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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Jan 1970, p. 3

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î lliïî ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSrAY, JANUARY 15th, 1970 MIFor Ail OecasIon We supply flowers f or ait occasions ineluing Hospi- tal arrangements, weddings, funerals, gîfts etc. We would be pleased to have you visit our show room at the nursery where, a complete Uine of plants are always available. PHONE 623-5757 Vau Belle Gardons Hlighway No. 2, West of Rowmanvllle $Mid-January Savings$ MODESS, 112's - .(Reg. 59c) ....44e SCOPE ........ (Reg. $1.49) . $1.10 CEPACOL .... (Reg. $1.90) . $1.42 DRISTAN CAPS (Reg $1.35) ..$1.01 BAND AIDS ..... (Reg. 5k) 39e Vicks VAPO RUB- (Reg 41.17) . 88e NOXZEMA Cream ..($15~9) $1.19 Nox. Hand Lotion .,. (.99c) .. 75e Nox. Feminine Deod. ($1.49) . $1.10 0 S AFTER fIIAYE '($1.75) . $1.31 ,0 S STICK DEOD. .. ($1.25) . 94W, Clairol flAIR SPRAY ..(-99c) .75e by ClairoL St flair i mites Swing Setter 3 ouy(1.5 9,099 STUTT'S PHARMACY phone 983.500 Best Buy - Reg. 92c V4lue 13e OFF PACK LIQUID Jtaex Bleach 128 oz@ Oo nt. BEST BUY - SAVE 1Me TOMATO AY LMER CATSUP I BEST BUY - Bathroom Ballet Tissue 4 rolis 55< ZWAN Lu che~n cat12ozfi 39 14 oz. Tins Best Býuy! - Save 19c! With Porlc Best Buy - Lee Brand Choîce - Stock up now Slicd Pneaple3 lfor $1 SPECIALLY SELECTED- WELL TRIMMED- BRANDED BLA. You Save Twice - With Tr an d Price- LEAN-TENDEIR for- Boastinýglb. SHfORT RRz L l OA ,NsTfl ms lb.-* c THE K ING 0F'ROAST Priste Rb RoastsShort Cut l ~ Prîme ûxb ûOastsCaer Style pc'I SAVE 10e - Gerber's Assorted - 4% oz jars Strained Foeds 6 for 79c IIWe Dole Fancy SAVE 4c. Fruit Cocktail 19 oz. 39c SAVE 18c, BONNIE i Kendal News The United lb 3Èr-W4meen met ait thse home of Mrs. H. Fostemr for Vthe firsit.mieeinig of the New Yaar on January 7th. Thse nsceting was opened by the M1w Pre3ideant, Mrs. T. Steyeîns. Aller Vhe e niging cof "O God our hel(p in aigrs pan-t." Mrs. Sitevens leid In payer. She od the ladjeis thii she fel this o ho a heîavy re- npoîneib-5Jiiy. Sihe askeîd their sup-, PkIt. She expressed a sîpecial thionks on heibadf of ail the mari- bells ta Miss Catiheine Stewart Whob he cn, sueh a capable prlesideinit for the paint three yeîars. Miss Stewarft arose and on be- hall of tise mesnbexn welccsmed the new Presideut and expressed a îspcia,l hank you Vo Mrs. w. Merceir wiso bas bee retasuper of the U.C.W.,for Vthe paint eleven ieaýrs. This is a very exaicitng tank andbas been clone no well by Mrs. Merceir. Mis. Reg. Ellit Is Vise tretasurer for tise comlng year. The rohI ealu was "1How dlid you sPend Ohistnias?" This was an- swered rallier, hurnourovisly by .oxe menihers wlhose Plans were- ohDnged at the last minute by-tise Germainnietasies. Mos. Stevenis' nid sisetekitwe shoulid know more about Vise bis- tory of the Chnristian Ohurch. Thse Pilobliem5 sof this d1Y are mlot new. She su,,ýehted we read a cihiaper frown 'The Chu rch anud thse Wotld' by GoiahIàd Cragg caric meeting., The mninutes cf the Deeember meeting wire read b3 Vthe secre- taLry Mrs. G. Calthart. 1it weas a- greied tbat we continue Èsvting Von cents' for eadh sunny day in the month. This to be entùreIv volunýbary. Mrs. A. Down to con- tinue to look aftcr the birthiday mfoflmOy. A $5.00 donation was receiVeci froni the Girl GuMdes anmd Brown- les of the local associatin.. Sevenail tliank you not es were read. The adv.-int sertipture wais read. Miatt. 