ORONO WEBEKLY TImlS, TURDAY, MARC!! 26tI, 1970 Introducrng New System For, Guidance Teaching Most of the secondary schools in Northumberland and Durham will introduce a new approaci to teaching guidance classes next year. It is to be known at «"the over- lay and block system." Terry Hawkins, co-ordinator of guidance services for the Northumberland and Durham County -Board Of )Educatio,,), said that the idea is to give formel classroom guid- ance to students, 'when, where and if needed.' In previous years, each grade nine and each grade twelve class received one period of guidance per week. Other grades received none. Mr. Hlawkins said thet by means of the 'overlay system' al grades will receive groUP guid- ance classes when the need arises 'Many of the needs of a partic- ular grade cani be -foreseen andi planned in advanice,'li said, for exanflle, orientation for the newý Grade, fine stadents.' Ia the past,, orientation of the- grade 9 students dragged over three'or-four weeks, lie said, be- cause the students iad only one guidance perio ld per- week. Now by means of 'blockine guidance clesses, it cen be arranged that students have a guidance ClaSS On eaeh of three or four consecutive days and the entrc tapie of orien-. tation is covered ini the first week of schoo!. Mr. Hawkins said the- same grade ninc classes woulit prob- ably not have enother guidance class for three Wo five weeks,'iwhen they again might nieet, «, a per- iod each day for tmsvo or three "ïonmecutive days, tb( diï.,cuss an- other' timely topie. The "tum, h4i. beevi ~ s for two yeers on an ex"eixnental basis at Cobjoutg Di' wtÇlleg- eàte Institute East. 11t has been very siuc-essfii1 and- bas better-filled ~hueis W. FRANK REAL ESSAIE n1 xi", a. W., Woe prmemurte*%%, .$Mt& #à "oh Vien 'but«gor ffl M g aat e WC kreut"&- Im Gemtact re.Area Representativel Roy'Foster Pane Found Andy Sutceh 983-5801, 623-3965 983-9119. Rov Stron~52 needs as well as providing mucli desired flexibility," lie said. Several elementary schools have also experimLnted wllth the system which proved to be equal- ly successful at that level too. Itfs StIi The Same Story At Cobourg It's stili the sanie old,.etory 'on the conservation front. Cobourg wants to go 'east with the Lower Trent and Hanmilton Township wantg to go west to the Ganaraska. Municipalities took no action recently in a bid to vote Cobourg into the Ganaraska Conservation Authority at a meeting called by the Minister; of Energy, Mfines and Resources. A. S. Barnes of the Conserva- tion Brandi put-tue resolution to ,,te meeting callng for the Gan- araskp Conservation Authority Wo be enlaiged from the eisting Ganaraska boundary at Port Hope to the edge of the existing Lowea, Trent boundary JusI east of Cbbourg. The resolution failed Wo get a mover or seconder and Mr. Bar- *ýes, after, reading the proposai iwice. called for an adjournment. Up AM4 Dow' The look Stocks ".~VBOKS - MARCK! 20, lait *l;b-rvwl t4l b. dosed on The Midas Compulsion - by Ivan Shaffer, - a novel- set against the-frenzled background of the itock promotion gaine. -d Sonrslbiliy - by Jane Aqsten - a fine English classic. ceot A Vatrh? - by Max Shulinan - another futiny nov- el by the author of 'ReUly Round The Flag, Boys?' A fHistory of Women's Hairstyles 1500-1965 - by Jean Keys The Arms of Krupp- by William Manchestpr - the collective bio- grapiy of the Krupp Dynasty. JUNIOR- P3111 Bergson, Master Detective- by Astrid Lindgren, the story of a young detective who tried to beanother Sherlock Holmes The Trouble with Jenny's 'Eer - by Oliver Butterworth e warm- ly funny story. Seellng Fingers - by Ette DeGer-- ing- the story of Louis Braille who devised tue wonderful system of reading and writing used by the blind, when lie wes stili a boy., A Rocket in my Pocket - by Carl- Phosphates Nine Durham County Woment signed pledges touse only deter- ;zents that are very low ini phos- phate content or, when Possible, soap flakes whici contai»? no phosphates, until the responsible parties remove phosphates fromi the market, in support of the crusade by Mrs. D. E. Bozel of Oshawa. Mrs. Rozel will present hundreds of signed Itdedges, to the Ontario Government wlthin a week. The, ladies weire discussiing pol- lution, at the m onthly meeting of the Durham N.D.P. Women~s Or- jzanzatioi. held et the home of Mrs. G. Olthof; Courtice on Thurs day evening, Merci l7th. !>1ans were. cornpleted, for the t 'wil 4th dance in Port- Hope and ivwa decided to hold a rummage P-'d bake sale in Hampton in Ap. ril. Mr. Gerrv. Olthof spoke to the If, jâ" on the Oshawa Co-operative Simnnlies Ltd. of which he is a director. He advised thet there were now 210 familles as mem- bers-., The' Charter £rom the On- tario Government was received in November 1967,and, the store of- ficially opened in December 1969 It was started hy the U.A.W. Lo- cal 22ý2 of Generel Motors, and groceries are sold wholesale to memipers, who. buy 20 shares et $5.00 eaôh, and these shares May b. redeemed when a member moves. or wlshes to leave the Co- operative.. Ajax Wl.n The Ajax Tykee were the ehe pions. al-tIe,.QfôSo Tke Tourna- ment held nt the 0<)o Rie:o Friday epening of lait we*. A total of four teams competd ln the event being OrôOý_ ?ewcat2. Bowmanvillle abdAi4Mû' In the second ga»e Ajax de- feated Newcastle 2.1. N;ewcaatle then turned, around and defeated Withers - the rhymes and chants of young Americans. EASY READING AND PICTURE BOOKS-- The World in the Candy Egg - by Alvin Tresseit - the fascinating world of a toy shop. Jenny's First Party - by Esther Avenu . another story about the little black cat. The Bear's Picole- by Stan and jan Bereastain inl this third adventure of thie bears, Papa Bear is stili not ver'y smart. The Three PoorTailors- tor G. Ambrus based old folk tale. h. F or Ail cc;,.asion We supply flowers for all occasie. s iucludng Hosili. tai arrangements, Weddlngs, funerals, giftsct'c. We would be pleased to, have yen v<t ur 1ko rooni et the nursery Where a complete line of plants are always availahie. PHON,ýE 623,57,57 Ilighway No. 2, West of Buw m-anville hby. Viç- on a Bcwmauvile 54. Orono and Mjax played the fin- ai dibampîonahip game wîth AJax taking thewn In a 1-1 tie- be- cause thoy had scoreq the first goaL The game went into a five minute overtime period, but the tde ras not booken. John West scored the Orono goal with'assia Wo Tommy Gustat. See you at the rink Friday for the big games of the week. For tb he Ioe famiyat'measq Fragrances for ail' by Shulto. Yardley' J'y Smiles -'N Chucklo'sj FR5E Ternit,- Duil$Str per fIm*. î$TPT'SPifA M( Tlhe RIGHT»WElGHT UGHTWEIGHT chain saw with more power to get the.- jb done! The Pin'-r 2100 saws are the ideal ightweights. The Nevsiçi ring big power piston combined with Pioneer' ý tghteight guide bar and %'0 pitch chain give Yo-uùO-r fa'ter 'cutting. Mhe 2270 niodel has a'! weather automatic oiling for longer t if"and c hain Ask your dC r iay! ThE ~ ~ 2t~SERIES Roil rdejwanr eLtd Vi' Orono, Ontario Oo adBowmarmuie opusa l . nsu is, n. I the tournament wlt the n irt MIl nt game. Orono deleated Bawmaa - ville 3 2 wiithý John West colt çt- ing two of the oon goI& ' Diy Ilutton scored the ether and *lth Ronnie Talsina picked up sum *,