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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Dec 1969, p. 7

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES* TIIURSD&Y, DEMBER llthi, 1969 Live - Lov Fceom The T1Uted Ghurc1h Tlc ie o ling is a ý-messiage xMhlïidh î10ngigs coempletaly nf sc~i¶t1rewilino addit!onaàl eom- mnents. ktlis hased on the tlieme "-LIME - LOVE" ýWhî)li the Un- ied (hurd:h of Canada lias devel- op-ed, and nuox usies luposter frm ilupic laces where al may be reîminded that In tVs age of Space acccom lsh ,rt odj -anîd thlât peorpie lhiving for peo- pie ils the truc expreýssion of In the beglnnîug o rae tlie hei aîO nd lthesvtrh. The eîrth was xibhout frm [ MW vuid, and dainkne!ýss nis upun tîhe face of the wtr.And God spi, "lit there be liglit"; îand the1re nms ilght. And (Gedsaw ihat h àîglit was gaod; and (-ed sea't ed theligilt from tl-ie arkýnnss. Gad îogled the Elght 1Dsy, and tche larikmnieles Hie acld Nigit.. And thore was eveing and lhore Was mîn1xingeday. MdiGod ýsaid, 'it us make nman in our image after ýour 'ike- neigs; anid l6t thern have dominion aver the figh of tli sea, anîd over the birds of the air, aird QV- er the icat ndsuiover ail tihe darth, and over ievery f-reeping tihing tilat éreeps upen the earth. So God creiated man in his own àigen uthe image of God lie creiated hlim; imaie sud ,f anlâe he creàteid t1heni. God forMed main d dust froim thle grouiid, ,sad breîathed dm110hîs nostrils 4the breiath ýof litie; and man becaine a Ildving 'bei ,litis linîGod t1hat man lives and xnoves andliàs is ýbeing. T:e Lord ýGod took the man and put lm in the garen nI Eden tu tiliit aînd keep it. Now Adcamn knew Eve bis wýife, ýand îshe oouelved and bore Cain; anid agaill she bore lis brother Aibel. Ia the ,course iof itinle Cain bncm anywith Abol aid lii ed hlmi. -IL-,wîho sas ie is in the ligh t an~d lictes bïî!irtlier is in the, darnkmeis stili. He wholoe bi b&rother,abides in the light, iand ln It thore is no tumh1ing. But le W xxhok butes is briotlis lu tbe disrncsand dees in ot knun wliere heli s înbecause the The müesisage ,fi-om nithe beg,ýinînu h:as ibeela fluat we îdhiouid love ue anollier sud rot be Ike Gain who was ýof the evii une and murdererd dus brother. .Let us love one another for lixve is ýof Gad, and he who loves ïgs hem of Goîdand knîows God. 11e who does iot love does not ýmlow God; Godià s, love. In thiI lave cê God nas macle manillest ainog s, thît Gud sent is onl Son înte the world, sa that we xMght lIno thrc)ugl i m. lu this us love,, ot thiat we loxied 'God but thaît lie loiedus and sent bfis Son Vo ibe tlie expiatiîon for our i-s. Beloeod, -îf GDd so loved us', we also ouglt Vo love iule anothler. If iany ome says "I love God'. and haVes his brother, ho Is ahlar; for ho Wlù iods not love hîi brother whem he lias seen, caura loveGoad Whom lie bas noV seen And this cimînandment we hau( fromo hlm, that he who loves Goé slioulld Nme eils brlliher'alsîo.' Love your enemileis andîripaý for thiose niho persecute you, s, that mou ssyîbe gous of the f atlýi wlho ils inr eaven. For 1fyou lIeu those wvho love you, vliat,rewars have yeou? Do noV slniers do ke wîse. Loveils patient and kird; lap is mt jeialous or boasful; iti ot arrogant or rude. L.ove doe ne uiisist(oli is own mpuy,. it is no 4rntabile or resentfui; At d oeî'a said, 'I xviii*do this: