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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Apr 1970, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL l6th, 1970 "The Real Me" Taken from a sermon by Rev. B. E. Long. Scripttlre Lesson Luke 15: 11-25 One of the real needs for any person is to try to discover who be reaily is. Each of us has an image of himself. But we don't see ourseives as others see us nor do others see us as God would see us. lI his littie book, "Help! I'm in College" Roy G. Gescli wrote, "Lord, there's this problem of Phoniness!" A lot of us have had some pretty high ideais, and we've respected the people who gave them to us.,. Then they biew it ail by not living Up to what they preached. Man, something like that cafl reaiiy turn you off in a hurry! Why is it, Lord - that they ean give you a lecture on flot cheating in the classroom and then turn right' around and cheat on an income-tax form? or warn us against pot or LSD for Our own heaith's sake and then go right out to a party and come home drunk? or extol the virtues of honesty and sports- manship in ail things and then chop someone down in a so- cailed shrewd deal? And- why is it that n, Church (that's what realiy bugs me - a church!) can taik about "One God and. Father of ail,"1 '101e Saviour for ail mankind" "ýwe.are ail one body iu Christ" and ail such' be4utiful ideas and then refuse to accept someone as a fe liow member of the con- gregation, a true brother or sister in Christ? I tel you, Lord there i,ý a lot of phioniness around. But theI gî'e1 You knuow this Buit wa osi en Thatmostpope r hypro- You 0>1d tel u dd' oFath-' er) thatthr is no such--! thiug aS> n mlian sýo perfect on this earth thatl ' e does oily -geoosi and neyee sns. And You 'also explained that's why You sent Jesuis to earth. N.ohody's perfect. Everybody needs forgiveness. Everyhody needs that saving love whcrein Christ gave Himself for us. So 1 guess instead of picking off every little scah I can fid on others and making an open sore, I'd do better to chalk it up to thesoul sickness in ahl of us and pray that Your healing may be the final word. Don't let me slip into the .rut of those who feel smugly superior because they sin openly, without pretense or shame. They're not hyprocritical, they Set ic Tan GENEItAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establlshed 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Servicce - 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion- First and Third Sundays Moruiug Prayer- Second and Feurth Sundays Holy Bapttsm by appointment with Rector 987-4745, Irhe Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Say. They're being 100% honest. Theirs is the greatest virtue. Somehow it seems to 'me such smugness is the greatest hypoc- risy of ail. 1, can respect someone who strives to live by high prin- ciple and fails. But 1 cannait truly respect anyone who has no principles at ail. Father, give me conviction and principle high enoug.ji to be worth having. Give me earnestness to live by them, and help me to do so. 1 know there wili be times when 1 slip, when I disappointingiy fail, But even then, Lord, Make me and keep me the real article. Amen. Who am I? Who is the real me? Do I know myseif? Many people drift aimlessly through if e feel- ing that what they know of them- selves is ail there is to be known. But that is a shallow outlook on life. Every Christian must have the urge to discover "the real me."' There was a play on TV of a man who suffered from amnesia for three years. Then he tries to carry on where he left off. H1e gradually discovers that he was involved in another lufe story and tries to discover who he was dur- ing that time. He asks, "Who was I? How did 1 react to life? Who else is involved in my life? Little by littie the startling.. facts were unfoided. Who ore' w e really? Who is "the real me"? A great brute of a mani won the popularity of the world because he was an outstanding athlete. But in another area of life instead of being a great big powerful, victorious perspn, he may be a littie spoiled, bad tempered, im- mature boy. 110w easy it is for a person to think they know them- selves. There was a woman who needed the help of a psychiatrist because she was feeling anger and reseutment towards her rel- atives who seemed to be making a doormat of her. It 'began to wear on her and she thought she' amounted to nothing. The psyehi- atrist helped her to see lif e more clearly and she perked up and bucked up. She said, "Somehow 1 found the strength to tell ail my relatives where to' head in. , I'm getting. to know myself for the first time and to mv astonishment I'm flot useless and stupid as 1 once thought." Whîo is "th~e real me?" Are you anxious -to find out? Don't take it for granted that you are who you'think you are. Peter Gordon White asked so me United Church men, "Have you cxci- heard som 'eonie say, I'm not myself today'? Weii, if you are not yourself, then w ho are you?" What is the strange huinan capac- ity? Perhaps it is the- imagery of God, that ean know about itself that it is flot itseif? What is this subect that eau look upon itself as an object? The animais ca't do thlat. That is- what sets maxn off distinct from ail other crea- tion. H1e eau look at himseif and say, "I'm not myseif." Weil the purpose of life is to know who we really are. That's why Jesus came, and why the Christixfti Church- exists. Jesus came to show us how to discover the-real self and ail throughi Jes- us' life He sought this Hîmself. The Bible shows us the struggie that Jesus went- through to dis- cover who ,,He realiy was and what His mission was. Little by littie there grew in Jesus' think- in g and in His purpose the idea of "the sufferiug servant" spoken, of in the writings of Isaiah. Jesus saw Himself as "the suffering ser- vant." He began to see lis mis- sion andl understand more clearly why 11e was Himself. The same thing happened to Apostle Paul. He was seeking to identify himself with this and that religious expression. He be- came a member of the strict sect of the Pharisees. H1e grew i n power and he was stili not satis- fied. H1e persecuted the Christians thinkiug he was doing God a fav- our. In it ail he was trying to (Continued ou page 5), YEN EZIA « RESTAURANT Hlghway 115 anid 35 " ie south of Oroa, Phone 983-5651' Open 7 days a week Speciallzlng în Pizza -Meals' Oxford. 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