and carniage oin tub iod. The peniafltes are stiff, botha f rhaving an exeess of alcodaokec content inItube bbood, andi for refuâi ng Vo take thbe test. We are manre 'of thbe vonsequencis; Ietut sabidie by the law, ami accept our resporniibilitieus. RINK SCIIEDULE 1969-70 TUESDAYý- 3.30- 6.30 Figure Skating 7.30 9.00 CurvPly 11 9.00 9.45 Mfidget -Hockey pia-n tise WEDNESDAY- 6.00- 6.45 Tykes 6.45 7.30 Atomis 7.30- 8.15 Pe Wee 8.15- 9.00 Bantan THURSDAY- 4.30 - 7.30 Figuoe Skating FRIDAY- 6.30 7.30 Tyke 7.30- 8.30 Atom 8.30- 9.30 Pee Wee 9.30 - 10.30 Bantain SATURDAY-, 8.00 -9.00 Midget Ho1,ckey prac- isýe 9.00 -10.00 BanVain practise 1.00 11.00 ýPee Wee practise 11.00- 12.00 Atom .anid Tyke practise and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN.. We have a Sauna and Whirl- pool ready for your use. Drop inu and give thein a try Group Rates Available Mo.to Siat. 1 pm. - 1 am. Sun. 8 m - 1 p.m. 16A) ONTVARIOSTREET UAnd Down The Book Stacks NEW BOOKS NOV. 27th, 1969 Aduit: ,Mary McEo tbune by Gath- eriune Owený!s Peare ( a Biographyi) Thec Booýk of Sniall by Emrily cerr The Greet D.nocracies by Win- ston S. Ch uCihffi (Vol. IV) Only Wnlen 1 Lai-f by Len Ddethoin Thbe Triial by Linda DuLBreuil To Wed a Doctor by Mlzabeth Seifert Looik, ioneward Anigel by Tholas Wolfe Junior: The Wondenlkai World of Math- e=tiatuis by Lancelot Ilogben Understandingg -Scence by Wi1" liài H. Crouse The Secret 1,ii the Missingc Boat SUNDAY- 12.00 - 2.00 Figure Skaing 2.00 - 4.00 Public Sllating speed . -. stability strength... safety 1970 THE RELIA BLE ONE Available at Bright new day in the pleasure of picture-takingl With a Kodak instamati coramera, you Ioad instantly, auto- matically, se it's easier than ever te toke good pictures. No threading, no fumbling-Kodapak film cartridges drop right in! There are four camera models-lF with built-in flash units- and they ail take color slides, color snops, and black-and- ,white pfictures. Corne in and choose the one thot's right for you. Complote cormera outflts, f rom $1 9.99 FLOWERSq by VanBelle FOR ALL OCCASIONS CALL COLLECT- DAY, OR NIGHT Vil Member Canada OJN ONE, TWO &THREE YEAR G.IC.'s Deposit Insurance Corporatlo, Central Ontacrio Trust 19 Simeoe St. N., OSHAWA 23 King St W., BOWMANVTLLE iL

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