I Wil pull down my barins, and buiki larger ones; anici there I WM istore lal my grain anid my 'goocis. And 1 ilI say C',nMy soi, Soul, yîu haive r.1npi1e gonads laild1 up, for m-a'ny year's; take Your ease, eat, drAn, be merry.,,' But Gad gsnid io, hl Fool'! Thils night your seoul is required of you; anid tihe bVhug~s 3ý,u have preîpared, ,wholse vûli they be?' So is he iwho ýlaYs UP treasure ifor himselif, and is not rioh oward God." "Theref or. Itelliyouy, do not be anýX!ous about your lite, iwhat YQu s5hail cat, nr about yowu bod.ye, wihat you shaLi put cri. For lite le mnore than faod, amid the, body riore thain lotllii'ng. AlnCus it live by bread 111 am the breiwd of tife," galid Jesus, 'lie who cornes'tlieme shalli mnot hunger, and lie who believes W, me h<1 neyer thîirst. Wliat ido%s l't profit ýa man, Vo gala the whole warnld and forfeit his uown sOul? If any min would corne aftier me, let him deny hbmself anid taIre' up huS cross aînîd f oiiow me. What dos 1V profit, my 4reth- ren, if amin esaysie lias f aith but lias mt works. O0an his faitb save hlm? Mf a bxrothier or sister is lllclaid and in lack of daily food, unnd any one of you says to Vthem, "~Go du peace, be wanmed sand thinîgs ne-ede4d for the bo.dey, wha.t dGes it pTucfit? So faith by itîself, if it lias no uwiks, is deiad. estvs~ saidi, "A nipin was gcoiing lown fâaom Jeruîsalesn Vo Jelicho, and he Sell amang roblerzs, who stniped hm and,. boat hln, and departed, ieaying ihým haffdead. Nw by chance ta pn4ist was go- inig down that ruaid; and when he gàw àim. lie tpassed by on the other side. So lkeWiîse a Levite, Wxhon lie came to the place and gaw Mhm, passed by ton tihe ýother side. But ,a Sarnarîbân, as he jour- neyEid, ëame ito Wheve he was; aed When he saw htrm, le had oànIpaà9sion, and 'wont tW him and bouild up bis woeunds, pouinig on oil fand win'e; then ho set 'Mm on hïs own beast and brouglit him te an inn, ;anid took care of him. And the iext day le tîok out tiwo eIns and gave tlem to the kinkeeper sayliog, Tâke care of hlm; and xhatever ýnore yo.u iliaum c. Hall, Be Comm Chartered AMontant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 AH day Wednes¶Iay ndSaturday For Your Shopping Convejiience. the store will remain open until 9:0pan. each day'excepting Sat- urday commencing M MONDAY, DECEMBER Sth and until the night biefOre Christmas. IOrono .5c f0 $1.OO0 Store Phone 983-540f "Your Chxeistmas Shopping llea4lquarters"e r i. ORONO AREIA, 1Sponsored by theOrono Chamber of Commerce spend, Ilxiii repay you when I corne hsck.', Whiuli of tliese three dic ynu think proved neiglibou:r to, the man wlio fell anong tlie rcobers?" ne- said, "The one wlio shewed mency.ou ,him." Jeisus gaid to hlmir "ensd do iikLewbse." If you live accordCtrg tew the flesîi you shaîli die, lbut ifdhbyIlie Spiit you put Vo deaUhlitihe deeds eif tlie beidy you wMvIilive. For al (Contiîrue o Page 4) the gftfor mother's daY gratduation day Christmas day and every day. Central Community Telephone Co. Dunuville, Ontario 2 2t.4 pm Santa will be there for the Youngsters SetcTank Service GENeRAL PUMPING 24 IJOUR SERVICE' LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266, or 983-5728 T Sana'sFree Christms Skating Party - SATURDAY, DICEMIER l3th SNOWMIOBILE RIDIES (Weather Permitting) Phone Zenith 46350

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