2, verses 1-10 Wlhere is lit tisait Vthe lVle siatVo be born? .A eisapter from Vthe siudy booki kiniided us Vathe ihilstia st be 'active f lihte-4vwrld like yehast. Th ne-,t meeting w %vfl1 be on February 4th ait the he ocf Mrs. W. Mlerleer. Mrs. -J. Staple>bon is the, coaw~nor. Ten mem-bers pauid thedir dues. It is iost important that we get more WM~sbers libis year as the Centenn!al of our Chu rch wVu1 he held in June. This will mean a lot of wiowk for týveryo-ue. The aninual meeting is to take the form of a Pct Luck, Supper. The date to be, anniouned from the puilpit. Hymn 568 "The Day Thou gavest Lord is ended," was sang,, f offowed by a delicious lunîch ser- ved by our husitess iVrs. H. Fostei'. O.P.P. Report Newcastle, Ontario The Newaistle Detaîchment of thée OnLitaro Provinial Police dur- dinig the week osf Januiary 4th to January 10th, 1970 investi!gâted 13 ,aceiddeits in, Whd'eh 4 persons "- ve injured and 7 charges were laid. Mso ilnv1e *giated weire 27 Gen- era Occurryences duri'ng tihe sanie peciod cof turne. Fouir of thene oc- ouçnrein6eis resulted in, moss of prov- emty by, thefit, and two Crihiinoil Charges were- laid. J)riving Tip Signais Prevent Collisions ,Drliverds: When you'ne driving ,ad decitde to slow clown, stov. fturn let and night, or change laies, alvw"y sign(al youmr inten,- ains d hlp yourselff ad others to avoidd collisions. Reimember: Signialn Hehlp Pre- veirit Col iions. Aunouncement, Allex Gaîrnithiers, MP.P., Dur- baifn repnlîs that the Ontuanio Hiousng COwporaoniblm now comnpieîted ali arrangemnents wkvh Oamboi'dge Reaîlty (,Ottawa) Ltd. for the eofftructiionof twenty- two farndly and genulr citizen dweillings ini Poilt Hope., The eleîven senior citinen dwcl- ]ings wilI be loieteid ila a two, horeiy apaeimenit buiýlding on the ,eagt aide of Wellliîngton Street ait Oxford Stree. The deveotîxenh wll o-t O.H.C. $94,600. The eleýven f asnilytcwhue, wbildh wdfl be bubit ait the naine loicaton, wiflonniW of three twm- heidroon aînd four four-bedroom dweluîings. This projeat wdil Qont 01.. ý$149,100. 4 The Port Hope contraits. ýMr. Oarruuthesrs sitaid are ammoing naine 420 senlor citàzen and 680 fannty dwelling contrants reeintly sign- ,ed by O.H;C. totallÂng in value $14,530,541. and located in nome 21 comnuiieis ini Onîtario. TO IIELP EASE TUE PAIN 0F RETURNING TO OTTAWA (Rusnselli C. Honey, Q.C., M.P.) Norhumeflind- Durham Onie of tihe current stoîries in the nîstdon's capial - which is fuNf osf experts on ainy givein sub- jeict- is -the quiii that therýe are three ways Vo ruin youiisef. The fisýt, and faîstest,' is gaanblisig. The second, and most agreetable, is Woomn. Thse third, aind surent method is to turn yaur aîffaîirs aver to a specaàst.' From last week's Gaxnpbellford Heral'd, A Canaian is a f ellow wlso drives home from a Franch Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orone r i Now Is The Tinte! To Order Your WINER Phone ,668-i3341 - Collect t I m ON DX FEL IU L I DX FUEL OIL CiaUl Us Today For Prompt, Conrteous gervice 'Jig Saw'ý Puzzleés for ail ages 49e to $2.49 Hi Hos Al .Shades Prdd at 89e Middletons Phone 983-5242 ORONO, ONT, 69< Illoz. 2for 35C. Dog or CaUFo 10 for 99c OORNI8H'S RED& WHIT reserve the right te limit quanttîes Phone 983-5201, Orono, ont. jr- j. I IL uxovie i Ms Geiiiu car,. slips, Sut of is Hn'mg Koeg su*~, pubs on bis Japaneae robe and Mexacain stippers, and sips Branilian coi- fee f rom EntgEsh cbiùna at has Danim»sh detsk while he takes hL5 Amenican pen to write his M.P. tb demand that Ottawa do sonetng aboat the imbalance of paymets SAMS RESTAUR ANT Bighway 115 and 35 Smtlesouth of Orono Speeilizinginu Pizza and Spaghetti

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