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Orono Weekly Times, 6 May 1970, p. 3

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_________ ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THIJRSDAY,MA t,10 -Conser v atives Elect Officers tSENSATIONALISM CRITIZED 1IY LOCAL MPP "If is getting ito Me cPoint where the federal government is a mas- ter. of flic people, înstead of be- ing a servant of the people" Gar- net Rickard fold members of the Durliam, County Progressive Con- The RIGHT»-WEIGHT LIGHTWEIGHT cliain saw witli more power to get the* job done! servative Association at the an- fluai meeting 'in Orono Iast Wed- nesdày ,evening., Mr. Rickard former of flic Northumbierland- Progressive Conserx'ative tion, said it was like cards with someone with ed hand."l president Durham Associa- playing 1a stack- Durham MPP, Alex Carruthers crifized fthc news media for tend- ing f0 over-react fo fic noise lbe- ing made by flic minorities and ovcrlooking flic important re- forms of flic government. The press was looking for sen- sational news and forgetting to give flic complete picture on flic fhings like the new re-assesment plans and regional governmenf. During tlic meeting Arthur Code was elected president; Ma- yor Michael Wladyka, immediate pa-;t president; Alex Carruthers, honouraï-y president; George van Dyk, fîrsf 'vice-president; Anne Tliompsoli, second vice-president, George Neals, third vice-presi dent; Roy Foster, fourf h vice- president; Kay Lycett, recording secrefary and George Slephen, treasurer. 70E TWN, 'THE/R ý0W P/CES STILL The Pioneer 2200 saws are the ideal Fightweigt&.lnMA The New single ring big POwer piston comblned wlth gpv, Ploneer'U"ight weig t guide bar and %" pltch chala give yo 0% faster cutting. The 2270f mode[ has ail weather automnatia olling for longer bar and chain life. Ar Ask your dealer today! THE FPIONEER - a2200î SERIES Rolp Hadwar Lt. IANK'SI, AKERY Rolp Humrd umrun b . c -m'and Snack Bar Nin Street Oren., Outari. Phose 9835203 -p TREAT MOÈHER TO VACHON MOHERS DAY CAKE BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED IN A HIEAR SHAPE wil VIOrder Early Supply Llmited'$1.59 EA. BUY OF THE WEEK- CALIFORNIA 28 oz. tins Tri-VulaIey iCockta.il39 Fri LEAN MEATY PORK ---- SP ARF*E RB tms"'lb.h 69C MILD SEASONED SKINLESS2 LB. PKGS. WIENIERS $10 U.S. CANADA No. 1 abbage lb.1 CHÉCK VOUR MAIL AND OUR FLYER FOR MANY MANY MORE, SAVINGS FOR WEEKEND We reserve the right te linilt quantities Phone 983-5201, Orgno, Ont. 1(Continuied on Page 2) corsage of pink carnations ac- S cented lier suit. Mr. - and Mrs. Brown will be rcsiding in Ponty_ pool. Tlie bride, wlio is employe.d at Curvply Wood Producits, Orono, attended Orono Sehool and Clarke Hîgli Sehool. The groom attended sehool in Pontypool and also Lindsay Collegia e. lHe is a bar- ber and hair stylist in Peterboro. SSeveral Parties, were lield in lionor of tlie bride. A miscellan- eous 'sliwer was given by Mrs. Don Cliallice in Pontypool. A lin. en slower' was leld by Miss Kayc Aldread and Mrs. F. Tennant, whicli was attended by fricnds of thec bride. Mrs. John Killeen of Bowmanville and Mrs. Albert Munneke of Orono, aunits of the bride, were hostesses for a kit- clien and pantry-slielf sliower. Fellow ci-nployees ait Curvply pre- sented the bride witli a toaýter. Friends of 'lic groom lield a Pre-woedd;ng dance in tlie Cham- be.r of C.Immerce Hall, Pontypool a-t whicj-thelie resentation of a purse of money was made to tlie young couple. PROGRAM FOR CONSERVATION WEEK Tlie Ganaraska Conservation Au thority lias set up a commtttee f0 arrange Promotions for Con- servation, Week in Junc. Special programs, sucli as es- say writing and poster competi- fions, will be lield in school$ and Eb'Y Fost-zr, cliairman of tlie au- tliority said an educational pro- gram would be, devised to atitract aduits' attention. Tlie cliairman appointed J. A. Reynolds, f0 chair flie comrmit-tee. Otlier members are Lutlier Olan and Elmer Scott, GUIDANCE MEET FOR AREA TEACHERS 1 Northuiimberland and Durham teachers interested in guidance wili attend a number of country wide guidance meetings as part of Board oî Eduication's in-service training .programn. On 111y 7, the ltopic af a guid- ance meeting will bc "The Teach- er and fthe Law." Kennefli Stub- bington, assistant crown attorney for Northumberland and Durham, wyll be the- speaker. He will dis- cuss questions of a legal nature. Typical questions to be discus- sed are, "wha's a teacher's legal responsbilty if a s&tudent fells ým le (the studenýt) stole a car? )r if a student fels his feacher he 'going to commit, suicide? Or if Prlatnts and Floweérs FOR MOTIIER'S DAY DahIýa and Gladioli Bulbs, Available, deons Phone 983-5242 ORONO, ONT. Albert's Texac. GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orofté DX Service Staltion Highway 35 and 115, just forth of Newcastle Featuring: Premiumn Quallty Produets - AI The Most Reasonable Prices Ste-ve oùi 'ay be picked up in any quantity 19.9e per gallon Phone 987-4215 Why'Pay More Save With D x FUEL OIL Phone 668-3341- Colle ct, ON DX PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL CALL US TODAY For PromPt, c<>ijt*eo11 Service Phom 983-5203 Orono, Ont" 1 ý Àan*,&, f 'TEXAS lie adiwits to stealing drugs? Terry Hawkins, co-ordinator of guidance services for the board of education, said the purpose of tl{ meetings is ýto encourage al teachers ito be aware of, and in- volved in, the guidance program ind to provide teachers with use- fui ideas and information. At a previous meeting, 120 feachers discussed the topic of "how not to counsel" Place your Order Now For çm cm,

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