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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Feb 1970, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSUAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1970 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Second CLusa MaÉ Regitratioti Number V368 every lbrgcday at the office ot pubication! Mai', Street, Orono, Ontaio. Phone 963-531 PARENTS SHOULD BE ON THE ALERT - FOR DRUGS White recently there bas been practically no public- ity here on the subi ect, it is becoming increasingly evident that some of our young people are experimenting with drugs of various types, probably witbout their parants' re- alizing it. This editorial is an effort to put parents on the aient to watch for unusual behavior and other indications in order that they may prevent their chldren from becom- ing addicted. Prevçntion is xnuch better than realizing ±oo * late what has happened. Police and medical people here are well aware of the situation, having seen some of the cases in hospital in re- cent weeks, and all are prepared to give any assi stance they * can to hoth parents and young people. This is not a pleasant subject by any means, but one that should be dealt with immediately so that it doesn't i1ret worse. Some of the drugs being used are being taken orally, smoked or injected by needle, the last being compar- atively simple to detect. They can lead to violent reactions, brain damage or an eanly death. Fortunately, at the moment, the practice is not wide- spread, but apparently the drugs may be obtained la the area without too much difficulty and their use could spread quite rapidly if it is not checked.- -The Canadian Statesman TO EVOKE DISCUSSION A preliminary statement on development and ne- gional government alterations bas been prepared and well circulated by the Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study Authonity. The report containing somne two hundred and fifty pages, bas been received by most municipal organ-, izations, representatives and sucb groups as Chamber of Cgommerce. The report hias been prepared to evoke dliscussion and participation in the preparation of a developmnent plan for future 1growth and goverument of thie area fromn Picker- ing to, and including Clarke T-fiwnïslip on the wuest-east boun3daries. It is expected that six discussion papers nd three, reports outlining study proposals will be prepar>ed during the studyý period which will end by ýtbeiidle of bhis 3year. There is an opportunity for the Commrtnify as a wbole.to become involved in the distission of the formation of regional areas. Whether or not municipalities will. have the final say bias not really been determined. The Provin- cial Governament, on occasions, bas said the formation of the areas will be the decision of the people but this could very well be a hazardlous policy to follow as the rich would look after themiselves leaving the smaller and less viable centres to fend for tbemselves. It is becoming e vident that the United Counties may very well.not be a reasonable area for establisbing a reg- ional form of government. There is certainly no great centre of population nor of influence to hub the area. It al- so- lacks industrial assessment to the degree 'that Oshawa woyid provide or Peterborough. The -Osbawa report involves Clanke-,Townsbip very littie but there is reference to Clarke possibly becoming a recreational centre for the region if it were to become part of the Oshawa region. The repo rt provides a number of areas as a possible region and at this time ail and otbers are open to discussion. As other reports are presented the number of possibilities, will be parrowed down so thaf a decision can finally be determined soiretime in July. We have commented before and have yet to change ouir mid, thvt it would be more feasible for Clarke to join the Oshawa regions. There is no doubt tbat this municipal- ity will eventually be part of some region and this being so Clarke should now make its move to fully consider being a part of the Oshawa area. Clarke Township residents, in the majority, are as- sociated more closely with the region to' the west, socially and economically. The development in the Osbawa-Bowman- ville aneal does affect' the clirnate of our community and as sûcb we 'should be part of this com.plex. Te Join The Pollutilon Baffle General Motors of Canada is ail set to meet new provincial regulations on Pollution by eva- poration of gasoline beginning with the 1971 models. "Everything is teed up for '71 said a company spokesman recen- tly. The provincial cabinet recentlyý approved the new Evaporation, Ermîssion Control section of the' Air Pollution Control Act, de- signed to eut the evaporation of pollution-causing hydrocarbons from the gas tank and carburetor by 70 to 75 Per cent over current models. The company spokesman said the regulations are the same as those required by the U.S and control elements have been work- ed into design from the begin- ning snce the regulations were anticipated for the last several years. Cars built for 1970 do not-have such pollution controls. Meanwhile Local 222 UAW pos- sibly witb the help of the Oshawa and District Labour Councîl, is preparing its own investigation of