_______________________ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, APRIL 16th, 1910 Deug. Moffat (continued'from page 1) report has been in the hands of the goveriment for several years and stili nothing lias been donc. Once more, people some second." Hec calleci upon people in Ont- ario to take a lèsson from, Mani- toba where the election of an N.D.P. government last year lias Ici n followed by scare headlines and foolish statements in Ontario newspapers to convince the resi- dents of Ontario that the New Dermocratie Party is not a party capable of governing a province and yet on Monday of this week wve saw the electors of Manitoba return an N.j).P. member of par- liamenit in a Federal by-lection by a landslide mai ority. This dem- ons'trates that the people under this government agree with the policies of. the New Democratie Party and after a year are stili in favour of Schreyer' programs." Hc claimed that the only way tohave an improvement in the quality of life for people in this province was to eleet an N.D.P. govern ment at the next provincial c]ection and upset the power groups who presently dietate to Mr. Robarts. REAL ESTATE LIMITED Igeator 21 King St. W. Bowmanville 623-3 393 Tor onto 92319174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 0For prompt, courteou.s, effici- ent service when bnying or seillng and for the largest sel- cetion of properties ln the area Contact Orono Area Representatîves Roy Fogter 983-580 Dane Found 623-3965 And- Sutch 90-9119 Roy Stronz 52 f Il Bethany Wednesday, April' lst. Miss Logan rested at the Bush_ Funeral Home, Tweed, Ont., for service at 2 p.m. and Burial in Victorial Cemetery, in their Fam- ily Plot. She had been a member of St. John -United Church since child-, hood and was interred by Rev. I. E. Munroe, B.Th., Minister. The many floral tributes testi- fied the esteem of those friends wlio reniembered her. ReIport Frsm Ottawa Russell C. Honey, Q.C., M.P. Northumberland - Durham This week the government in- troduced legisiation which will ex- tend Canada's control for purpos- es of preventing pollution to 100 miles from shore, Tiiese limits give Canada effective control ov- er ail the Aretie scas. Biecause international law lias flot developed to the point where it will support Canada's dlaim 0v- er the 100 mile area Canada made a "reservation" in the World' Court at The Hague. Our posi- ion is simply that international law, as it now stands, does not sufficiently proteet countries on the pollution aspect of interna- tional waters, and it is'important for Canada to take forward steps in I bis area to help international iaw develop. By filing the "reservation" with the World Court Canada placed itself outside the jurisdic- tion of court insofar as the ex- tension of our rights within the 100 mile limits. We said, in cf- fect, that we know that we-cannot support our case on the basis of inernationial law as it now'stands but that matter was so import- ant that we lad to take unilaterai action and that we wouid flot consider ourselves bound by any decision of'the World Court. Prime Minister Trudeau. who in his, own right is a highly regard- ed international lawyer, said ",wlere no Law exist, rwhr the law is cleariy insufficient ap- plying to the Arctic seas, we are saying -somebody has to preserve this area for mankind until the international iaw deveiops, and wc are prepared to help it devel- op by taking steps on our own and eventually, if there is a con- ference of nations toncerned with the Aretie, we will, of course, be a very active memiber in sucli a conference and try to establish an international regime." A s international law exists now, it is biased in favour of shipping on the high seas. it is re!1ly still in the sailing slip era. This was fine in the past when iA wa> ipiortant to promote trade and commerce. Canada cannot sit 1xick in this age of technological advanc(e and the importance we are attaching to the quality of life Canda ad to take the steps taken this week in order to pro- lcct our Arctic areas until inter- niational law, in this respect at ]0east becomes Mevant to pres- ènt da conditions. . .P.P. Report Newcastle, Ontario, During thc period from March 29th to April 4th, 1970 thc New- castle T-oetachment of the Ontario provincial Police investigated 15 motor vehicle collisions in wiich 10 persons were injured and as a resuit 9 persons were cliarged with traffic offences. Drinking- driving offences appear to be on thc increase, as threc persons have been eharged witl impaired driving.- If convicted, tiey wil definitely ]ose their ýdrivers lic- ence for a period of at least three months and could le fined up to $500.00. If only, a drinking driver would realize that such an indif- ferent attitude could resuit ln the death of an innocent family en- route home f rom a joyous holiday or an evening of shopping. The members of this dctach- ment ai ,, 0 flvesteUd 52 g, xcý .fl occurrences, in which there were 5 reports of theft including a stolen car, and 3 reports of wil- fui damage to property. Four per- the damaged property. Two auto,- sons have been, clarged with mobiles stolen elsewliere, were criminal offences in respect to recovered in this area. Williaom C. Hall,' B. Comm. Chartered ,,Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 AI! day Wednesday and Saturday L. N. BIRD REAL EST. LTD. (REALTOR) Pleased to announce the opening, of a new Sales Office at RR 1, Orono on April 15, 1970. This office is located for your convenience approximately 4 miles north of Orono on the- west side of 115 highway. Orono Brandi will specialize in 'the* sale of rural properties - farms, acreage for investment or recreation and Rural homes. We solicit your enqufries re sale, listing or appraisal of your property. With our direct Toronto line, extensive advertisii1g and experienced sales personel we can offer you excellent service in all Real Estate Matters. For further information cail Orono 983-5350 Toronto 364-1807 Ross Gilbart, P. Ag. Mander Rafuse, Res. Orono - 983-5427 Res. Bowmanvllle 623-3605 L. N. BIRD REAL ESTe.LTD. WHITBY OSHAWA RR 1, ORONO DX Service Station. Highway 35 and 115, juat uorth of Newcastle mPrenuium Quality Pout Ai The Most Reasonable Prices StioVe oil may ho picked up in any quantity 19.9e per gallo Phone 987-4215 Tri just one hour an oil-fired Esso Water I¾ ater delivers over 80 Imperiai gallons ofpiping hot water. An Esso Water J eater is as economical as it is efficient. Ail you pay is a nominal monthiy rentai, plus the cost cf the fuel. Why not enjoy al +1hP hot w ateýr vyoiiu7 want?CaiEo The Women's Organîzation fin- al7-d plans for a rummage and bake sale to le held at the Dar- lington Township Hall, Hampton on Saturday afternoon, April 18, Miss Lillie 'M. Logan Miss Lillie M. Logan, a residerît of'Lyntonhurst Manor Rest Home,, Orono, Ont. for the past -four years, passed away in her sleep during the night of Monday, Marel thc 3lst.as the liesuit of the flu. SIc lad celebrated lier 82nd birthday on Mardi the 2nd. but had not enjoyed -good heath for some time due to a lieart con- dition. She was the daugliter of Rob- ert Logan and, Mary Ann Vance, and lad thrèe sisters and four brothers, ail of whom 'ived and received their education in Tweed, Ont. Shie is suirvived by two brothers Johin of Toronto and Richard of Orono. Shie was a Life Member of Tweed Rebekali Lodge No. *-236, many of whom were present'and honored lier witli a very lovely funeral service on the cvening of '70 YEARS AS REALTORS' FOR YOUR 911/2 KING ST- EAST BOWMANVILLE REPRESENTATIVES BOWMANVILLE:-. R.C. SLEE - 623-3383 NEWTONVILLE:- Mrs. W. ENTWISLE - 786-2911 PROMPT TO YOUR NEEDS CALL US FOR APPOINTMENT "TIIREe, SCCRIE YEARS AND TEN AND, BET r NOW TItAN TIIEN" TOWN AND COU NTRY DIVISION 46 Eglington Ave. East, Toronto 315, Tel. 487-8161