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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jan 1970, p. 2

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92f~/69 ~6î~') ORONO WEEKLYMTMES, THUkSDAY, .JANÙARY lSth, 1970 ORuO WEKY TME Seeond Cau Mail ULgistratlon Number 03O8 Puebilsbed e-very 'luirsdlay at tiije . ffice of pubjicîatin MainStret, reno Out~.PiiOne L983-5301 SPORTS! Winiter aeùimities for the yuîgsst of 'he o un fty is cciniedcielly at the Orono Areýiia wh-ere moisit boays enjoy the spart of hîokey w'hile tihe girls ini general devolte thcir ice tmn etefigure skàainîg. Bothf take part in a gener- ous piîtion of puibliicskaig The Oiroio Arena is cesitairtly not thie imost hîanudgome 0f uiidngs or % th-eice siisfance designed for professiion- at plliay or skating. mhiis howýever is uio draw back huit peor- haps an asset in favour of tIre piomiiotion iof minier vnter sportls. With nie fr-ills Vo ma'n+iztn, nl aur a w overhead the osit of oQpeiiitilion is, when compas-edwith other oenltr, rÈîthler, on the libw siide. W4itli hs cond4ition e-.xilstdîIn,,g the pro- amlioîn 0f mines- sports at tle arenla is nioV nuîîrmunt able problem aind ciildrein of thie area do benefit. In tîhe case of hockey e-very Oronio team is aissired of a toeail of three hours tee tîlme peu week. This, iii geneiral, inieluîces t'Wo houirs' ci praetice and one lhour for 'an exihlibî- ,to aune. In BowîManville a similar team woul,.d receîve a inaxinum 0 f foity inutes ce timre pier-week and tVils ould be scieoduled as oarily,as six am Other.centres have pro- bitive aites and thils often forces thesc young teans o travel conidecahle disbaniees to, play goimeis and practie The Orono Arena is definitely a chùlds-en's asena. Plenity of Ice turne is availlable aînd there is nie proiblem in obbamnîng misdi t eans for eTjhibitiion gaines. Thiis ekim- altees any extensive travelling for the local boys which is oîften dietnýimental Vio sehoo work. The lonal pilograffn hais mot fadilen inito theeateýgosy of e Winat an~y price&' for eivery boy is Vo have bis turn re- gardlles~s of ablity and hs' lu itself is a leson in gold ltizenship aur speitîsnatîship. The communlty is fortun(atîe Vo have suih facilities availaibie for ýit Yauth. We faire miuch better thain miamy others. NEWIMAN TO SPEAK Deamioâd New in, Mayor of Whtby is Vo be thle guieliV sipea-Iqke.r for tle Oroinîo haî,mbeu of Commier-ce meetiing Vo be held Tue,,CsdîayeVeniinîg, Jlauuary 20i iai Noone.'s Reislt- 7iaiant, Hliglway, 115, no V 0fOrono. Tickects, $300, anîd are stilI avaiibale Èit-Midcdcl'elo's, opl',Lain's and Sielders'. Laclieis'elcos The, Intermeiat, pllay Sunder- lan'd th% 5cosnd-îLnu;glueisiday. SCIJOOL TAX, LEVIES STILL NEEDED FTPOM FPOUR COUNTY MUNICIPAII, 1-T;ES The Nrtufieiand nd Dur- ham Counity boùai.r! of echication hasi leîaned there weire four musi- iciýpjaEÈlis thpît stili hadn't coim- p1IrteI1y pawd the 11969 levy.. 1'The wousit alfencer is the town, ship 0f Murriay still owing the board 0f edufcîatioin $77,633 of the 1969 toôtal levy of $263,163. Bîoaird chais-rmain J., M. RodIplh ConÈeintied thait ithe maîtter Cla rke. Public LIBRARY HOURS OPEN:, Tuesday 6:30 8:30 Thursday 6:30- 8:30 Friday 2:30- 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00- 12:00 a.m. wou-Id be sSite . o'ut. 