ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MA1RCH 5th, 1970 ORJ,ýNO WEEKLY TIMES Sýecond> Clasa MRail RegLitration Nuinber 0308 Published evcry Thursday at the o~ffice of pubiiotioa Mai Street, Orono, Ontai4o. Phone 983-5301 PARENTS NEED DRUG FACTS Ontario llealth Ministar Thomas Wells had some sage advice this week. Speaking about the drug abuse in the schools prob- lem, lhe said: "We'Il have ta get away from the scare idea. The big- gest problem is ta give parents enough information about drugs to enable them to discuss matters calmly."1 Such philosophy 'is important. It could help to deai more intelligently at the grass-root levels of the problem. There are no easy cures or shortcuts in this difficuit field. 'At the same tim e, there are some encouraging signs that.the organized fight against the use of drugs is making headway, be it ever so small. The steering committae of the new Oshawa-Whitby committee on the abuseaf drueçq is starting ta, function effectively. Some good resuits, espaci- allv in the way of more active organizations, are expccted soon. Thie Ontario Board of Education will sponsor a spec- ial daylong drug information course for 15 county teachers. The latter wiil have animportant assignment later. They, wili serve as instructors ta, others within the teachin, pro- fession so that their kniowledge wili be wideiy distributad. Thesa steps may appear ta be minimal in su-11 a vast undertaking. But they represent an important break- through. They'ré a prelude to biggar and better thing!s ta came. Timie is of the essence in implementing such courses. Tiiose who feel the drug abuse picture in schoois has been biown out of ail proportions wouid do well ta heed the adviee of Judge Harry Jermyn. Drug cases involving the 21-and-under graup lare becoming far more commonpiar- in court, lha says. Thec probiem isn't a regi.onal anc alane. It's wn-d wide. Anld, il, can'ýt be saived by negative and evasive~~- It must bie attacked head on. CAREFUL MR. STANFIELD The plight of low-incame persans ýisn'Vt easy ta janore at any time. In an era whan galioping iniflatiion cuts ri and destruictive path across the nation, thecir situatfion he),- cames mîore distur-bing than ever. Can'servative Leader Robert Stanfieid uow ný aid for iow-incarne families as an aleratve ;a1"t paper on tax reformr. 'Tha fedarai oe letsays xill ha a substantiafl tax eut for iow inicarne sr'u thie vhite paper becomes iaw. Mr. Stanfield seoffs prop)osaqi, cails it' ilusory and misi eading." ,He sav's duction oliargeiy be cancailed out by inflation ee befara it took effect. Butf Mr. Stan-fie],d's counter proposai 'is fuli e hales. it's the kind of dreamy-eyed manifesta that vi- advanced by a youthl-group ta the far iaft., People f--'~ iiider thie poverty line defined by the Economia Councîil of capaida should get a 100 par cent refund of thair faderai in- camne tax Ipaymanets, says -Mr. Stanfield. People wif0- cornes up ta $300 aboya the poverty levai wouid havý ' ' of thieir tax paymiehts refundad. What Mr. Stanifield doas not axpiain in conv- fashioni is where thie gvernment wauld make up -l major deficit. One of the PC leader's prima, targets is the f,-l- gaverinmeýnt's boast about the budget surplus it exnenfts. Mr. Stanfîeld estiimates it may reach $500,000,000 an(' and yet the poor wiilliea iiterally farced to 1east 65,00000in l incarna tax under the white M.Stanfield attcmpts ta create the impression sucli re.serves araeocedaway in vauits for usage at sa.