Orono VOLUME 34, NUMBER 6 Weekly TimnesHgwy2 OU "'fl~ AV ISafi,,[Wl h4i i i « o ranvlePa Ontario Federation VWins Approval For Restructure, The 'executive of The Ontario Federation of Agriculture on J.anuary l5th reeeived approvâl from memibers for their proposai to comipletelyIý restructure the or- ganlization. The proposai cals for the con-li frol of the Federationi and theý responsibilify for its financ-king,,to bc given eventualy, to the, ndi-, vidual Service ebes The proposai 'ýwas amiended to loweducatioiial groups, co- operafives, and Comoi ty mnark- eting îboards ai assoiinsaf-. filiatIionI with the OE(J)A and the rgtto non-votin-g representa-. _tion at annual con-venitions. In other business during the regular monthly members'. meet- ing in Toronto, the. OEA wenf on, record as supporting the Ontarioi Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers', Marketing Board anif is position *oneerning smokIiing aod its pos- sible effects. The Tobacco Boardi wants the Canadian' governmenit to take no action which wil hiarm the in- dustry,before more study and re- search is done to est ablish the effectý of smokinIg on11personial healthi. 'Anotheri resolution passed in the meeting, directed at Finance, Minister Edgar Benson, demands that an inflation aiiowance be made when calcuiating capital gains tx when and if it becomes forý thepulcto of an anýnual in-flation inmuch like the present "ýcost of living" ýinidex. OFA President, Gordoni L. Hill ftalked during the meeting of possibly changing the namè of the organizaiin. The one-word namie of "FARIMONTARJO" was suggested. The meeting closed wifh a, general revîew of Indivîdual Ser- vieiebershiip sales. Mr. Hill1 clledl for a conitinuing ,iggressîve sales progirami in coun- fies across the province. A. oy Coulter, President of The Ontaiiio Farm Machinery A- geca comipany owned by The Onftario Federation of Agricul- ture,ý, stated that the agency im-, portation nrogram nôw has of- ficiaI justification for confinuing and even expanding as soon as possible. Mr. Coulter was reacting to the release of the Royal Commis- sion on Farm Machinery, conduc- ted by, Dr. Clarence L. Barber. The agency president states that the findings of the Commis- ,Sion havýe been illustrafed by the importation of about 300 tractors from Britain at consîderable sav- ings to 'Ontario farmers. Heather Relbel koh The. regular meeting of Hleath- er Reëbekalf -Lodge No. 334 was held Tuesday, January 27, with a very ,good atteadape. uIns pite of the f acf ,thatfive ffîcers wereab- sent the cieçgreexvas exemplified in a dignified rianner and' three new candidates xere aditted fo membership. The Vice Grand, Sister Jusia Jackson gae report on. the work she has been 'dloi.ng. It has cr tainly kept her b)usy ryngto visit the sick or at least to re- member them, wi.th a card or treat. If w ou ld be appreciated if any, member would nofify -thre V;ce Giard, ofan i or shut-in membc-r. Under Communications there was, an invitation from Beehive Lodge, Bowmanville for the Vice Grand and Noble Grand to -at- tend a dinner on February 9th, the occasion being the Officiai Visit of Sister Saily Laidlaxv of Hageisville, 'Ontario, President of the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario. It xvas decided to serve lunch to' the, Co-op. annual social even- ing on Friday, Mardi 13. Plans were finaiized for the next- meeting, Tuesday, Febrhary loti when the President wil miake her visit to Orono, .Port join wthHeather lodge. Affer cioùsing, the mee-ting.,, led b)y Sster Hazel Stapleton, Noble Grand, the members adjourned to fie banquet hall where lunch was served by fie commiftee in charge. Con-An To Open At Mosport Mosport Park xiii be the site of fie kickoff race la the Can- adian-American Challenge Cup road racing series. it was, an- nounced Thursday by the Sports Car Club of America. The Can-Am series xhich in- volves il races paying a total of $1,000,000 in prize and accessory money xiii open au ne 14 at Mos- port. The final race is scbeduled for California November 8. It xvas also announced the Amn- enican Broadcastîng Company has acquired rights f0 televise thre Can-Am races as xel as tie Grand Prix of Monaco. The Mos- port event xiii be carried hive June 14 from 3:30 p.m. f0 5 p.m. A Sports Car Club spokesman Draria Day At Clarke This Friday will, be drama dac at Clarke High 'Sehool xvhen stu- dents wviii compete ln nine differ- ent, thirty minute plays. This af- fair has become an -annual- event at the sechool with th e winner be- ing afforded the opportunity