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Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1970, p. 1

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olo public Lîbrary Jan le, 1969 Weekly TimesC ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THURSDAY, MAYý 28th, 1970 One Hundred Entries In GarW eChre Oron SpingFb e Shw ~To $2.OO irstesO Singînjg Spring songs, accomp- nanied by Gladys Brown at the piano, put cveryone in good mood to, enjoy the Horticultural meet- ing sud the Spring Flower Show on May 21. The President, Mrs. E. Couvier, welcomed those present and ex- tended thanks to ail who had helped prepare for il. il was decided to hold a 'Win- dow Box or Planter competition again thougli it is not lu the book, so get your flower boxes rcady. Tho President presontod a D p- lorna for Merilorious Service to Mr. . Challico for his years a' Presidont tiot jîsat for the b'eger things but also for the many smalieî deeds which many did pot know about. Mr. Challice cx- pressed bis thanks., lIrs W. Wood Wa 3 the rocîpient of a botti- of Plant Food to re- plenisb ber supply which she us- -e( on the ilorticultural flowor beds. Mr ý. (olivier introduced Mi. Frank Samîs, Bowmanville, a Gladioli fancicr and a momb er of the National Gladiolu,îs So5etv. lie gave a nuîuber of pontes on the gîowing of glacIs and showed sldes of msny of his own. seed- lings whichlie bas hybridized, some of which have won as manv as 7 guaind> cbampionships. 11e said Ihat Salmon Quecu, ore of the grestisow glads, is 25 y'ears old. Mr. Samnis informed us that lu 1971, the 50O-th Anniverssry of the World Wide Glad 'show will ho hcld at the C.N.E. It is expect e d there iili ho 5000 single spike entries. These will be on display for two dsys, then thé next two days will be baskets and arrange- ments. This is ceîtainly a show to keep in mmnd for next year, particulai:1y whcn it is s0 close jo home. Ms. (Convier cxpressed Ihanks to Mr. Samis sud pre'iented a gift. Anyone is welcome to visit his gàrdens, next to the Ontario Street school, lu Bowmanville. Mis. C. E. Miller was judgo for the flower show. This was quite a task as thb- 24 exhibitors had, brought lu 100 entries. She made a few remarks and mentioned in )ar'iular Mrs. Schmid's "iCon- versation Piece' and Mrs. Schoen- niaker's '" Walk Througb the Woods." Thèse were beautifully donc. There was also an excep- tional display of house plants. Mrs. iller brought pictures she had received from Belgiurn, showiuig the Flower show whicb is held there, 'at Gbent, gnly cv- er five years. This would ho a, brifa- itaking sight to sec iu t aty. Th 'h P rfnt- pre sented a3 mi4t pi 2 , winners werc Mrs. I. V o fat and -itÎs. I-1. Mercer. s W- ~and her com nitîe bi,c C-eoi râbadfo P-z, Viien t:, a the Spring Siow arc as fol1ows: C' - s 'T-Sred tulips: 2'is-. C. Ta o r. 11 . CIass 2 3 yelow tulip s: 1ev. Long, M1rIl Cobbedick, hi ,. R. Chapna . Cia :t. '3 3 pi nk tulips: 1ir. C. T'ylr 0iI~i. O oatham, iXrs. E. Couvier. Cla,s 4 31 any other colour: 1ev. Long, Hr.1. Cobblodick, Mn3. C. Billings. Class 5 -~ lily flowered tlps dîk r.C. Billings. Clazs 6 - 3 parrot tulips: Mrs. B. Long, Mns. B. Cowan, Mrs. H. Mlurray. Class 7 - 2 double tulips: Mr. O. Coal'ham, Mis. O. Coatham. C]ass 8 - 3 daffodils or narcissi: Mr. O. Challice, Mrs. O. Challice, Mis. F. Zegers. Class 9 - African Violet: Mrs. W. Wood, Mrs. I. Farrow, Mrs.ý E. Convier. Cla'ss 10 - flouse plants: Mrs. W., Wood, Mrs. K. Schoenmaker, Mis. C. Taylor. las 11 - 'Walk Throughth Woods': Mirs. Schoonmakeî, Mis. E. Sehmid, Mrs. Zegers. Class 12 - 'Tail Story': Mis. R. Chapian. Miss Donna Challice, Mrs. Zegcers. Class 13 - 'Conversation Piece': Mis. Schmid. Mis. Zegers, Donna Challice. o. J-f t t' R. ~ -~ airs "t ils P~s~~,clt Ps '~ o îrereased the ',,-tion within fed percent to $2.00 a -i~d to $3.00 i 31 qlestab- k~Mr. E. ý ]3rzd to olctrthe e ~btwe<'u IlS. iloffat and r u"k's for a ' 1of the Vîi1li' ' ) idtb'ýt a by-law hJw a O tga out fees for )t f t'Ineasias33 wvll as ½Woodyard stated Ihat s'- - ro'so vould i s k- the upkeep t~~~n th( sdIat this ) I' t~ocharges for i s 'uested that q ' iid with the rti Ibir lawv- 'sk ', te park- "'lt have same n -icmeting of /'~ o~'tus'also given t- P~ arr'n sl'nce a copy OFfuaai Bere]c Little, PI:, ii5 <'o i"tat.reference s st-" tnblislsmc"t of a b sld lt on thse nortb-e',t as"'s' V7lî . J. L. Bowius T) i' 0 tf , ree uts also made Ib - 'ilio of lihe Township 7osOne B 13-iaw .v vhereby a building hý not ho b- erctail witbin 100 foot of's I.shen or river bank. upon .sugýgestîinof 14y. Littoleai now awaitiug s decirion from cih Ganarsska Conservation Author- ity lu this mattor. Also lu the correspondence, a copy of a letter from E. R. Love- kmn 10 (ouncil rcferred b a rmeet- ing with Mr. Laverue Boyd at it was statecI that the abandoned cemetery hehind Mr. Boyd's bouse was being used as a park- ing lot. The letter made no roc- ommendation to Council lu the malter but did. state that the (larke Township Cemetery board shou]d receive the support of Council. $40,013. DEFICIT The Clarke Township ;Fin 'ancial Stalcmeut lu regards the Orono Police Village shows a deficit of $40,023-00 in the rovenue-expeud- (Contiuued page 6) Mr. Douglas Moffatt of Garden b' tion as ND)P candidate Hill of) speaks to Mfr. Vichert, h's'i ýro"'s ('Ibawa followiug presid.nt of the Outario NDP As- f"'v t-bs' ar Coistv on Ssturday sr.