oRONo wEKLY IrLMES, THUÉSDAY, APRIL 291d, 197C HKcthmr L.dp The regular meeting of Uealhe ý-Rebekah ýLodge was held Tuesday .April 14. There was an excellent -turn out with just two officers absent. The District Deputy President, 'Sister RÈuth Mitchell from Bow- manville made an officiai visit, ýshe was introduced by Sister Mae Allen and warmly welcomfed by NIoble Grand, Sister Hazel ,Staple- ton. A very good report was giv- en by Sister Julia Jacksonas con- venor èf the Visiting Commttee. Sister Laverne Barrabail, P.N.G. reportcd on 'tte- Dstrict -Meeting which was held in Bowmanville on April 8th., when ight P.N.G's attended from Heather Lodge. Sister Barrabaîl reported that Sister Elsie Potts, P.N.G., Port Hope has been nominated for the inèoming District Deputy, Presi- dent of District No. 8 East. It was decided that prices for -aterîng to Weddings and Dim- ners will be as follows: Salad 'Plate $2.25; Hlot Dinner $2.45; Sandwich reception $1.75. The Past Noble Grand's Club 162 will hold their meeting at Sis- ter Olive Mlîsons, supper to be serveil at six o'clock, aIl Past Ngbfe Grands were urged to at- 'tend as this Will be the Iast sup- ýper meeting for this season. ~Birthday Greetings were ex- tended 10 Sister Marion Adams ~and Sister Helen Nixon. Ganarasl<a Lodge, Port Hope 'extended aninvitation to Heath- 'or to confer the, degree on a can- didate at their regular meeting. May 2lst. It was decided. to ac- -eept tbis invitation. flhere will lie a bus, leaving Orono for Pout Hope. Anyone wishing to go please contact Sister k!ae Allen, Degree Captain or Sister Gladys 'Gamsby. A very interesting Ietter was reeeived and- read 'from or adop- -ter Poster Child in Korea. Sister ýCarole Boyd is in charge of com- 'munnicati ons witbs the little girl and by thle letters te uis they surely appreciate the hielp we are .giving and appreciate the letters W.FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED RKealtor 21 KinI( St. W. Bowmanvilie 1 M3-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, ceurteous effici- «st service wben buying or seIMug andi fer the fàr,&est sel- ection of properties in the Contact Oreo Area Representatives RoyT Foster Dunrie F ound 983-a801 623-3965 3v dvSutch R983-9119 Stron~ 52 ri whieh Sister' Carole writes ta tltem. Sister Mitchell congratulateti the N.G. and iniembers for the gooti report of work done during the past year andt tanked aIl for the cooperation thil has been given to lber during her year ini office as D.D.P. Lunch was serveti by the lunch committee in charge and a social heur was enjoyed. Fu House At Legion Dance Green grass, white picket fenc- es andi Spring flowers 'helpedti 1 create an atmosphere of nostalgia aI the monthly dance in the Leg-. ion hall, on Saturday evening, which was once, again filleti to tapacity. As so often bas been the case this year, the Pingle fam- ily chose our monthly dance bo hold a family reunion andi cele- brate the 251h Wedding Anniver- sary of Warrant Officer Spicer andi Ana Spicer who are Station- ed in Ottawa. Brothers, sisters, nieces andi nephews 10 a total of 20 couples belpeti Ron make Ibis a memor- able Anniversary for bis sister Anna. The many guests obviously enjoyed thiemselves as they inter-- mingled throughouit the couirse. of the eveniingý. Duringý the dance three ,spot dances 'were held. ist Spot Dance pîcked by Jimmy Cain; won by Mrs. Brinklow 'andi Mr. Stribe - LShampoo andi hair set donateti by Bobette's; Glasges donated by Cowan Pontiac- Buick. 2nd Spot Dance picked i by, Jack Baker; won by Mit. andi Mrs. Bob Lockhart; Perfume donied by Hai .and, Mark Hartled Distribut- ors of Amway Products, and Dart board donated by MeNulty's Cy- cle and Sports. 3rd Spot Dance picked by Bob Brown, won by Mrs. Rose and Len Eldridge, record donated. by aryLocke T.V. 'and glasses. Door. prizes were as follows: Ist door prize, 2 ' awn chairs won by Mr. and Mrs., Carroli Trenton; 2nd door prize, salad set, won by Dr. and Mrs. Neil ?earcy, King- ston; .3rd door prize won by Ray Pascombe, 2 lawn chairs; 4th door prize, GifI donateti by Hooper's Jewellery won by Wanita Mac- Gregor; Sth door prize, glasses won by Sandy McRobbie. A special thanks to aIl those who donateti gifts and who help- eti in anyway to make our, dance a success. Don't forget our next monthy dance May 23rd. Ne w Siate 0 f 0f fi cers, For, Home & Schoot The annual meeting of the Or- ono Home and &chool Assoc iation was helti Tuesday evening, ap- proximately 40 parents i attend- ance." A number o£ resolutions drafted by the Council of H. andi S., Associations were disdussed fully at Ibis meeting- andi our loc- al voting menàber was instructed' 10 suppprt these proposais at the fortbcSming cneral meeting. -Mrs. Jean' Newa l erecutive merbers of the North Durhiam Home and Scbool Counceil i.istall- edti th new executive: President- R. Gilbart Ist. Vice Mr. D. Lon- 2nd Vice !- Mrs. B. Gustar, Rec. Sec. .Jrs. B. Philp Cor. Sec. Mrs. Sawyer Treas. - Mrs. K. Schoenmnaker Membershil -iM~r F. Quantrili Publications Mrs. G. Robinson Room Rep. Chairnian - Mrs. W. Stapleton lýrogramme - Mrs. E. Milîson, Mrs. W Bunting, Mr. D. Moffaît. Mr DeIâug. Moffaît, principal of Orono Public School expresseti the feeling of the meeting wben be highly commentied. Mrs Bunting, our past presitient, for. the excellent leadership she has given the Association over the past two years. The parents were given two MO minute. periods of instructiop by the teachirig staff at the grade of, tÉeir choice. Repo rts of their pro- gress was varied and while Mr. Don Long had some difficulty with Grgde'VIII reuding ýMr. BIU Grady was cited for his outstand-" ing dexterity and co-operation with the rhyth mband. The imeet- ing closed withi refreshmients.; DURHAMENROLMENT' GROWING FAST -1; "Applications for faîl enrohnent at Durham College are coming at four times last year's rate, Dr. Gordon Willey, president of thea college, said last week. Dr. Willey hopes this, just means students are sending in applications earlier, this $yeai and that four times -as many students do not intend to apply. 'If this keeps up we could, find ourselves 'short of space next year, he said. A 15 perçent increase in enro1-ý ment had been projected for Sep- tember bringing the number' of fuli-time students to 575. SEE IHEM 1MDAY ____-- SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER ROYu1 ,NIC%;esRaÂOLS AMOTOR0f »mS L'fi Me1TJE D Phone BOW XNVIIE f3' 2 om (OT ' 2. 62O6 BWAVL Enjoy ld" yemr-round comfort of GMfur-season *j onditioning '70CheveU leq. things urcompetitio hopesyou overlook:, Our Iow price. Our side-guard door beams. Our computer-selected springs. Our resale value (traditionally higher). Ur low-priced automatic transmission. urpower brakes and air conditioning system ,at you can add. O.,ur variable ratio power steering; and radios with the tusZ: Canadals most popular mid-size car. BOWMANVILLE,