See MiIIsoA Insur~ i~ BYV i N cAs HEATING AgencySaL.s and Servi for GULFr>F.IN-1-4 1Nr" AU classes À' personal I,0W e4t,' rS lý and îrhone: Commercial Coverasres Office: Main St.. Orono . yro»e 263-ffl Reg. 983-5754 Gjord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Exterior Interior Oruno's Licensed iAuctioneer and Valua tor ISpiecialize in Fa -nalld Furniture Sales U Consult me fp- tel-ms and'dates PIIIONE O -1ý 'ON ~il' J 1Our -quality and' service leaves nothing to btc desired r.ý,sk tihe pÉ,rson rwiho baught f'-om ýs, a neighbour, friend or relative 1'eRTTER GRANITE, COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT IIOPE Largest dis play in Southera Ontario r > i Orono Phone 983-5343 - PRINCE CRAFT BOATS I - Alouette Snow Mobles McCulloch CH--iN ný.WS ,Repairs. to ail makes of Lawni IMowers a ,2 and 4 cycle ý I OTACO PLOW POINTS AND MACHEfR4%Y f &ar4<rg>ure, Or ice ~1VlCE>. .~.1.i4ti~ j i. ~1 j î Oarville Chatterton Ë lectrical , Contractinz I Electrc ,IIeatîng j arnd Service rr'4)r' 554'M46 or- 991-5940 Orono. Olntario :ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerrv Duvail ELEI,'R'ICAi, UN RACTING, ELECTRîC IIEATINt. T.V. -0-1th RT.V. DOA I ilF INir S--'IO *J - Fire, Package Policies Fidelity Bond, Làabilaty '~ ~ge Loans 2: ito0n Phone 983-5115 I BO. 133 Phone 668-3552 Stafford Brothers. I ~ , Lîmited fCemeteiry 'M4moriala I WRIT, ONTAIIO Building a Ifouse? Ior remodelling your present one, then, contact, Floyd Nicholson IPhone 983-5049 RN 41. FARM HE P WAN1 E pull or part time - living qualrtersavibe ~ gir..~g qualifications, a-c Licn elcp.sone inanner. Ex- i C d'i duties. Excellent fringe benefits. For appointrnent cai Mr. K. \,. i Xroou Product.ý, PhIEASE WLcreyour volunteer cauvasser GIVE kEk(U MARCH iS .ýE Ç ROSSMONTIT COMING EVENT The ladies oh St. Saviour's in- vite you to attend their Easter Salad Supper in the Parish Hall, Wcdneýda -, ApriIl 8thr commenc- iilg at 5 p rm. a&d ur.la11aare served. AOý_tuýt r$1.50-,,,Childrcn 75o c1- CLARKE PUTBLIr LIBRARY TENDERS 1 Tendrs wll.b_ rcceived lbr, Vie utier2gne u411~:0 p..,Ap- rf rit .197i, for hii(iing, elect- rlca wîsng, paisilLerations P..bMcL 'ry:;ýxprtOrono. p c ~t~Oii ptiînable from the c ..~ Tciicdrs raybe scpatatc (r al inclusive. (haîrmar. Clarke Pucb'b;( r Qrono,Q41 iog ol~.r-%-Lj ('drcli26 hat- - rCiC /p' t on P i Z*f-4 up.4r5 Alh t a~~rl"- i 'i campertirrt. B'aUsr Juior adnesivie oa- I~c hne 63ý2"ýftr ' 4ACK rRICAIIDI REALTOR " King St., E. BO WMAN VILLE When Buylng or Selilng eaU WILF HAWKE' VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIV 983-5274 Member of Oshawa anrd Dis- trict -Real Estate Boa( APARTMENT FOR BENT Main Street, Orono, 2 bedroom. Available May lst. Plv, te 983-5201. a-c NOTICE Sewers and kiitt--rs necded to materials supplied. Work 'to be comnletcd in vour owa h further information e-il1 i 359 NOTICE Orono Landscaping. Garden Ser- vit, Phone 983-5»98.t- FRESH APPLE$ for Your enjoyment Delicious, Maclutesh and Firost Free Spies. Home made Cider Fred's Fruit are Highway 115, south of Orono llcensed P' mbing& j Mechanical Conrracterj h çLIBN AI, ntaleAIG Phone 983-520 T OrN G Br-ick, -Block Cor Stoise Work Carnentry Cabinza Floors - Tule 983-5441' r> r ~ - r - - - r Orono Weekly Times egIin1 FAIM FOR RENT 115 Acre Farm for rent. Good hoac, Orono area. 77 Real Estate Ltçl., X a.~, tL ,.. iLa a-1 !I17_ WANTED -FEAVALE JuirLlirk required g)r local b.. u iýave Grade 1- educa- uooi k..wiedge of mat.icý- rOft for appointaient: 983-5304. a-c AUCTION SALE On Saturday, March 28th at 1:30 in the Village of Enniskillen, compiete household effects of the residernce, of; the late J. A. Werry, Youý might, b1e well advised to, at- tend.- Several antiques. Terms cash. Clifford Pethick,- Auctioneer. NOTICE Newcastle Lions Club WiII, hold their Ea4ter Dance at the 'Com- rnunity:'Hall Saturday, March 28 at 9pm - PAPER DRIVE APRIL - 4 'lrie Siga C 'and Tyro Boys wiil cisîleet papers and botties on .,$aturdày -April 4 ini Orono and surrounding area. For'. iîsfbrrnation phone: 983W519, or 983-5716. a-c GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Percy 1M1organi, Summerville Drive, Orono, are celcbrating tl}cir golden wedibi- anniix ersary., (pcn bouse will be hed SýAfustdy, April 4th fromi 2-4 athe hfx ftheir. duher, Msaci S'býfsto, rlýivision Sf., B~st ~j~f~$ oly. -13-p r, , Amisýond t'- oo.. Mesa4d lneh. lcmeWaC $ PARU, [13ME JNCOME Rç-;$,ljing and coieting moné'y >1 from N\EW TYPE high-quality coinoperated dispensers in your area. No selling. To qualify you )ncrî te must havý.i cair, eeecs $600 to $2900 cash. Seven to twelve hours weekly can net excellent' monthly income. More full timp. t Work For personal i nterviewý wriie CANAPENN DISTRIBUTING LTD., r ]eYPT.. A, 160 13ay St;, Suite 205, Toronto 1, Ontario. Itç- ORONO clude phoVe, number. CARD 0F THANKS ý;heargqpEs,Çar Club wis1i to Shank the local Businessmen fo~r he'Uý klÏni0ins t'the É cenit ýSnow- inobile Races. a-c CARD 0F THANKS 1 j woul4' jké t6 exteild My thanks t,.ral the Executive, moth- ers andmi iqbers, of the Orono FigtL e, Stiig Club and ail the people who belpe4 make our 24t1i annua4 carnival a success. Audrey Buckley, President BAULCHTMOTORS are now dealers for "FOX MINIBIKFS» A complete line of kits and machines from $109.95 to $419.95 PARTS and SERVICE IR.. 3, Port Hope, Ontario Phone: 416-885-2760 PIJMPING- OUT SEPTIC TANKIS Bert Tomli kins Pae786-2512 LYCETT Plumbing Heatinz âà ià à