O~ON WEELT TM~S,'TI~R$DY,,APRIL 2$r&, 197e Tmm rsEducaig meeting. Me with board himn efRop KISe and vice chairman 'A. Strike ov- er the Bowxnanville high schQol which is Atill on the planning Tempers flared briefly at a re- _ eent meeting of the Northumber- bars land-Durham County Board of :Mr. Dowvns led off the dehate The, RIGHT-WEIGHT LIGFITWEI GHT chain 'Saw with mor e power to get the job done! wlhei lie' said, "l'm not sure thbat this is even tl'o- proper site for this sehool let alone what heating systemn we should instaIl." Chairnn Rolph counteréd, "This is a fine time to start to talk about that now. We, have been talking about this sehool ever since this board was formed." After a few minutes more -of rather heated discussion, Mr. Strike poînted out, IlWe approved sketch plans last August." The board had been discussing the heating and the air, condition- ing for the new sehool for more than twro hours. Representatives of the architects, Pentland, Baker and Poison,. and the engineering consulting firm were on hand to explain the ,development and pro- gress of the plans. for the new sehool and its revolutionary de- sign, and in particular to show the board why air conditioning is an absolute neeessity in thé school, how it compares with con- ventional sehools and to obtain the board's decision on what type of energy should be used in the system. The school, which will cost in excess of four million dollars, will be of the se called "compact" Wr windowless style, it wiil oc- cupy six percent less area than a conventional school of -the same capacity and will be totally air- conditioined in the fullest sense Tb. Pionoer 2200 saws are Mm W mIdeal lIL COMPARE TM N Pew igle. ring bîg c.rpWsto eaês*Wd =weY#mr %utagtor cutfln j longer bar and chain ide. THE PIONEER im2200 SERIES Rolp RarwareLtd.HANK'S IAKERY -Rolh ilO"td ,oreLtd..aad Sauk Bar Naja Street Orone, Ontario Speciaily Selected Value Cheeked, partly SHANK OR BUTT PORITIO3N LEG âÎ%'O' POu'hRt Jbsme 983-5283 skinned, 4 to 5 lb. average K lb. 63c PORK, BUTT ROASTS lb.5a Maple Leaf - Mild - Sweet RINDLESS BACON lb. 87c By the piece BOLOGNA MAPlb.IL39c Fresh HAM STEAKS Lean - Juicy lb. 69e Best Buy - Save 4c. Canadian 8 oz. singes PEl.oats10b.59 Kraft Cheese 39C PEl oaos1 b 9 Vachon Rosettes - Save Ge- Vanilla, Straw- Save 6c. - Deep Browned with pork 14 O berry, Chocolate Libby's Beans 2-47c: Dessert Cups pkg ofl12 33c- __________________ BEST BUY! - Reg. .83c. Value - 5c_ OFF PACK 16 oz jar Mix or Mat ch - Libby's Fancy RKRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ 69c est Buy - Save li. Coloured - Parclment 1 lb. ak CreamLornSatin Brand Murgarine 4 for 89c SA1VE 10c. - ROASTED 1 lb. ba!g or C1reen P-eas MAX WELL HOUSE COFFEE 89c Reg. $115 Value - 12c* OFF pack 5 14oz.ins89c GIANT SIZE OXYDOL PLUS 89c 5-14e.tin 69c Save 6c. - Supreme Sweet Relish _____________ Pickles Sweet Mixed 15 oz. 29c OORNISH'mS RED .& WHITE> 'We reserve the nlght t. Iimit quantities Phone 983-5281, Oreno, Ont. of the word. Recause, of its de- sign, with no appreciable windows and classrooms on the "interior" the board was told the sehool must be air conditioned or it would bc uninhabitable. The board finally decided that electrical energy would be used to power the plant wbich would allow for a reduction in operat- ing costs by the use of a beat pump. B4as ically the system wilI use the heat given off from the lights and the occupants of the building to supplement and there- by redue heating costs. In the warmer nmonths, this heat would be dissîpated, giving constant temperature and humidity con- trolled 'air, free from pollution., The school could be éperated on a 12-month basis with complete year-round comfort. The plans also cali for anaudi- torium wýhich xvas not included in the orijîýnal draft, but bas been req uested by the residents of the area who are willing to pay_ the extra $80,000. The traffic flow of the sehool is so designed that the academic and technical areas of the school can be cordoned off se that the community may use the auditorium and gym to the fullest extent wîthout interfer sg with be rest of the schooi. A motion was passed in which Bowmanyîfle is to be informed that even though they pay the sum of $80,000 for the auditorium tbey stîfl wiIlhéo governed under the conditions of the school for rentais and fees, the same as anyone else wishing to use this accommodation. Firo Departmont damage. He also said that the placing of the caîl when the fîfrt was first seen had given the fire- fightrêrs a good opportunity to control the blaze. Tefire deparment bas beeni answering a goodly numn»er of grass fires this month, almost onle evpry day. 'Suves House The, Orono-Clarke Fixe: Depart- ment through fast action on Wed- nesday evening saved the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scarrit in Clarke Township,, north off the seventh line about a haîf mile and eàst of the Oshawa, Ski Hill. Fire started around the chim- net~ in the frame house and was lodged in a partition. Mr. Ross Mercer, fire. chief, stated that there wa about $1000 worth of Aklbert's Texace GENERAL REPAIRS Phone'983-5249 Or.a* GladIoll Assorted Mixtures or solid colours Dahlias 'Ail colon available Begouias 8Buy the best and enj»y ful, colourful bloom this sumnier iddletoms 0101<0,ONT. Why Pay More - Save With DXEL0I Phone 668-3341- Co'lect ON DX PÏtEMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL DX FUEL OIL CALL US TODAY For Prompt, Courteous Service 1 ý we: reserve the rîght te limit quantities Phone 983-5201, oreno, ont.