fLjrl,%Mfl W5LPy KlMhb lgUnmR1ml 1 UEAý T#l nn*iA4 £ÂVaAK? 1U IV iDear Sir: In reading, througb your papei lat week, 1 notîced several itemi en which*Il eed some comment h nleeded. Pirst, on your front page youi heading statled. Street and tre have Trustecs stumped. Pieuse bc âcdvised that the Trustees are by no means stumped but aire trying ý!o setl a problem in a fuir and feqUitable way to the parties con- 4cern, ci. Also ta týhis article, You hnv, aprgah makiag speÉia note, Pôf '4te(meat by VMnTex- rnant which gives every indication 4tli the Trustees are being dlic- Itt' d io. PIeuse be also udvised tht ne~ersor jw neronq bavein 4he pasit, or will now or in the fu- ture dictate what the Truistees will or wiIl he, do but that the Trus- tees will muake every attempt to ,do ithe job given them in aj i, fair 'and just way us possible accord- îng to the regulutions laid down in the Municipal Act. AIso regarding your comments re policy on Regional Govern- ~ment. As you must be fully aware from having attended Trustee mnnd Il dro meetings that both ,parties on aurnerouq occusions bave stted their feelings, even to the point of sending a lctter to the Lakeshore Utilities Associ- ation for- their brief to the De- -purtment of Municipal Affairs, that we are- not in favour of join- ing the Oshaw-a region as the in- tent of ïi,,ng representation by population wouîd.% give Orono, -Newca Ife and Clurke Township 'one cor-nbined vote îtgainst a -joint ,Oshawa, Whitby vote of possibly 15S to 20. 1 imagine 34r. Newman in hîs talks is awure of this. The lat commeint ~oneeý,rning an ýan article a)bouit intervicew with Pire Chîef Mrerlbout g rass lires. The Chief stWtes that the 'Township hias, no effective by,-law * to govern lighting fires. Mr. Mler- eer, as Chief, should, be wlIa- W.FRAU4 REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 Kinjz St W. Bowmanvile. 823-3393 Toronto 923-9114 Port Hope offiée 885-4543 For prompt, courteogs', effici- eut service when buying or elng and for thre largest sel- ectl. of properties ini the 1a Conitact Orone Area Representatives' Roy Fostcr 983-5801 us Lr es y rg ,n- )u al, 1- )n ir )- rn ware that a by-law does in fac exist, having been passed bi Council at the time the new Fir( Departmnent, was organizcd and iý only waiting to be enforced. Thtý by-law, as well as. one appointini the Fire Chef was donc at th( specifie request of the Pire Mai shall's office to control the ver: problem of which the Chiel speaks. We appreciate the intercst oi the press in printing the happen. ings in local goverament but as we have stated in the past we would liké to sec an accurate ac- count and one that is flot mis- leadiipg in the way it can bcein- terpreted by the reading public. Yours truly, Douglas Simpson, Chairmar Oronio Police Trustees. EDITOR'S NOTE- 'On checking at the Township, office we find that no1 by-law exisnts' regarding the lighting of fîres. A resolution passed in 1967 dîd exist until this last Tuesday when it was rescind- cd and replaceçl with another re- solutiiý. The fini- resolution was considered inadequate by the Towaship, as suggesjted by _the fire chief. The new resolution ap- peurs in (the. Council aews for this week. 1't can be noted that it-is very limiteci in iit's scope and car- ries no penalties for violation of its condition~s. Further, we might point out Ithat there is a great difference betweea a by-law and a resolut ion, The fire chiief, we feel, was correct in lis assess- mn:t of ithe legislation, if it can- be -callcd, legislition. ýy ýe is Is g ýe 'y 's Kendal News On Si.eiday, May lOtir it is Mo-ý ther's Day or Pamnily Day and thie babies will be baptized. It is also our $uniday Sehool Anniversary so we will look forward to a good attendunce. Tire cirildren will re- ceive their attendunce pins and ,special pnizes ait 11:15 a.mi. Plans are being made for Ken- dul's, CeYtenial Service on tire afternoon of June 7tir. Lo ng ugo a tcachire at McLean's Scirool sent a note home wit'h a boy. It said, "If Tommy s conduet does not imporve 1 siraîl have1 to sus- pend hlm." Tire parents were not familiar with the word 'suspend'. They, thought it meant te, hang hmm. Tirey wcrc indeed alurmed. A verU severe elctrie storm on Priday miorning ruined Les Mon- gan's radio, b1,,w, several fuses and, put the telephone_ out oÊ or- der' One oftire, problemns fucing our fariners itoday is the lime fence between him and new neigirbeurs.. It used to bc that cacir farmer builit 'haîf Ithe fence and kçpt iris iraîf repaired. 