pollution - this time in the pro- duction of cars. Local 222 president Abe Taylor said volunteers are- being taken for the committee proposing to investigate poiltion by GM. The UAW's Caniadian director, Dennis McD)erml-ott, called on ail locals to frmsuch comm-ittees. investigate pollution by the local auto planIts aMd make thie ne ces- sary' vcoi-rectioiXs lan-bargaining - mnands thiis year. Wenepoe.t thprn to go to work srtysaid Mr, Taylor. H1e said tbe commnittee will 1like- ly first do a broad survey to- es- tablisb wlio is Polluting what and then off er somne concrete action. Mr. Taylor said the local is onsidering co-bining its commit- tee with one prôPosed by the la-' bour council since thîs would a- chieve a rue omnt p proach. re omnt ap OTTAWA TO ENCOURAGE SHIFT AWAY FROM WHEAT FARMING E. K. Turner, president of the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, said Tu.esdav he hoped the goveru- Ment will provîde "an attractive incentive" to farmers to take wheat land out of production. Agriculture iisÎ,ter H. A. .01- son later said thgere is a good chance, the -govemnment will ad- opt such a program. 1 Mr. Turner told a news confer- ence the federal government is- giving serious consideration to the idea which he and allied western wbeat pools favor. He said western farmers need a decision on the question by Ap- ril 1 at the latest to give them The Orono Tyke Hockey Club' continue their winninýz wavs and d;iring the past week chalked up further victories. The local club deftated a team from Ajax and one from Bowmanville. The Ajax' win was by a score of 2-l wýth the Orono scoring go- ing to Michael Mitchell and Steve, Clark With an assist to Tommy Gustar. Saturday evening the Or- ono Tykes defeateci a Bowman- ville Tyke team by a score of 2-0 John West and Tommy Gustar handled the Orono scoring., Tom Gustar and Michael Mitchell and Ronnie TaIsma collected assists. -The Orono PeeWees did not fair as well as the Tykes and had to be content with one goal scored by Peter Den Bekker while their Extending. 'GO'y The express bus service con- necting. Oshawa and the Pieker- ingc terminus of GO transit wiîî start from Simcoe Street -South and the MacDonald-Cartier Free- way. A terminus with facilities for parking 125 cars will he built, City coupcil was told Monday night by W. T. Howard, manager of the Goverment of Ontario Transit. To provide land, city' planning director G. A- Wandless said. a house opposite the Pedlar People Ltd. factory has been purchased by the department of highways and the access road to the free- way will be moved slightly south. Abutting land is owned by the highways departmnent. Mr., Howard outlined GO Tran- sit plans to council, claiming the trip from the bus terminus to the >Pickering train centre to Toron- to's Union Station woufld ncm pass 55 minutes. The service is sceduifled to start late this sumi- mer. Morilnig .usýtrips from i Osit- awa to Toronto now take abouti1 90- mintes. The governmiieit's bus service, will, be operated byý Gray Coach, Lineý, -Mr. Howard said, but will not be operated in competition with theline's dajýly runs. ÀXush-hour service forý the GO express buses will be every 20 minutes, with non-rush houir ser- vice on an hourly basis. In areas between Oshawa and the Pickering station, a form of miri-bus'set lice will pick up pas-, ser-ý,rs on 'a type of door-to-door Wýervice' for transportation to el- th ir the Oshawa bus depot or the Pickering station. The first mijni-bus service will be inaugaurated soon in the Bay Ridges area, Mr. lHoward said. Its success or failure will determine the inauguration of other area mini service. H,e~ assured council tbat the mini-bus service in any ar-, . not- be in anyawy, competitive with the operation of local Public Utilities Commission service. opposition, Oshawa, netted sevem counters. Roti Opoka and Mr R ohin- son scored the Orono Atoms twoý goals iu a game with a Bowmzqi-- ville team. This was not enough to win. as Bowmanville scored on three occasions. Doug Hancoek- assisted on the Robinson goal. The Orono Bantams were defeat- ed 4-2 by Bowmanville on Friday- night. The Orono scoring was by Stephen Cox and Cliff Fee with each assisting on the others goal- WIN CONSOLATION The Orono Midget HockeX Club~ played in a Midget tournamnent in Keene on Saturday., Although they did not win the champion- ship they <id corne home with the Consolation trophy awarded to the winners of the losers of' the fîrst round of play. Spo0rts Centre Juin la the fun at Matts where you meet your friends for a game of billiards.' Three modern tables MATIS BILLIARDS and Barhershop Orono, Ont, Phone 983-5310 Continental, sauna 1 and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN... We havle a Sauna and Whirl- pool ready for your use. Drgp ini and give thein e try Group Rates Avaflable Mon. te Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a.in. Sun. 8 a.m. - p.m. 16A ONTARIO STREET 7282460 (OSHAWA Clarke Public LIB R A-RY HOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 3 :30 Tbursday 6.30 -8,30 Friday 2:30 - 5; *:3 - B.» Saturday 10:00 -12:00 aV.M. O ro noHo ckey Notes Ru Er Stamps And Doters» May Be Ordersd At Orono Weekly limes Orono Phone 983-5301

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