- d]istantA date. This isn'ïit so. They're paured back iný- ecanomiy in many uisefuLl ways, aspecial]y in 'the fight on iniMaion. They ha lilp thç gavernment's pragram on law iincarne hou!1 -,il,", iregardless how sadly it lags., 1His canicerai forý the low-income graup is certainlv shared by ail parties. If hae wants ta help it, hae must upl with a more realistic farmula. -The Oshawa ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thompson of Laskard announca the engage- ment of thair daughter Linda Margaret ta, Joseph Fradarick McKnight son of Mýr . and Mkrs. Murray McKnight 'of Bowmian- ville. The marriage wiil take place on Saturday, April 1l, 1970 at 2 o'clock in 0roio 1United Church. a-p FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kilpatrick wish ta announce the forthcoming marriage of their, eidest daughter Edîth Irene ta Mr, George Loft- us Beilamy, oidest s-on of. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Belliamy, ail of Orono. The mnarriage ,ta take place, Satuirday, March 28th ai t 3 p.m. in the Orono Unitedý Church. CARD PARTY, Kirby Centennial Schooi wiii hoid a Card Party sponsored by the Home and School Club, Sat- turday, March 7th at 8 p.m. Admission 50c. Ladies lunch. Good Drizes. brine a-C COMING EVENT EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITION Knox Christian Sehool Bowmanvilie. Ontario March 6th and March,9th 7:00 p.m. ta 9:30 p.m. Clarke Cirnril Net In Faveur The council of the Town'shio of Carke sandwiched thair ragu- lar monthiyý meeting in and. a- round the Ontario Muni,;-R Board hearing an Tuesdav bath in the morning'and the afternoon While tha Municipal Board was preparing for their session coun- cil was antertaininz a sizaable dalegatian cancerned over the holding of the 'peaceý festival' at Mosport. The delegation was in- tarestad in the intant of council and tha action they' were follow- ing. Iis reported that council in- formad the deleeation that thev were not in favour of the pea ce festival being haeld at Mosport and that the decision of the 0MB if in,,support of the zonling by-law wauld strengthan their hand in enforcing the conditions of the bv law which does not Dermit iwil unladtakings at, M\ospaort. Failîng this it Wauld have tu ha in the hands of the Province,ý The PrOmioters of the Peace Festival in a prass confencre on Wadnasday did state that if the conditions Of tha bv-iaw were in- heid and the festival cauld not be hald at Mlosport thiat thaey %ould then have ta o lo for anlotier lo- cation, Thera hias bean sonme s ua tion amaong mtnicirni l leaers in the district that the festival nmav nat nmaya too far away$ý,m thle Township of Clarke and may on- lv crass the lina ta neigahbouiring~ ,mniicipaýlities who hve j" trois rta 'ovearp ihe Luse o a Dry Cleanfing We are agents for Bowmanville Cleaners, Pick-up and delivery every. Tuesday, Thursday, Flriday MA TIS BLnRlIARDS Orono, Ont. Phoie '983-5310 Continentatl sauna and STEAM BATH GENTLEMEN .. . We have a Sauna and ý'Wh!rL- pool ready for your use. Drop in and give themi a try, Group Rates Avaibe Mon. to Sat. 'l p.r. - 1 a.m. > Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 16A ONTARIO S TREE.T 1he Northumberland - urham Tuberculosis and Respiratery Diseuse Associatien wishes ta sincerely thank everyone Who contributed ta this year's Christmas Seal Campaign Your One of your most cherished assets is your health. Good health at tributes much to your life and the lives of those who surround you. We are dedicated, along wvith your doctor, to the protection of your health. Our prescriptions are dîspensed with care and com- pounded frorn the freshest of quality drugs. STT'S PHaARM"ACY Phone 983-5009, Oron- Bob Beat bMemorlal MIDGET TOURNAMENT Friday March' l3th PORT HIOPE versus OSHAAat'd6.30 pa. ORONO versus COBOURG at 7-30 -Admission 50 cent- Tyke Tournantent Friday, Mlatch 2Oth ORONO versus BOWMAlNVIItLE at 6:30 p.m. NEWCASTLE versus OSHAWA at 7:30... Corne out and join in the activities at the Orono Arenia Orono Public School REGISTRATION FOR Kindeàrgcat an Grade One FOR SEPTEMýBER 1970 Ail parents with children ta, register, attend at the school on the morning of March l7th be- tween the hours of 9 and 12. Birth certificates wili be required before the lst of September.