11-ow tire neigirbour may sclliris farm in ten acre lots ,to fourtecn city dwellers. Pcrhaps one, farmer builit iraif tire fence new wirilc lire ther farmer know- ing ire was going- to seli propped iris up. Tiren ire sold to the four- teen city mca. Tire furmer isnow respousible for haif of the four- teen fences. A ncw ruling ie:need- ed. Tire Penny* Sale of Kendul W.I. will be ireld in the scirool. ut 8 p.m. tis. Saturday evening. A numben of frieads and relu- tives of Mr. and, Mrs. E. Couroux i met ia Garden Hill hall on Sat-i urday nigirt, May 2nd to irelp them celebrate tireïr twenty-fifth t wedding anniversury. ('an b-ohi,çh donc te get rid of tire old derelict cars p'-rk- i ed everywhere uround Kendal? b Tire one ta front of the "Searî pro- s ,pertv iras been in tire ditcir for nontirs.0 Letter To' Editor Up And Down Local N.Ow-s- Mrs. Berthra Toucirburn was a delegateý to tire Sping AssemMly of tire Pederationi of Women Teachers in, Ottawa tins past - week-end. Tire -U.C.W. groups ircld a most successful. bazaur, tea and bake bake sale 1 >ast Saturday afternoon in tire basemient of tire Onono Un-'- àted ehurch. A flamber of tire groups cleared over $100 la tireir particular booth. Miss Elaine Porrester, iraving completed tire two year Business Secretanial course ut Durhram Col- lege, iras uccepted a position witir tire Provincial Government, De- partment of Tourismn. Sire startcd with the_, Departnlent on Monday. Miss Brea da Van Dam, Pontypool who eompleted the same- course, is now employed by tire Depart- ment of Mines, Province of Ont- unio. A fleck of geese eaused a great flap lust Tirursday menning when tirey eatered tire Mill Pond for a brief stay. 1hle Book Stacks Tretway Tours NEW BOOKS, MAY 7th AI.ULT- Guinne,: Book of WorldRecords, by Norris and Ross McWhirter (Revised and t:p to date.) Ox Belis and Pireflies by Ernest Buckler (memories of the days wienOen were s,'ill yolked to Sledges in Nova Scotia.. Cirrisitine Jorgensen - a personal autobiography The Hunehback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo. Doctor. Geyers - Proee~ by Mur- jonce Norreil (romance). 1, the King by Prancis Parkinson Keyes (Another h esit seller). Noîlti Cape by Joe Poyer (A sp'llbinidingsor of near fu- iture, espionage between tire US and Uussia. JUNIOR- Reptiles As Pets by Paul Villiard This is a seientifically factual book, answening all questions on îthe keeping o f. Reptiles as pets. Enjoying tire World of Art by P. Belves, and Francios Mathey. Turn tire pages slowly and just by using your eyes, leara the fnlehantment 'that lies in pici turcs. The 11i,,j'iWQrld by Ludwig Bemn- elmens, a story about the Aus-t- rian Tyr-ol. Tough Enough's Trip by Ruth and ýLatrobe Carroll. This well 'loved dog is baec4 again, on a trip to tire Oce an,, KINDERGARTEN and PýRE- SCHOOL The Case of the Hungry Stran- ger by Crosby Bonsaîl. An I can rcad mysery. OLA ,by, Jîngri ancj Edgar, Paria Dýuar (trolls, red-capped Gnomes in Norway. Ten Apples Up On Top by Theo LeSîeg (woaideï-fully humerous Illustraitions) llow Hippo by Mv Aaria Brown, a 1969, honour book. 01,,ga Bcauchamp Bott les (Continued from page 4) Lown ,hall. .Roy Poster spoke of tire area .arou!nd his home,, in Clarke Town- sirip-, whiei was littercd witir' bot. les, brokea 'botties and cans. A few week-ends ago, ire collected a )ushel 'basket of bottles, particu- larly beer botties, from the road- side. H1e also mentioned a group of fisirermen who 'had a pienie and simplyv got up and walked away fromn thëir garba,,Ie. "Its ridiculous, but how can we stop. t?