-iation sud Mr. Cliff Pilkoy, N- e-,c 'i1st, lu Crono. DP risembers lu the Ontario Log- ACenteuuial College teacher, E. P.' (Pat) Bentlev sund tbrée seleckîd automotive techuician studeut' leavez- Toronto' MV ý,23 for a thîe w eek voluntary swork pet-lad of automotive servicing lu- sîjisclion there. Tbe g"oun usas rcquested by su,- wiP wIt-k undor the direct supervision of the J-Ilon . WS. îsland. Tbey will teacl co nesl ha sic automotive' - serviciug princ- iples sud electricity to -prospect- ive teachers, garage attendants sud the general public. Mir. Ben tley sud the tht-ce stud- ents will work closely with Dom- inican counterparts. This wilI en- sure that the servicing program will bhe maiutained tbrough per- soual contact with Ceulennial. As weil as providiug this needed training, this projecl will ensure Ihal a sohool vehicle' heiug don- atd y Ceutennial to Dominica' will ho kept lu good repair. This vehicle, requested by Dominica under Projecî School-to-Scbool of the Ontario Goveînment, will be used to carry supplies aud teacli- ors botween three new schools noariug completion by the Can- adian Goverumout. The scbool vehiche represents a donation by Ceutenulal to Dominica worlb 0v- cr $3,000. The Cenlennial paîty are cou- tributing thieir own lime sud ex- pertise to the piojeccl on an un- paid basis. Travel expenses are being met by a grant from the Ontario Governmenl's Education- RON BEST aI sud Cul tural Exchange Pro- gram. Dominica is supplyiug hed sud board. Mr. Bontlcy, who is assistant bead of Ceuleuuial's molor vo- bicie méchanic progîsrn, lives at 417 Burnhamtborp Road, Isling- ton. The thîee studeuls accom- panyiug hlm are: Ron BesI, of R.R. 2, Orono, Ontario; Pst Ko- hanski of 11.1. 2, Thunder Bay, Ontario; sud Munro Ê~raser, of Box 426, Gait, Ontario. Mr. Rûonl Bost took part in the Centennial Collene Convocation, lait Thursday, boing vice-presi- dent of the Student Council. Orono Hydro Coù-sidering $20,9000 Truck Purehase Pictured above is ,,Mis. ireue witoi monîlis *snubly cuchre 'Ilaits'nai, Mr. Joseph Kiasuer sud parties weîo hold with average Mr. P~aul Joues. Mrs.. Halîsma sud attendance nearing forby. 'Last" Mr. Joues were presented wibh Thursday the finals were held aI the cbampî""nship euchre rophies the Oddfellow's Hall with Mis. by Mr. Kasaner, on tehalf of Curv- Haitsma and Mr. Joues being top Iply Wood Produets.* During the winners. Rumiers up weie Miss Julie Joues sund Mi. Hughie Little. Miss" Mary Tonnant sund-Mi. Reg. CrofI bolcI the honour-for the low scores of the yoar. Mrs. Joan Suteliffe and Mis. Denise Annaeît oiganized, the monthly cuchre pariles. The Orono Hydio Commission is cousideriug the purchase of s uew $20,000. truck sud bucket equipmeist for the local Hydro syslemo. Quotations were receivod on Mouday eveniug bolli for the equipmont sud for the truck, The Commission made no decis- ion sud are 10 seek a 'meeting witb the Ontario Hydro 10 discus the fiuancing of'sncb a purchase. Mi. Woodyaîd. aftei the quo- talion ,had- been submiîted hy the hydro .manager, asked who was now going to pull. the rahbit ont of the bat b psy for the equip- mnent. Mi. Simpson asked how they would get along without such now equipmeut. Mr. Dowu, manager, stated that Orono Hydro had now around $11,O00lu the bauk. Hie also said the violer account should psy 20 percent ofI the cost, an amount of ,,4 000.00. Furîber, ho foit, thal they could eul back on work bo b' doue Ibis yeaî bo a minimum sud Ibat Ibis should givo suffie- lent funds 10 make the purchase, The -Commnission bas set a cap- iai budget of $10,200. for 1970 for ovoiheud linos, transformera, meteis etc. The Commissioners increased Iheir annual remuneiation from $12500 to $150.00. Inu February the Co'mi-lon set' a rate of $20.00 per- day for attending out- of-town meetings. This was lu- ecased,,to $30.00 a day, on Mon- day ovening. In additio 'n -lodging, meals sud travel expenses are bo be paid. The manager's salaîy was set at the first of the year at $8,500.00. 'VOLUME 34, NUMBER 22 . ... ......... .

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