'The lewstili owing a balance of 993 takes care of thds, lie saàd. Clarke Townghp a balanceitÂl The other three muiiiepilities owinîig in. the iaimunit 0f $1,749 ini debit Vo the board are Cohourg and thie Town of BGwm'ainçville an aniount of $695.00. -IRB'Y CENTENN1-1IAL' and ORONO An Co-operation 'with Clarke Hîih School PANEL DISCUSSION and DIALOQUE ChagesIn Secondaryki Ed ucation CLARKEEIIGil SCIOOL MOo,,Jan. 26th, S p.m. Parents and students of Public îand Hizh, Schools arewelcome YKOLR PORTRAIT I LIVIN cO0LOR-- Uýî YOUR CHOCrE ONE INDIVIDUAL or GROUP PORTRAIT Mam,ý Dad or ail, the. Klddes may' b. photograiphed'as a group-FREE' Thec Orüoo sink lhas for thie piast three weeks b.een ai beeihive of ne-' Ëtmty on Friday nighit when hock- ey takes over beginning ai 6:30. The nie aititenclance od hock- ey players and, spectators- hais nuumbered airouud the -300- marks. TYKES Laat Filay the Oronîo T.ykes vdaied an exeiting giame wftîh a enin froin Ajax with ie visitas-s sqeeziîng a 10 Mn oves- the home- town bowss. The Ordnie Atoms xere diefeat- ed 4-0 by a Bowmainvlle team. PEEWEES WVIN The local PeeWees took a 2-0 viitory oves- the vi'sifinig New- cesle PeeWees'. Chis R, Eobinsýon was the marismna for bnth of the Oroîniegoals witli a.s;ss tsoing Vo Ninkyva"IoS egglelnamd NI . Hen-des-- son. The, Oronjo Pe cWe es also plaiyed ini a toumnainient in Beavertmon o Sturday anid entered inito Vthe finmals for the champoimslhuP of thse day. ,The lecal boys won their first two garnies defieîaffing Beiaver- tion 7-6, andr Sunderland! 9 tia 1. Iu ühe finrA gaine Os-noloet out by Q scomreof 5-1 o Bobcaygeon, A RUNAWAY VTCTORY Thse Os-aime autanis b1nkeîd a Bowmiamille tcan-1op FrldtatveV- eniig by ýa scýore of 12-2. Randy Ea)Aabiokçe scorer! two goal Vepper! his miaites wih a total of, three goals. Sinigle counters went Vo Yairry Watson, Eddie Stîack,, J, Hlortooin, Joihn Boodts.,arr! Cilff Fee. NEWCASTLE INTERMEDIATES The Neweiasile Intermedlates agadin-met defeait on Thescly evening wîtl Batawa taking a 13- 9 Wiietory. Thegame was fart and xide oren. Theý Newceastle goals welt t0 ohnWtee ,Mr Grlahami, John uuinîha, ail ConinentalSan and STEA31 BATH GENTLEMEN .. .. We have a Sauna and Whirl- pool ready for yeur use. Dr<Qp lnx and give them a try Group Rates Available Mon. to Sat. 1 pan. - 1 a.m. 1Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 16A ONTARIO STREET 728-fflOSHIAWA 'I - ' PARENTS:We,'V arranged to have a natidnally recognzed profO-, sional Photographer at our store on the dates shown below. You can have each member of the family photographed in several poses, and pick any one of themi for your free portrait. We only ask that al children be accompanied by a parent. DON'MISS TII/S OPPU/iTUNITY to get a1 living color portrait you wiII treasure always. Several poses are dtaken and Iow cost additional portraits are available for those who wish thiem.- Itsour a fsaying "Thank You" -tô our many regular customers, and Wec e"to everyone else. J nciclentally, we belîeve these photographs. are really something spec.ia.. They're beautifulIy poser! portraits -'not snapshots. And don't forget they'Il be in~ living cQ!or, so dress the chî-, dren in bright coiors. onda' Tusda Io G .Ê ob .i Two Days Only ArmstroA Orono, Ontarlo ExhbitonPar -Toronto,Onao O ro no Hockey Notes M

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