of further compet if ion. A good por- tiion of the student bhody is ina- voived in the productions both o-1 and off tihe stagce. The poutod omnea 9:30 on i-,day and an invitation is extended f0 everyone xvho may, xvish to attend ail or any portion of the Programme. Set Tic cost for plannaed nerouting and xidening of Righway 2 into Boxvmanviiie from fie west, xiii be la excess oh $1,000,000. Jim Davidsoa of fie depant- ment of higiways planning de- parfment, said necenfiy, "no dcl- laite date bas been set for a ,ta-t on -construction," xhici would sec fie present road lie, vicinity -of fie CPR overiead bridge, moved 600 feef norti. Tihe igixvay would be renouf- cd doxvn Martin Road and xvouid be xidcned f0 four 'lanes over fhe presenit txvo, and ,voufld, fur- fier to the nof, oiic ith County Road .57. Tih e otdHigixvay 2 xvouid rua into Boxvmanville from Mar- fin Rond by xayof ra subxay under tçCP fracks atLIe,,west- ern limits o e o wFt n , " , idingon fo Scugog and Qucen Streets. The exi-ine (PR ovecIiead biildge xould be demnolisied. To Colleet Taxeslui 3 Instalments The Township of Clarke on T fuesday passed a bylaw in which taxes, wiii be collected in three instalmentsfo the year 1970. The f irst instalmIïent becomes due on Febhuary 28'th with the sec- ond due on June 30 and' the fin- al instalment due on Noveniiber 3th. The by-law also sets ani in- tcrest charge of 1% per m nonth on unpaid instalmeý-nts. The inter- im tax bill and 'the following fax bill are to leaveý the Townv-ship of- fice lfourteen days prior to thie dueý dates. spcosubmiitted his report which shows a total of 136 per- mits issued ia 1969 having a total construction value of $1,529,372. An agreement and dlaimi be- tween Mr. George Fogg and the TownshJip concerning rail fene- ing was referred to the Road and Bridge Commit tee. The Township is ptiestioning a credit of $52,763.00 from the Northumberland- Durham Count y Board of Education which they feel should be, of a greater amn- said the series will carry $875000 in guaranteed prize money, up from $750,000 last year, with an additional $200,600 in contin- gency awards. Each race is ex- pected to carry $50,000 or more in purses. If is reported BRM will run one of its Grand Prix Formula-i cars, with a different body de- sign fo ment Can-Amn rules. One of the BRM team members this season wiIi be George Eaton of Toronto. Other 1970 Canadian races will be held at Mt.- Tremblant, Quebec, July 12 and Edmonton, Augusf 23rd. ourt. The credif to Clarke , is one of fie iargest credits issued 'by the Board of Education and ne- suifs from 'the findings of fhe Arbit ration Committee set up by fie Board. Some municipalities are being billed for an additionai. amut above thei,! 1969 levy due f0 overexpeniditures by former area school boards. A letter xvas received fnom Mr. E. R. Lovekin, Townhi-,p solicit- on, nfrig ouclthafthe suek, ue1 cý rmni v-lessrs. Ran-ikin and empeyonpa en ofdmae iy the InsuLranice Comipany pertaining f0 fier xvell. If -,as poinfed out that fie Ia- surance Complany xill only pay the initial dlaim and would not bc held responsible for future dlaims. The letter'stafed thaf the Ontario Waten Resources Com- mission md advised Messrs. Ran- kmn and Dempsey nof f0 sign a release. A complaint was filed witb Council over fie iack of certain acilit les la a Towvnship Trailer P'ark. A request from the firefighters of tic Carke Fire Department xvas fiied în xhich the -men re- quesfed raises la salaries. The request asked for an annuai pay- ment of $400.00 for firefighters who attended 70% of ail fines and practices during the' year. This amount reduced acconding to attendance of fires and practie- es*with the lowest amount being $250.00 for those attending less fian 60%. The request also asked for a fiat rate of $5000 per hour for atfendance at ýires for the department. An increase of $30000o a year xvas asked for the fire ciief as well as lesser a- 'Mounts for otier- firemefl. A standby fee of $500 for a maxi- mum of tiree men xvas asked for fie xeekends during the summer montehs. A sum of $50.00 was donated te fie Saivation Army and $25.011 to fhe Orono Horficultural Soci- ety. S Messrs. Rucsýe1l Savery, Charies Co)oper, 'Arniold Wade and Arthiu Thompson were appoiated to fie ClneTown-siipCemtey Bar Gray as well as, Messrs. Gordonî W'afson , Robert Chater, Len Pears, Mrs. G. Gamsby and Mrs. James Major were appoinfed te fhe nono Communify Hall (100F) Committtee. Mr. L. M. Hallovelxvas ap- poinfed as live stock valuer af a fee of $10.00 per trip. - Approval xvas