ý" he suid. Mr. Poster, wiro is chaýirmun -of the authority, suggested a 10 cent deposit on every bottlc beca'use :ids jusýt would flot pick up the non-returnable ,baftles. The provincial govcrnment saîd iwas studying thie problem of botitles, but whait was there to -udy? Tire deposit sirould not only be n pop botties, he said, but on Specials to Calgary -Stampede '- Canad*,i Rockies and YellowstoneNain al Park July 6th to. 26th July 13th to August 2nd MARITIMES July l8th to August- lat September 12th to 26th MOOSONÉE JulY l9th to 22nd .Tuly 26th to 29th JulY 3lst to August 3rd 1QUÉEC CITY July 3lst to Auyust 3rd, For Itineraries contact TRENTWAY TOURS - BOX 772 PeterbOrouIgh - Phone 742-9192 c-20-c beer and alcoirol' bottles. Elmer Scott of HTope Township told t 'he members of the autiority 4, of tire problcm witir bottles in tire 'Garden , Hill, Conservation Authority park and of the many, broken bottles in the crcck. J. A. Reynolds of Port Hope said it fhad. to ire remembered, that wirile the government wus "study- ing bottles" there would ,probably be a lot of "quite important lob- bying" from the glass manufuet-' urers. "Tht goverfiment iras discusstdi this so many times,. yet tirey arc' up against this lobbying," ire suid. ---Mrs. Margaret Hum--'-tire au- tirity's sccretany, wiro' retires tis month, pointed out tha(t Tor- onto seientists hud just discover- cd a biodegrudable plastic, whicir disint(.erates if left ouit in thec-" ultra violet rays of the sun for a- bout. a month. The, members ugreed that, pos- sibly, this was tire only solution to prevent tire countryside from being buricd in boitties. -Coming Events W.I. PENNY SALE W. I. Penny Sale in Kendal School, Saturday, Mey 9 at 8 p.m. Beautiful Colonial 'Lady Quilt, Rose Crib'Quit and many lovely useful 'articles. Admission 25e. b-c Wanted Dead or- Crippled Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Telephone Collect 263-2721 >Margwill Fur Farm Licence, No. 258-C-70 24 HOUR Genereil Welding, and Mechanicaci service Ail Work Guaranteed Farm and Industrial Work Vour Premises or Our Sirop A.S.M.E - C.SA. Approved PHONE 263-8818 NOW OPERATING ORONO TAXI RADIO DISPATCHED CAB 983-5501 For Prompt, Courteous Service problems: experts can, purouide k the solution. It takes a home heating expert to solve youy heating prohlem,, Cail your Esso Home Comfort ýPec!iÉlïs scomplete homre ýurvey ta-kes, al! things imb cor.- sideration, like room dimensions, Inaulationan.d everythiiagneces.. Sary to gi ve you a positive rec- ommendationorrwhich -,furnace' you'll need and if any changes to pipes anid ducis are necessary. Get the riqht solution ta your heating needs hefore it costs yoL, a single pe nny. Coul the experts. Cou Esso. ORONO' 983-5206 Haorvey Partner PLUMBING and HIEATING Orono, Ontario NO PAYMENT TILL, OCTOBER lst MEETXNG ON REGIONAL PLANNING Tu esday, May 12 - 8 p.i.. Orono Town Hall Guest Speakers: (1) D. G. Newman, Cirirman, FÈxecutive Committee (2) R. E. Sims, Chairman, Study Operutions Committee and Executive Administrator. Spnnsored 'by Clarke Citizens Committee and Ratepayers Ine. Assistant To Supervisor 0f Finance Applications ,Will be received by tire undersigned until 5:00 p.m. May 15, 1970 for an,,assistant to thre Supervisor of Fin- ance. Preferen ce will be given to graduates of recognized Can- adian Accounting« Courses, although consideration will be given to persons who have a sound background of uccount- ing, experlence and to persons who are enrolled in the above courses. Salury commensurate with qualifications and ubility. Letters should be written, listing qualifications and exper- ience, and uddressed to:* M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education, Box 470, Cobourg. ORONO WpRlrcyýv TIMP.O. rýHURSDAY. MAV Atik- le-là