given for the er- ection of a street ligit, at the corner of' Monck and Dickev St. la Kendal. >Mr. Bud 1Eiiiott led a delega- tien f0 Council representing the National Union Farmers ongani- A'7ation asking a change in taxa-' tien. In their brief if xvas stated Mat farmers,, as they are f axed on land, xere jaying la municipal taxes 10.4%/ of thein income com- pared xith 2.9%/ for a- resîdent xvho was taxed oniy on bis dxvel- ling. If xvas recommended *thaf fie educationai tax be based on fhe ability of the individual or cor- 'poration t0 pay and fiat more, support be obtaîned from the province to ielp finance e.duca- tion. If xvas stated that the bqqis of taxation xvas noxv outdated and fiat f00 muci of the burden was being carried by the farmer. This fnef backs up the report finding that farmers could have saved $15,000,000 da 1968 if fhey had beeni able f0 purchase tract- ors at prices comparable to those in the United Kingdom. Thre publication of fie report cornes immediately before. a meeting planned by the agency xifi officiais of fie Zefon tractor maaufàcturing firm of Czecio- siovakia. Tie taiks xiii concern possible future plans f0o importt the Czech machinery. The agency assisted ln fie im- portation of four Zetor tractors late last year for demonstrafions across the province. Agency and OFA officiais and numerous far- -mers la Ont ario are very impress- ed xith the fractors. Expect Peace Festival To Bring $200 Million At $25 Per No def laite decision bas yef ýbeen announced on xvitier or nof fie proposed Lefinon 'Peace Festival' xiii be heid at Mosport Park on fie Juiy 1sf xeekend, but from information received at The Statesman if xiii definiteiy take place. The information received here is fiat fie festival xiii definifely take place because already an in- vestmcnt of over $1 million bas been put into fie projeef, xiti fie advanice sale of tickets f0' date, mainiy from 'the United States, being xorfh over $2 mil- lions. The croxvd Ès estimafed at over 200,000 people. If is also undersfood that fthe individuai price per ticket for admission xiii be $25, ail advande sale plus an additionai $50 for a car. The af- sair bas received greaf 'pubiicify la fie United States from coasf f0 coast. Total receipts for fie the' neighborhood of $200 mil- festival are expedted f0 be la lion. Members of Clarke Townaship Counril have sfafed fiat f0g date no lontauf bas been signed be- fxeen fthe festival promofers and Mosporf officiais, A privafe meet- ing xvas heid iast Wednesday fiat included ohfihials of fie frack and fie promoter, but fie main point fiat came ouf of if xvas thaf fie promoters intended fo pro- vide ail the faclities fiat would be needed . . . if fie festival did take place. President James Kerr of fie Great Pine Ridge Touiist Councîil folIoved up xith a fongue-in-, cieek pýress release this xeek f0 the 'effect fiat. if fie festival lere successfuiiy presented, if couid bring thîs region of Ontario f0 fie attention of fie rest of Canada and fie Norh American continent. If couid, hoxveven, place a severe strain on local faoilifîes, lie admitted. The Port Hope Guide on Tues- day suggesfed fiat resorf oxvners la fie area are making if, plain thaf fhey are nof in favor of fie festival being held. And they don't wanf any Beafles here 'eith- er. The story also states 'thaf the festival is. creatiaf a, rift la the ranks of fie Great Pine Ridge Tourist Association. If is undensfood from uniffîci- ai -sources thaf the Provincial Po- lice are making plans for bring- ir,g la betweea 800 f0 1,000 men f0 handie fie. affair that tiey feel wili start several days befone theevent, xith'their xvork confia- ujing for, aimost a week affer- xvards. - -The Canadian Sf afesman OroDO à'Muep. im Continuing In accordance with fie ncw ruling iy fie Genenai Coun cil of fie UJnited Chunci of Canada, 11ev. B. Long wihl attend- courses given at 'Queen's Theological Col- lege la Kingston. Thisxiii neces- sitate absence from fie charge during fhe greafer part of Feb- ruary., Guest s pe akers xiii conduef Suanday Worsiip at fie neguiar time at boti Onono and Kinby and fie Rer. T. Smith of New- castle xiii mini,-fer fo any cm- ergency aceds of fie Orono change. If Mn. Smith's services are required contact siouid be made tirougi Mr. A,..A. Dnum- mond, Cienk of Ssion of Onono Congregation. Fcbnuary 8 -Rcv. W. . Smiti, Nortiminsýter 1United Churci, wi]i f ake feservices. February 15 - Rev. J. A. Loug- ieed, Diaim Coilege, Oshawa. February 22,- Rev.. Colin'Il. Rudd, Canadian Rible. Soýýciefi, Petecrborough.